

New Bill Incites Fears of “Fringe” Beliefs in Schools

by Heather Callaghan Originally published at Activist Post Upon first reading reports of an “anti-science” and “muzzling” bill, you could …

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The Morning News: Proving Darwin Right, One Story at a Time

Do you ever have one of those days when you’re reading the news, and you have an epiphany? This morning …

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Hand-washing and Elderberry Extract Are the Best Defenses Against the Deadly Swine Flu Outbreak

H1N1, or “swine flu” is sweeping across the country, prompting the mainstream media to trumpet, “DOOM APPROACHES!!! GET YOUR FLU …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Starving Students Rejoice as USDA Mercifully Ups the “Rations” Allowed by Michelle Obama’s Stingy School Lunch Guidelines

by Kimberly Paxton Originally published at The Daily Sheeple Remember the horrible starvation diet version of school lunches that Michelle …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Big Pharma Gives Another Child Narcolepsy via the Swine Flu Vax, Then Cures It with a New Miracle Drug That Costs Over $20K per Year

Before you line your kids up to have this year’s flu vaccine sprayed up their noses or injected into their …

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AllHealth & MindsetPandemic Watch

What’s the Scoop on Genetically-engineered and Pandemic Viruses?

by Catherine Frompovich Originally published at Activist Post Something vaccine safety advocates have wondered about, and even questioned if it …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

USDA-Approved Agent Orange: It’s Coming to a Farm Near You

Ah, the sweet smell of Agent Orange in the morning. Our benevolent agricultural guardians at the USDA have announced that …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Did You Know that Nasal Flu Vax Recipients Can Pass the Flu to Everyone Around Them for Up to 21 Days?

Did you know that when a person receives the “FluMist” flu vaccine that anyone around them becomes exposed to the …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Indoctrination: 4-H Sells Its Soul to Monsanto and the US Soybean Council

If you’re looking for wholesome activities for your kids, you might be considering something like 4-H.  Geared towards an agricultural …

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A Mob of More Than 600 Teens Laid Siege to a Florida Movie Theater

Apparently the Brooklyn, NY shopping center that was put “on tilt” by a horde of teenagers the day after Christmas …

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Grandma Got Violated by the TSA: An Indefinitely Detained Christmas

The Daily Sheeple Well, it’s that merry time of the year once again. Yes, Christmas…the time when families come together …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Pregnant Nurse Fired For Refusing Toxic Flu Shot

by Lily Dane The Daily Sheeple A registered nurse in Pennsylvania was fired for refusing to get a flu shot. …

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Bigger, Badder NDAA 2014 Quietly Passed the House and Senate – and It Is On the Way to Obama’s Desk

While everyone is distracted with the holiday festivities, Congress has been hard at work, screwing us over in the name …

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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