What’s Really Behind All the Plastic Bans Happening Simultaneously?
Plastic is bad for us and bad for the earth, but is there a darker, more menacing reason for the ...
Plastic is bad for us and bad for the earth, but is there a darker, more menacing reason for the ...
Lowe's, a hardware and home improvement store that has been around for 72 years, is closing around 50 locations. Is ...
Jewish Nurse Ari Mahler had every reason to hate the man in his ER, but he treated the synagogue shooter ...
According to the Wall Street Journal, rising production and transportation costs mean we're about to see inflation that will increase ...
Does your favorite cereal contain glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller? The answer is probably YES! Here's how to ...
The hysteria surrounding the migrant caravan isn't helping anyone who wants to get prepared for a worst-case scenario. Let's take ...
Thousands of people are volunteering to be microchipped "for convenience" in Sweden. Can the rest of the world really ...
With the internet, it's never been easier to find like-minded folks. Big Tech took advantage of our urge to connect ...
Vladimir Putin's comments at a Russian think tank last week about the results of a potential nuclear holocaust should concern ...
Parents in California have lost yet another right as the state limits kid's menu drink choices to milk or water ...
As Big Tech shuts down the voices of dissent to "protect the elections, you're getting a live demonstration of what ...
Hundreds of pages fell victim to the alternative media purge yesterday in just one more step toward a monopoly on ...
Raise your hand if you survived a childhood in the 60s-70s-80s that included one or more of these frowned-upon activities ...
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