California and Nevada Are Now 100% in Drought

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California and Nevada are 100% in drought.

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After two water years of dry conditions, both California and Nevada are now 100% in drought. And with dire drought conditions, rapidly decreasing snowpack, and low reservoir levels, concern for wildfire season is growing. Read the drought status update to learn more.

This is a dry spell not seen since the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl days. Because of the drought, Americans very likely will experience a shocking food shortage very soon.

As explained in my previous article, drought is also affecting Arizona, and Colorado and the prairie states like Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas. However, other states such as those in the Midwest and areas considered the nations’ “corn belt” also suffer from the drought. 

Midwest states suffering the most

Here are the states in the Midwest currently experiencing drought conditions:

  • Iowa – Iowa has been in a state of drought for some time. About 8% of the state is considered “severe drought,” an area spanning about 12 counties in the northwestern part of the state. About 64% of Iowa currently suffers from “abnormally dry conditions, or worse.”
  • Illinois – Drought in Illinois, particularly the northeastern portion, has intensified to severe is now covering about 6% of the state. Abnormally dry conditions are present across the northern region and east side of the state. About 27% of the state is suffering from “abnormally dry conditions, or worse.”
  • Nebraska – One of the lucky ones, Nebraska received some much-needed rain. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to end the drought. Moderate drought is at 16%, while 45% of the state suffers from “abnormally dry conditions, or worse.”
  • Indiana – Probably the least dry state of the drought-stricken Midwest. Less than 1% of the state in drought conditions though about 21% reporting “abnormally dry conditions.”
  • Minnesota – The drought is getting worse in Minnesota. Two counties in the northwest of the state are in “severe drought” while “moderate drought” has spread to 21% of the state. Overall, about 55% of the state suffers from “abnormally dry conditions, or worse.”
  • Michigan – Michigan hasn’t been spared either. 78% of the state is experiencing “abnormally dry conditions,” 64% “moderate drought, and 6% “severe drought.”

Southeast U.S. is not as bad, but still not looking good

The Southeast United States is faring better. However:

  • Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina are experiencing drought conditions as well.
  • Texas, not mentioned as much: 52% experiencing “abnormally dry conditions,” 32% “moderate drought,” 20% “severe drought,” and 12% “extreme drought.” Nearly 6% of the state is experiencing “exceptional drought.”
  • Though typically a dry state, New Mexico is 100% experiencing “abnormally dry conditions,” 99% “moderate drought,” 96% “severe drought,” 77% “extreme drought,” and 47% “exceptional drought.”

Still don’t believe the U.S. is suffering a severe dry spell?

The issue went before the U.S. Congress. From the AZ Mirror: 

A drought crisis unfolding across the West will require short-term relief and massive, long-term federal funding to help states weather the effects of climate change, state water managers and lawmakers said at a U.S. House hearing on Tuesday.

Nearly 90 percent of the West is now experiencing drought conditions, according to the federal U.S. Drought Monitor. The problem is particularly acute in the Southwest.

Many states suffer from the driest water year on record

According to the AZ Mirror: 

Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah just had their driest year in 126 years. Colorado had its fourth-driest year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Snowpack is well below average this year, and early snowmelt is raising serious concerns for this summer.

“Droughts are not new, but many are experiencing the impact of one of the driest water years on record,” Elizabeth Klein, a senior counselor at the Interior Department who is overseeing drought response, said at the hearing before a panel of the House Natural Resources Committee. “Competing demands for water can lead to more conflict.”

Water wars heat up as the dry spell worsens

The AZ Mirror also reported: 

Among those conflicts are who gets priority for limited water resources: upstream users, farmers, endangered fish, tribes, or municipal water systems.

In some cases, states are in conflict over who has rights to the water. The U.S. Supreme Court has several interstate water disputes on its docket, including cases between Mississippi and Tennessee and Texas, New Mexico and Colorado.

None of these issues are unforeseen consequences

They are the natural consequences of drought brought on, not by mythical CO2-based climate change. But a combination of natural phenomena, human action, and lack of preparation, problem-solving, and adaptation by governments and industry.

