

Pumpkin Festival Snipers: Part of the Police State or Protecting Citizens FROM the Police State?

The Keene, New Hampshire Pumpkin Festival is really awesome, but it probably doesn’t make the national news every year even …

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The “Average” EBT User May Not Be Who You’d Expect

When people think of the average EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card user, they envision a career welfare recipient who has …

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

72 Hour Warning: Grocery Stores Across the Country Turn Away Hungry Shoppers as EBT System Crashes

Abandoned carts full of food were a frequent sight in grocery stores Saturday morning, as the EBT food assistance debit …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Health Care vs. Death Care: 20 Ways to Stay Well (for Less Money than Obamacare)

How about instead of paying for Obamacare, we just spend that extra money on living well and healthfully? With the …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Winner! World Food Prize Awarded For Breakthroughs In Mass Population Poisoning

Monsanto and Sygenta have won the prestigious World Food Prize. Apparently, tampering with the genetic make-up of food and turning …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Bring It On: I Will Not Comply with Obamacare

I will not comply with Obamacare. There. I said it. I am unequivocally not going to be complying with Obamacare. …

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

Could Prepping Become Illegal Here Too? Venezuelan Govt to Detain “Hoarders”

As people who spend a lot of time focusing on preparedness, we can learn a lot about our future by …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

FDA and EPA are Victims of the Government Shutdown – Is This Supposed to be a Bad Thing?

I can’t really mourn too much that the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency are unable to continue …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Hello Obamacare, Goodbye Privacy: First Data Leak Reported and the System Isn’t Even Live Yet

The sanctity of medical privacy and doctor-patient privilege is a thing of the past with Obamacare. The insurance exchange database …

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

The EPA Takes an Ax to Self-Sufficiency: Most Woodburning Stoves Will Soon Be Illegal

    When you think of that little dream homestead in the woods, what does it include?  Probably a well …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

25 Safe Natural Alternatives to the Flu Shot

Want $10 off your bill at the grocery store?  Stop by our pharmacy and let us jab a needle full …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

The People Triumph Over Biotech: Monsanto Protection Act Defeated in Senate

  Finally, it seems like we have the attention of some of the members of Congress.  As the result of …

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

You’ve Been Warned: Why You Need to Be Ready for Total Grid Failure

If you haven’t been in a bubble cut off from all forms of media lately, it would be impossible to …

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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