Did Japan Just Warn the US of an Impending Joint Attack From China and Russia?
In a concerning statement, the Japanese State Defense Minister seems to be warning the US of an impending joint attack ...
In a concerning statement, the Japanese State Defense Minister seems to be warning the US of an impending joint attack ...
Violent protests have erupted in South Africa at a level not seen since the Apartheid Regime. Fabian shares the story ...
A Tweet from the FBI is reminiscent of the days of Hitler Youth and the Third Reich, asking citizens to ...
A whole bunch of "great minds" got together for Cyber Polygon 2020 to decide what to do in the event ...
There is a difference between transhumanism and Posthumanism. Yet, just as socialism is the stepping-stone to communism, one is the ...
Within the World Economic Forum's Great Reset, the mantra has come out that by the year 2030, "you'll own nothing. ...
How many people died over the past year and a half because of the deliberate, coordinated suppression of research that ...
The "deprogramming" of Trump supporters and the "re-education" of white people to believe we owe penance to every person of ...
While electric power lobbyists are fighting AGAINST EMP protection of the US grid in Washington, it seems like the rest ...
This video was the most fun I ever had on film. Check out my interview with the Survival Preppers, Dale ...
What is an agricultural commodities supercycle and how will the shortage of these staples affect us personally? Here's what you ...
Overdosing on "hopium" or succumbing to normalcy bias can be detrimental to the point of suicide. This author offers a brutal reality ...
The State convinced people it was dangerous for them not to be watched during the worst of the pandemic. Now ...
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