20 Million People QUARANTINED in China for Wuhan Coronavirus: What to Do RIGHT NOW
20 million people in China were quarantined overnight without warning. Here's what you need to do RIGHT NOW if you're ...
20 million people in China were quarantined overnight without warning. Here's what you need to do RIGHT NOW if you're ...
Information is a currency all it’s own. It enables us to make proper decisions and take action. But what happens ...
How deadly is the Wuhan Coronavirus? How is it spread? How can you prepare for a potentially deadly pandemic? Here's ...
Think the government will save you? Puerto Ricans just found a warehouse FULL of emergency supplies stashed since Hurricane Maria ...
Governor Ralph Northam declares a State of Emergency in Virginia because he says "armed militia groups plan to storm the ...
The Virginia Congress isn't taking enraged citizens very seriously. The Senate Judiciary Committee advanced 4 recently proposed anti-gun bills ...
Antibiotic-resistant illnesses are on the rise in Venezuela. Add this to malnutrition and poverty, and many are dying from things ...
The General Assembly of Virginia isn't done trampling the Second Amendment yet. They have lots more potential felonies in store ...
Qassim Soleimani was assassinated by a US drone. Here's some information on the background of this conflict, what happened, and ...
Here's another "crazy conspiracy theory" about gun control that has turned out to be true. The UN is hiring "disarmament ...
You might be down right now, but you'll only stay down if you refuse to get back up. You don't ...
While these recent developments in Ebola testing and vaccines *must* be purely coincidental, you may wish to pay attention to ...
Less than a day after 2000 documents were published proving the govt knew the Afghanistan War was unwinnable, Congress approved ...
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