

Texas School Takes “Magical Threats to Children’s Safety Seriously”; Suspends Boy Over Hobbit Ring Terrorism

Here’s one of those stories that is so utterly ridiculous that you’ll be hard-pressed to believe it’s not satire. Unfortunately, it’s all too real.

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Kellogg’s Froot Loops: Now Fortified Weedkiller and GMOs!!!

As if Froot Loops weren’t already a poor enough choice, with their sugar, dyes, and artificial flavors, (and no “froot” anywhere in sight) now, independent testing has shown that those ingredients aren’t the worst thing that Kelloggs is serving up.

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Police Checkpoints: I’m Not Doing Anything Wrong, But I Definitely Have Something to Worry About

You might be “safe” from drunk drivers, but who is going to keep you safe from the State?

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

The FDA Gets in Women’s Panties: Reusuable Menstrual Pads to be Subject to $4000 a Year in Extortion Fees

Who knew that women couldn’t even safely menstruate without the FDA?

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Police Chief Puts Jackboot in His Mouth (Again): Know a “gun enthusiast”? Tell the cops

Everything is bigger in Texas, even the stupidity and outright unConstitutional behavior of a certain government official.

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Are You Better Off This Thanksgiving Than You Were Last Thanksgiving?

Are you in better shape financially than you were last Thanksgiving? If so, you should consider yourself to be very fortunate because most Americans are not.

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AllCommentaryHealth & Mindset

Bill Passed: EPA Must Take Advice from Industry Shills, NOT from Independent Scientists

The elected officials in the House of Representatives have just sanctioned a blatant corporate takeover of the EPA. They aren’t even pretending to be protecting the environment now.

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F*ck Feminists Who Pimp Little Girls to Promote an Agenda

Yeah, I said it. Right there in the headline. I figure if grown women can encourage children to drop f-bombs on video for their “cause” then it’s only reasonable to respond to them in a language they can understand.

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AllPandemic Watch

NYC doctor tests positive for Ebola, but “there is no reason for New Yorkers to be alarmed”

Dr. Spencer had been out bowling and using public transit on Wednesday night, only hours before his Thursday morning hospital admission.

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The Right to Bear Arms vs. The Right to be Hysterical About It

A woman in Rochester, Minnesota recently exercised her Constitutional right to be a jerk.

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AllPandemic WatchPrepping & Survival

The “”Ebola Plane” Made Five More Flights Before It Was Grounded

Not only were 132 people who flew with Vinson exposed to Ebola. In the time it took the CDC to notify Frontier Airlines of the issue, 5 more flights were made.

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AllCommentaryHealth & MindsetPandemic Watch

Ebola: The Fine Line Between Medical Martial Law and Common Sense

A man in Texas who is thought to be infected with Ebola may be taken into custody against his will. Is this the beginning of medical martial law, or is this a common sense practice to prevent the spread of a deadly disease?

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AllPandemic WatchPrepping & Survival

Talking to Your Kids About Ebola

If you are a person who doesn’t want your child brainwashed with the government-sanctioned dogma about things like freedom and morals, why would you want them to learn about a potential pandemic from those sources?

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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