The Supply Chain Is Broken and Food Shortages Are HERE
Countries all over the world are experiencing supply chain problems. Food shortages are coming and there's not much time left ...
Countries all over the world are experiencing supply chain problems. Food shortages are coming and there's not much time left ...
In the world of survivalism, there's a lot of crossover with things like liberty and patriotism. But make no mistake, ...
Facebook's creepy new AI system could "help you remember everything from where you left your keys to whether you already ...
It's probably not big news that China is spying on people to mine data from them. But what about the ...
Biogas is reasonably easy to produce, environmentally safe, and is made from readily available resources, making it an excellent choice ...
In 2020, we've had a pandemic, riots, shortages, unemployment, and economic collapse. So many things have proven preppers right that ...
Fuel in Venezuela is not only limited, but apparently it's so low in quality vehicles are suffering almost irreparable damage. ...
The residents of Kenosha who stood their ground were completely on their own against the mobs rampaging through their neighborhoods. ...
Several privileged, wealthy rich white kids were arrested for rioting in NYC. Here's a look at their violent "revolutionary strategy" ...
Are you astonished at Antifa and extremist groups shouting "death to America?" Where did these young people come from who ...
From the economy to the justice system to the infrastructure, our system is crumbling in ways that could completely change ...
The Guardian posted an essay written by a robot to convince us AI is here to help. Except the essay ...
More than 200 campers who were trapped by a fast-moving wildfire were saved in an outrageously daring helicopter rescue that ...
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