Most of Us Are NOT Participating in the Hysterical Rage You See on the News
To see the media portray it, you'd think that the United States of America is a hotbed of seething rage, ...
To see the media portray it, you'd think that the United States of America is a hotbed of seething rage, ...
Extreme poverty is becoming more common. If you're in a desperate situation in which you can't pay your bills, here's ...
A small Mexican town completely got rid of a violent crime and corruption when they kicked out all the politicians ...
Theories about the Presidential Alert sent yesterday took over the internet. But one comes from a very credible source ...
Tim Berners-Lee, the guy who created the internet, has a plan to take it back from greedy corporations that manipulate ...
It only took one day of the CIBC debacle to remind people of why digital transactions are at the mercy ...
You've probably heard about the dystopian "social credit" system they have in China & been relieved we don't have it ...
The pressure on officials in North Carolina regarding the arrest of Tammy Hedges for rescuing animals during Hurricane Florence was ...
The current Ebola outbreak is already one of the worst in history and the WHO says a "perfect storm" of ...
The "solutions" provided by the govt. for people displaced by Kilauea's eruption were lacking. So people banded together as a ...
Tammy Hedges of North Carolina was ARRESTED for saving cats and dogs from the flood because she didn't have "permission." ...
When mainstream publications start warning of an economic collapse "worse than the Great Depression" you'd better start paying attention.
Catastrophes like Hurricane Florence aren't just "over" one day. There are valuable lessons that preppers can learn from both the ...
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