We shouldn’t look to Congress to solve the repercussions of the drought. (Unless the solution is giving themselves a raise.) Instead, all we can do is prepare ourselves and our families as best we can.

In other words, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

I will say it again…

We’re facing famine conditions.

The drought isn’t coming. It’s HERE.

And whatever you think might be the causes, there are no signs that any reasonable solutions will be discovered or implemented any time soon. The best course of action is to prepare and plan. Now. Famine conditions are next on the list of things to worry about.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you see any way it could be avoidable? How do you plan to prep for this possibility? Let’s talk about it in the comments.​

About Robert

Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several ‘Revolutions’ they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.

Picture of Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several 'Revolutions' they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.

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51 Responses

  1. Just read a report 130 house boats in Lake Oroville in Northern CA had to be evacuated as the lake levels are making access difficult.
    The record low for the lake is 646ft and is expected to reach that record (possibly break it) in AUG.

    UC-Davis is reporting of the states 1,500 reservoirs are 50% lower than average for this time of year.

    And the NE US is experiencing a heatwave this weekend.

    Get them gardens going!

  2. This drought will be the worst to hit the Southwest in the last 1000 years. There will be dust bowl conditions, a locust plague and famine.

    Mike Boryla
    Former Phildelphia Eagles Pro Bowl quarterback and author of MARK OF THE BEAST

  3. The “Drought” in California & Nevada is manufactured. The people who control the dams are releasing massive amounts of water down the rivers which All end up downstream in streams, tributaries, deltas & ocean. Meanwhile farmers Can’t grow Food, Fish Die, Wildlife Dies + the manufactured “Wildfires” rage out of control after being intentionally started but little water resources are available to douse the fires. Plus the added benefit to the Powers that be is the air becomes Polluted & then after All this they claim “Climate Change”. One giant bucket of Bullshit.

    1. you got that right. add to it the geoengineering/weather modification operations that have tasered nearly all of our many weather systems this year and you got dramatic bullshit news about a drought and more damn crises. from every angle now. cheers.

      1. Yeah Hellyweird even made a film called “Our brand is crisis” as a hat tip
        to the “Problem, Reaction, Solution” method of steering the herd thru fear.

  4. I’m in Nevada. Legislation is in the works to put meters on private wells, with restrictions on usage. In drought years, useage will be restricted to household use only. That’s one reason I want out if this state. That legislation will affect most of the homesteaders in the state.
    Currently I’m on the local water GID. Prices are high. I’m working to preserve water as much as possible while still growing my own food in desert conditions.

    Wildfire season was especially devastating last year. Many lost their homes and livestock in my area. I’m very nervous about this years fire season.

  5. As I recall, last year a number of Antifa thugs were caught setting fires all along the west coast states. The Jihadis call this “fire jihad” as the U.S. has vast forests, fields, and farms. This lack of rain will only make this worse.

    Here in North Central Florida we are usually dry this time of year, until the BIG storms come at us from across The Atlantic. Very dry right now.

    1. Absolutely incorrect re: Antifa setting fires. Sigh.. so many real issues over which to be concerned yet falsehoods get too much attention.

  6. Here in Tejas has rained consistently somewhere in Tejas for the past 6 months. Lots of flooding and great weather for planting in most of the state. Cousins are throwing away tons of food from too much and giving away most of it, but people too lazy to come get it. Have to hire illegals to get the work done. Potatoes, onions, oranges, corn, okra, squash, etc. too much of everything and being sold very cheap to the dealers. I for one do not believe this sensationalism reporting.

    1. ” I for one do not believe this sensationalism reporting”

      there’s always something going on somewhere.

      go back to the beginning of this blog and just look through all the headlines.

  7. I live along the Colorado River. There are multiple damns upstream of the River. The snowpack has been down, off and on, but the flow is controlled by flood control & the politics across the mountains with great amounts of water sold to downstream areas outside of Colorado. We are being told here that the majority of that water is used for green lawns south, not farmland. Those policies have left barely enough water for the local agriculture. Politics have interfered with water flow along the whole path. We read about the water in California from their own sources in their mountains that is being diverted into the ocean instead of the food producing areas because of a smelt fish. All the while they are screaming for more water in Sacramento.
    It keeps appearing that water is being used for everything but what is necessary…food, thanks to politics. Even being right next to the Great Colorado River, we are also on a water meter.

