
AllSurvival Saturday

Post-Election America: The World Marches On and So Must We

  Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This …

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AllSurvival Saturday

Stuff in the News That No One Is Talking About Because of the Election

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week …

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Survival Saturday

Everything We Know About Assange, Wikileaks, and the Frantic Attempt to Shut Him Up

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week …

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How I Left the 9-5 Rat Race to Work from Home in My PJs

Did you ever want to get out of the 9-5 rat race and work from home? A lot of folks …

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AllSurvival Saturday

We’re All Passengers On The Highway To Hell And Hillary Clinton Is Driving The Car

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week …

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AllSurvival Saturday

While America Frets Over Creepy Clowns, We’re on the Verge of World War III

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week …

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Survival Saturday

Here’s How Conflict In Europe and Asia Will Directly Affect the United States

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week …

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Survival Saturday

Wakey, Wakey!!!! It’s Time for America to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button on Reality

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This Week …

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Why Did FEMA Just Put a Rush Order on 5 Million Bottles Of Water?

By Daisy Luther Sometimes, we can get a hint of things that are to come by watching what the government …

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Survival Saturday

As The World Burns: Are You Really Prepared for What’s Coming?

By Daisy Luther Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being …

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Survival Saturday

Hacks, Lies, and Censorship of the Non-PC

By Daisy Luther Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being …

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The United States of Propaganda

By Daisy Luther Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being …

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Here’s What It Actually Sounds Like When Someone Calls for an Assassination

By Daisy Luther The wailing from the left is even more deafening than usual lately.  The current bout of politically correct …

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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