Money Problems in America: Guilt, Shame, and Other Lies
Poverty and money problems are universal dilemmas that can happen to anyone, and they're often accompanied by guilt, shame, and ...
Poverty and money problems are universal dilemmas that can happen to anyone, and they're often accompanied by guilt, shame, and ...
Many people are on a special diet these days for many different reasons. Here's how to adhere to your eating ...
Being able to adjust and even lower expectations to meet the twists and changes that are part of life means ...
Confirmed RSV rates are increasing in children. Is the pandemic indirectly to blame? If so, things may get worse before ...
Being underestimated can feel incredibly frustrating, but, the secret is, it can also be a tremendous advantage if you're up ...
There is a LOT of terrible medical advice out there on the internet. In this video, two paramedics discuss 12 ...
When the world seems so completely out of control, it's important to get a handle on the things you can. ...
Suicide prevention isn't talked about much by preppers. We plan for disasters and hardship. But do we know how to ...
Are you fit enough to survive a natural disaster? Here, a survivor of the Indian Ocean Tsunami offers reasons ...
Situational bias is a cognitive bias that can cause some people to believe that their unique skills, level of preparedness, ...
A prepper's mental fatigue or self-pity can cause serious consequences in a long-term crisis. Early intervention and management are ...
Here are 8 techniques for the development of advanced situational awareness that can be practiced during everyday scenarios.
Americans are experiencing limited options, not shortages. The sooner you adapt to limitations, the better off you will be when ...
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