

Friday Farm Blog – Nov. 1

This week’s Friday farm blog is brought to you 2 days late, but I’ve got a weekend full of homesteady stories. 🙂

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Friday Farm Blog – Oct. 23, 2015

This week on the Friday Farm Blog, we take things indoors as the weather gets cooler.

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Friday Farm Blog – Oct. 16, 2015

By Daisy Luther Hi, everyone! I hope this has been a wonderful week for you. This week’s Friday Farm Blog …

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Friday Farm Blog – Oct. 9, 2015

By Daisy Luther Fall is here, and it’s my favorite time of the year. The weather is just a little …

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Friday Farm Blog – Oct. 2, 2015

By Daisy Luther This week, we got something special…at least for California. RAIN.  I can’t describe how wonderful it was …

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Friday Farm Blog – Sept. 26, 2015

This week, the Friday Farm Blog is happening on a Saturday because I was just too busy to get it posted yesterday.

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Friday Farm Blog – Sept. 18, 2015

By Daisy Luther September is flying by in a rush, isn’t it? I can’t believe that we’re almost to the …

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Psy-Op: Executive Order Creates an Orwellian Policy of Enlightenment and Propaganda

By Daisy Luther The ink is still wet on a brand new executive order that reads like a cross between …

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Friday Farm Blog – Sept. 11, 2015

By Daisy Luther This week was a busy one. First, it’s somehow about a million degrees Fahrenheit again.  I guess …

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Friday Farm Blog – Sept. 4. 2015

It was a mellow week here at the farm as we slip back into our homeschool routine.

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Friday Farm Blog – August 21, 2015

By Daisy Luther Things sure are different on a farm. This morning I went on Facebook and everyone was so …

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Friday Farm Blog – Aug. 15, 2015

By Daisy Luther Okay, I know it isn’t actually Friday, but yesterday got away from me, and “Saturday Farm Blog” …

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Friday Farm Blog – Aug. 7, 2015

By Daisy Luther Sometimes I miss blogging just to write about everyday life, so, inspired by The Buzz written by …

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