Are You a Good Global Citizen? Your “ESG Score” Will Say It All.
The World Economic Forum and Agenda 21 unite once more to bring you the ESG score. Here's how they're going ...
The World Economic Forum and Agenda 21 unite once more to bring you the ESG score. Here's how they're going ...
A Russian fertilizer export ban is now in place. And guess from where American farmers purchase large amounts of fertilizer? ...
Whether you're for it or against it, you need to prepare for the American Freedom Convoy. Based on Canada's response, ...
The US is facing a prescription drug shortage. Is this shortage deliberately caused for political gain? Regardless, here's how this ...
Justin Trudeau has mobilized the Emergencies Act in Canada putting the nation under totalitarian rule and de facto martial ...
Who are the fathers of alternative news? Who is responsible for one's ability to receive information outside the MSM? Who ...
The New Zealand Freedom Convoy has arrived, as things rapidly escalate. Arrests, water, as well as "Baby Shark" and the ...
Mandates are leaving Europe. Is freedom gaining a foothold? The mixed messages in the US seem like our country is ...
What is the main takeaway of The Freedom Convoy the world is watching in Canada? Here are some of the ...
What does the Joe Rogan scandal have to do with the average American? Will how it plays out affect you? ...
Ottawa cops lied to the press, stole gas, took away their kitchen, and arrested people aiding the Freedom Convoy...but the ...
Robot dogs are now being used to patrol the southern border of the USA. Do you think their use will ...
Is the plan for a massive network of traffic cameras really about speed limits and "safety"? Or is it about ...
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