What is China Preparing For?
China has been busy conducting studies, building weaponry, and pandering to foreign influences. It makes you wonder what they're preparing ...
China has been busy conducting studies, building weaponry, and pandering to foreign influences. It makes you wonder what they're preparing ...
Russia was directly involved in crashing an American MQ-9 Reaper drone. Unsurprisingly, the stories from each side involved have some ...
The Ukrainian govt seems willing to use its own citizens as guinea pigs, and the American govt seems willing to ...
Another bank has fallen and more could come. Here's what we know about banks that could be at risk, and ...
Selco is back with advice for surviving the Balkanization we're witnessing in America. Here's how to start now by tapping ...
The FDIC has taken control of deposits in Silicon Valley Bank. Customers are not able to access their accounts, and ...
Our government holds a kangaroo court, and our media is Pravda. We live in a banana republic echoing Orwell's works ...
Think your money is safe in your FDIC-insured bank account? Think again. Bankers are planning to come for your money ...
A proposed bill in Florida would require bloggers to register with the government each time they write about government officials. ...
Quite a few "conspiracy theories" have recently come to light as actual facts in 2023 already. And it's only the ...
Woody Harrelson, everyone's favorite "hippie redneck," blasted Covid vaccines and mandates in a bit of SNL improv, and the audience ...
While officials will say otherwise, statistics show that train accidents really ARE increasing. The Ohio derailment highlights critical safety issues. ...
Since the inauguration of populist president Lula, it's been one piece of bad news after another in politics, economy, freedom, ...
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