

Field Trip from Hell: Teacher Says to Black 7th Grader “N*gger if you can read, there is a problem”

Sometimes a school does something so magnificently idiotic in the name of education, you have to wonder if it is …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Untouchable: Government Gives Monsanto the Go-Ahead to Kill You and Your Family

The  FY14 Continuing Resolution (CR) spending bill  is soon to be on the table in the Senate, and hidden in this …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Move Over, Round-up: USDA Approves 2nd Generation GMOs That Can Withstand Even Deadlier Herbicide

The USDA has just approved a new generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than the toxic glyphosate …

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AllCommentaryPrepping & SurvivalPreserving

This Week’s Harvest: Pears

Pears are a late summer delight.  Sweet, juicy, and easy to eat, they are ready in abundance right now. If …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Biotech’s Next Line of Defense: Cartoons Are Used to Program Kids to Accept GMOs

What is the best way to change public perceptions on any topic? Through entertainment. The battle to control us through …

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Is Your Child a Student or a Slave?

UPDATE: Please check the end of the article for an update on this situation. Back to school sure isn’t the same …

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Monsanto Again Serves as Human Resources for the Government

Following in the footsteps of other Monsanto bigwigs going through the government’s revolving door, the seed company has again supplied …

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The USDA Is Pushing Food Stamps Like a Drug Dealer at a Grade School

One in 7 Americans receives food stamps and the government wants the number to be even higher. Yes, I said …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Futurama Pimps Out Young Audience to Monsanto

If you wanted to reach an audience of smart, hip young people, how would you do it? If you wanted …

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Feds Visit Family Who Googled Backpacks & Pressure Cookers…But the NSA Isn’t Watching You

Be careful what you Google….you never know when it might get you a visit from the  federal anti-terrorism task force, …

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GMO Re-Education: Monsanto, Dow and Biotech Firms Unite to Launch Disinformation Site

If you had a question about how to protect yourself from a criminal known to break into houses in your …

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CommentaryHealth & MindsetPrepping & Survival

10 Ways to Commit Nutritional Anarchy

Once upon a time, if we felt we needed to, we could go to the pharmacy or department store, select …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Victims of a Toxic Civilization

Toxins that we in the “civilized world” are exposed to on a daily basis can cause flare-ups that lead to hospitalization, disability, and death.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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