

What’s Wrong with America’s Kids? A Look at Christmas 1913 Vs. Christmas 2013

Let’s face it:  There is something very, very wrong with a lot of kids today. It seems as though there …

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Why I Support Both the Right to be Gay AND Phil Robertson’s Right to Criticize It

When I first read the rant of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, I was offended by his crassly stated opinion on …

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Bah Humbug to Baby Jesus: Anti-Christian Neighbor Sends the Meanest Christmas Letter Ever

Going to the mailbox near Christmas is lots of fun. You often find it stuffed with cards, gifts, and photos …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Activists Make a Last Ditch Effort to Block Bloomberg’s Forcible Flu Shot for Kids

  Michael Bloomberg may be nearly finished with his term as the mayor of New York City, but he is pushing …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

GMO Rat Study New Journal Editor from (Surprise!) Monsanto

Remember the Seralini study, with those gruesome images of GMO-fed rats that were engulfed by horrific tumors?  Well, great news! …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Don’t Make Us Tell Child Welfare: Schools Insist on Forced Medical Exams for Kids

What would you do if you received a threatening letter from your child’s school, demanding that you take your youngster …

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Portland School Cracks Down on Racist PB&J Sandwiches: “What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?”

You know, people have had about enough of all of this racist garbage.  It’s time to put a stop to …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Look Out, Flu Shot Resistors: The “FLUgitive” Propaganda Campaign Aims to Shame You Into Getting Jabbed

  This is from the “Believe-It-or-Not-This-Isn’t-Satire” files. If you don’t get lined up for this year’s lethal injection – ahem …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Roast Beef, Potatoes, and Carrots Don’t “Meet Nutrition Guidelines” but GMOs, HFCS, and Trans Fats Do

The school lunch drama continues, this time in Manitoba, Canada. Close on the heels of a federally sponsored preschool in …

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Insider Reveals Who Really Paid the Bill When Wal-Mart Gave Away Unlimited EBT Access

  Last month’s EBT-glitch shopping spree landed those who abused their benefits in hot water when Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal cancelled …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Monsanto, McDs, Coke and Friends Miseducate Registered Dietitians About the “Benefits” of Processed Food

In the most mind-boggling conflict of interest you may have seen in quite a while, the International Food Information Council (IFIC) …

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Feminist Terry McMillan Empowers Women by Telling Those Who Disagree with Her to “bake more cookies”

We should all be thankful that we have feminists out there whose sole purpose in life is to empower other …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Brown Bag Ban: Fed Gov Tells Preschool Parents No Lunch From Home Without a Doctor’s Note

It looks like the days of trading half of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich for half of your best …

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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