
AllSurvival Saturday

3 Stories About Our Government We Can All Agree Are Bad News

Despite all the division in America right now, here are 3 stories that we can all agree are bad news. Maybe this is what we need to reunite our country.

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Who Controls the (Alternate) “Reality” in America?

Most people are living in an alternate reality created by those with the biggest platforms.

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Survival Saturday

The Hostile Takeover of Trump, the Economic Crisis, and the Return of HRC

This week, we’ll talk about a looming financial catastrophe, the return of Hillary Clinton, and the attempts to unseat Donald Trump.

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Survival Saturday

Vault 7, an Unsurprising GMO Conflict of Interest, and Daylight Savings Time Angst

This week on Survival Saturday, we’ll talk about Vault 7, a GMO study conflict of interest, and the annual angst that is Daylight Savings Time.

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Survival Saturday

The “OMG Russians” Witch Hunt, a Super-Secret New O-care Bill, and Scary Movies That Are Coming True

Obama is behind the “OMG Russians” witch hunt, lawmakers are hiding the super-secret new O-care bill from everyone, and 5 scary movies that are coming true.

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Survival Saturday

Radiation, Racism, and the Return of Hillary Clinton

By Daisy Luther Survival Saturday (or in this case, Survival Sunday) is a round-up of the week’s news and resources …

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Cheese Recall Affects 130 More Products … But The FDA Isn’t Allowed to Name Them

By Daisy Luther You probably saw the article last week about the massive recall of Sargento products. As it turns …

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How to be a Peaceful Person in a Hostile World

It’s times like these when you see the true nature of the people around you. And sometimes what you see isn’t pretty. Here’s how to opt-out of the ugliness.

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UPDATED: Sargento Expands Recall

Sargento has issued a massive recall on cheese due to possible contamination with listeria. Here’s a list of the affected products

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AllSurvival Saturday

The Official Narrative: In Which the Truth Is Entirely Optional

This week on Survival Saturday: In every situation, there is an official narrative. The truth is entirely optional.

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AllCommentarySurvival Saturday

3 Ways Americans Are Being Deliberately Divided

The way we are being divided has to be deliberate.

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AllSurvival Saturday

This Week in Preparedness: Survival Saturday – Feb. 11, 2017

By Daisy Luther Survival Saturday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in …

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AllSurvival Saturday

Immigration “Ban” Hysteria, Pending Economic Doom, and the Risks of Convenience Food

This week on Survival Saturday: the risks of convenience foods, the immigration “ban” hysteria, and more evidence of the pending economic doom.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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