EWG’s 2018 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 Lists (and Why “Experts” Are Telling Us to Ignore Them)
Here's the annual "Dirty Dozen" list of the foods most contaminated with pesticides. Meanwhile, nutrition "experts" are telling consumers to ...
Here's the annual "Dirty Dozen" list of the foods most contaminated with pesticides. Meanwhile, nutrition "experts" are telling consumers to ...
Selco shares the harsh reality of what it's like when the medical system is gone and what we must know ...
Each bottle could be contaminated with hundreds -or even thousands - of plastic particles, which we ingest every time ...
In Venezuela, many formerly forgotten diseases are making a deadly comeback as the lack of sanitation and the increase of ...
Whether you can't cook, won't cook, don't have time to cook, or just want some speedy solutions for busy days, ...
There's always ferocious debate about what kind of disinfectants to use, but there's a place for both natural and chemical ...
Tens of thousands of Americans have died from the flu, but these stats are tough to find. Are they trying ...
Reducing your risk of catching the flu has everything to do with personal hygiene, leading a healthy lifestyle, and boosting your ...
Winter brings its own special set of common injuries. Here is what you need to know to recognize, prevent, and ...
Citing a strain on "overwhelmed" health resources, an official State of Emergency has been declared in Alabama due to the ...
Cold or flu? Here's how to tell whether it's just a cold or something more serious, like influenza - and ...
It has been 100 years since the Spanish flu infected 500 million people around the globe and wiped out an ...
In an already bad situation, can you imagine the helplessness you'd feel if your loved one was having an asthma ...
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