French Yellow Vest Protests Spread Through Europe To Belgium And The Netherlands
As protests continue to rage in France, discontent is festering elsewhere in Europe. Yellow vest protests are now occurring in Belgium ...
As protests continue to rage in France, discontent is festering elsewhere in Europe. Yellow vest protests are now occurring in Belgium ...
More than 1,400 employees, journalists, and human rights organizations are calling on Google to halt a controversial search engine project ...
Seemingly innocuous apps on your phone are tracking every step you take, every stop you make, and then selling it ...
China is deploying emotional surveillance technology that mines data from the minds of its citizens. Essentially, they're data mining by ...
Every indication we have about the riots shows that the French people have finally and legitimately had enough of being ...
C.S. Lewis, beloved author of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe had an important warning about genetically edited babies...and he said it ...
Atlanta airport’s Terminal F has become the “first biometric terminal” in the United States. And Detroit is next...
The creepy social credit program in China just blacklisted 15 million citizens from travel. Here are 3 reasons that this ...
Are the riots in France being manipulated by false news and paid protesters? Selco shares his perspective and warns, "Every ...
A proposed anti-gun bill would require prospective gun owners to turn over their internet search history and social media passwords ...
A long-held federal hemp ban based on propaganda and misinformation has finally been lifted in the US thanks to provisions ...
Countries around the world are dumping the US dollar. Here's why - and what could happen if the American currency ...
Think meat prices are outrageous now? If a group of scientists has their way, there would be a meat tax ...
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