

Because Nothing Says “I’m Going to Shoot You with an AK-47” Like a Little Girl in a Game of Thrones T-Shirt

When we have in place ridiculous policies that require no proof on the part of the accuser and the rationalization of “well, we have a zero-tolerance policy, there’s nothing we can do,” we live in a dangerous society indeed.

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Today’s GMO Propaganda Message Brought to You by Your Friendly Neighborhood Wegmans

We can all breathe a sigh of relief about that whole GMO thing. Wegmans, vendor of aisle after aisle of artificial food-like substances, has debunked the terrifying myth we were so worried about.

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Prepping & SurvivalTechnology

Computer Tech Shows the DHS Just How Easy It Is to Breach the Security of the Power Grid

When the mainstream news warns of an event that is high on every prepper’s list of concerns, it might be time to double up on your efforts to be ready for it.

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BLM is (ahem) Saving the Tortoises…But Look at What They Did to Bundy’s Cows (Graphic)

Forget all of the talk by the BLM about how they are saving animals. These photos were just released and they show what those federal employees did to a bunch of cows who had the misfortune to be grazing on some grass that was in dispute. The next time you hear some bleeding heart environmentalist talking about the federal government “protecting” the land and “saving” the animals, kindly direct them to this article.

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Roche Hid Drug Trial Results: Pandemic Flu Drug Works No Better Than Acetaminophen

“This review is the result of many years of struggles to access and use trial data, which was previously unpublished and even hidden from view. It highlights with certainty that future decisions to purchase and use drugs, particularly when on a mass scale, must be based on a complete picture of the evidence, both published and unpublished.”

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The Great American Grocery Hoax

There is a big secret out there in the grocery store aisles that no one wants you to know. There is a hoax of monumental proportions that is being perpetrated on the American public.

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Setting the Stage for Tyranny: Public Schools Deliberately Create a Culture of Fear

Make no mistake, this is deliberate. These kids will be begging the government to take away all of the guns and keep them “safe”. People that are this afraid of a tripod aren’t going to be leading the next revolution.

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

The EPA Furthers the Carbon Tax Agenda with Deadly Human Experiments

Originally Published at Nutritional Anarchy Our friends and protectors at the Environmental Deception Protection Agency are so adamant about protecting …

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AllCommentaryPrepping & Survival

Resistance 101: Why You Should Consider Ham Radio for Communications

  Guest Post Contributed by John Q. Public Why communicate at all? And you shall know the truth, and the …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Pediatrician with a God Complex Refuses to Treat Unvaccinated Children

Let’s talk about the meaning of a “god-complex”. Wikipedia defines a “god complex” as “an unshakable belief characterized by consistently …

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It’s All Fun and Games as a Wisconsin School Gets Kids to Snitch on Parents

The game is called “Cross the Line” and many outraged parents believe that it does just that. A middle school …

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

You don’t need to know if you’re eating GMO…

by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton Originally published at Truthstream Media …because apparently, telling you that you’re eating a genetically …

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I Look Down on Clueless Bitter Feminists and I’m Not Sorry

Amy Glass is clueless and apparently rather bitter. Amy Glass is a feminist blogger that I’d never heard of before …

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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