Why Is The Federal Govt. Hiring “EBOLA Airport Screeners?”
When the government becomes publicly concerned about something like Ebola, don't you wonder what they know that we do ...
When the government becomes publicly concerned about something like Ebola, don't you wonder what they know that we do ...
Hurricane Dorian made violent landfall in the Bahamas. The PM said, "You cannot tell...the beginning of the street, versus where ...
Hurricane Dorian has ramped up to a Category 5 which is the highest level on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. ...
If you live in Florida, Georgia, or the Carolinas, you have (hopefully) heard by now that a big storm is ...
Orwell warned us about a dystopia that we wouldn't be able to stop, Huxley warned us about a dystopia that ...
In 2019, it's no longer safe to assume that protesters are organic. It's also not safe to assume that all ...
The MSM has finally picked up what alternative media has been reporting about a looming recession. And, politically, the timing ...
Some panthers and bobcats in Florida have been acting strangely lately. Experts are struggling to determine the cause. Could it ...
Last week, a county in central Kansas experienced something quite unusual for the region: within a five day period, there ...
Red Flag Gun Laws: Police seized a pistol, 2 rifles, "hundreds" of rounds, and some camo clothes after a man's ...
Public attention on Big Tech's privacy violations has forced them to start going underground via secret back-end deals with the ...
Isn't it rather hypocritical when a bunch of rich people take 114 private jets to an island to discuss how ...
With mass censorship of alternative media, Americans are currently in the midst of a virtual "book burning" akin to the ...
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