A Mysterious Ailment is Infecting Panthers in Florida. Could It Be a Prion Disease?
Some panthers and bobcats in Florida have been acting strangely lately. Experts are struggling to determine the cause. Could it ...
Some panthers and bobcats in Florida have been acting strangely lately. Experts are struggling to determine the cause. Could it ...
Zombie deer disease is spreading in North America, and the Canadian government has issued a warning about the always-fatal ...
I don't mean to be a party pooper (sorry, had to), but as beautiful as many of the beaches in ...
The WHO has declared the Ebola outbreak in the DRC an international emergency. But, experts STILL recommend keeping the borders ...
Here's a round-up of information about CBD products and the studies that suggest how they may be able to help ...
Have you noticed that there seems to be another major food recall every week or so? Let’s look at why ...
While fun tends to peak during the warmer months, so does your risk of getting sick from contaminated food. Here's ...
The FDA has linked numerous brands of high-quality dog food to increased risk of heart disease in dogs, with three ...
A new study has found that cannabidiol (commonly known as CBD) is remarkably effective at killing a wide range ...
While a growing body of research is revealing the abundant health benefits of CBD, one question remains difficult to answer: How ...
The FDA has quietly revealed some troubling information about a class of toxic chemicals that the agency found in significant ...
Modern life can make it difficult to get enough physical activity. Here are 45 ways you can add more to ...
By 2050, WHO predicts that 10 million people could die because, due to our overuse of antibiotics, we'll run out ...
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