HORRIFYING Medieval Diseases Are Making a Comeback: “It’s a Public Health Crisis”
If outbreaks like these are beginning to spread among the population now, can you imagine what things will be like ...
If outbreaks like these are beginning to spread among the population now, can you imagine what things will be like ...
April 6th is "Y2K" for GPS - and not just your personal nav device. Experts warn the power grid, finance, ...
Because the inevitable reality of robot overlords eventually taking over isn't troubling enough, we now have another reason to be ...
A Colorado sheriff has stated that he opposes a proposed new gun control law so much that he is willing ...
Who bears the ultimate responsibility for your child's health and safety? You, the parent? Or is the onus on ...
In Arizona, three unvaccinated children were torn from their terrified parents in a shocking middle-of-the-night SWAT raid.
Most of the unvaccinated NY children banned from public places are Orthodox Jews. And now their parents could be facing ...
If AI can develop prejudices and learn to hate without any input from humans, what does this mean for the ...
In the world of essential oils, there's a lot of horrible - even potentially deadly - advice from people who ...
The FDA has announced that California avocados distributed to 6 states have been recalled due to possible contamination with ...
Are you worried that air travel just isn't quite invasive enough? Don't worry. More and more airports are rolling out ...
Fueled by mainstream media propaganda and social media censorship, the vaccine debate has gotten personal...and very, very ugly.
In a movement that is sweeping the nation, cities, counties, and even entire states are declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries ...
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