Even Though the Suez Canal Is Reopened, It Could STILL Cause Catastrophic Supply Chain Damage
Even though the Suez Canal has reopened, the nearly-week-long blockage cost approximately $9.6 billion PER DAY in trade and could ...
Even though the Suez Canal has reopened, the nearly-week-long blockage cost approximately $9.6 billion PER DAY in trade and could ...
President Joe Biden may not be able to navigate himself up the stairs of Air Force One. But he can ...
Unsurprisingly, the Biden Administration is going after gun rights ASAP and is urging SCOTUS to uphold warrantless gun confiscation.
Is cyber warfare the conflict of the future? Cyberattacks can be utterly devastating and we might just be looking at ...
A defense contractor in South Carolina wants to "help" US Feds become better spies by providing the location data of ...
Ready for a glorious rant today? Read on. If Gen X wants to stop cancel culture, they need to discover what ...
While part of the country tentatively reopens, Americans in many areas are still urged to "stay home." Meanwhile, hundreds of ...
We're reaching the point at which America's military will be unable to arm and equip itself without Chinese-made supplies. So ...
Major banks are making huge investments in Big Agri, hoping to profit from food shortages that are sure to arise...oops...we ...
The Texas power grid is failing fast. Some Texans were shocked to get bills as high as $16,000 for ONE ...
Scientists are "resurrecting the dead" digitally with chatbots and photo reanimation in a creepy move that many fear will bring ...
Coming soon, just like when you leave your dog at a kennel, it appears that humans, too, will have to ...
Just because we can doesn't mean we should. Scientists are hard at work reawakening bacterial microbes that have been dormant ...
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