    1. “Even being right next to the Great Colorado River, we are also on a water meter”

      the issue isn’t water. the issue is control.

  8. Water doesn’t disappear. For all practical purposes the quantities of water pretty much stay the same. It does however move around. Hence droughts are cyclical in some areas from time to time. Historically, towns and cities were established and died based on movements of natural resources. In modern times we want to preserve these cities so we attempt to alter natures movement of resources. We build dams. We alter the natural movement of rivers. We move water to places that we somehow determine “need” the water, which usually means to irrigate wealthy donor’s lands. Meanwhile 97% of the earth’s water is in the ocean. The US is the the only country with water issues that does any mass water desalinization efforts.

  9. I’m in NE Wisconsin and we’re doing OK but the SE portion of the state is in Abnormally Dry conditions. It’s hot enough today that my garden will likely get a second watering in fact. Any garden is only as good as the conditions it has to grow in, and water is a huge condition. I remember years ago when the SE parts of the US wanted to pump Great Lakes water and send it down there; thankfully Governor LSD told them the only water they’d get would be in a can of Strohs beer! Water cycles go up and down. This pumping of aquifers and allocating more of the Colorado (and other) River water than exists in the river has thrown off the cycle. The problem is here. And the only people who won’t be paying for it are those who have mismanaged us into this position in the first place.

  10. It is a good idea to keep an eye on the situation.
    That said; Arizona, California and the West have been in Drought conditions before and will again.

    “Since 2000, the longest duration of drought (D1–D4) in Arizona lasted 512 weeks beginning on August 18, 2009, and ending on June 4, 2019.”
    That roughly 10 year ” Drought” did not create a Famine. Even though many alarmists predicted that outcome.

    Since we are just entering a new climate cycle anything is possible.
    But at this point, I highly doubt it.
    Current indications are for a lot of moisture pumping in from Mexico, into the Southwest.
    This is Monsoonal rain season, it probably will not change the Drought situation that much, but it could mean that we are instore for a very wet winter.
    Right now the Jet stream is in a very unusual pattern. Once it shifts back to ” normal” we will have a chance to make a better assessment.
    Only time will tell, but it is far to early to start crying, “that the Sky is falling”!

    1. Idiot! Like a drought in Arizona is gonna cause a famine. Last
      time i checked states can and do import food. Ignore the
      drought at your own peril. Probably ignored the side effects
      of the vaccine too.

  11. California is semi-arid and always has been. Nevada is pure desert. Any wonder why they are in drought conditions?

  12. There is no way to avoid this, unless millions of americans rally and demand that the politicians stop taking orders to continue this planned event of jacking up food prices and famine.
    fact is manipulating weather by cloud seeding has been around since vietnam know as Operation Popey, obviously the government agencies could intervene and avoid this lack of rain and water, if they really wanted to for the good of the people. That is not there objective,as this is a planned event on there parts. I wish more people would joing together and call them out for there mainupulation of this drought and furthermore demand that they seed the clouds and cause it to rain, this could be avoidable,but most people wont unite in order to change the course.
    My advice to all that are in drought stricken areas or metered wells etc…. get rain barrels, put them under your gutters, elevate the rain barrels, put a shuttoffon the bottom of the barrels, you can also join two together, so when starts to max out it will spill into other barrel for 100 gallons capacity per gutter to water your garden, or you can filter with a simple 2- 5 gallon bucket stacked on top of each other, top bucket should contain layered filtration, first layer rocks,sand,charcoal, do multiple layers in top bucket which will then gravity feed to lower bucket, to provide clean drinking water for your family.
    Lots of youtube videos on the subject.
    Prepare to thrive not survive!

    1. Bravo truthseeker!
      I scrolled down the comments and finally someone mentions that the weather is being manipulated, controlled. Kissinger said that you control the people by controlling the food. Dane Wigington at is the best I know. Covid works as a distraction. The last thing people want to hear is that this has been going on for 60 plus years. No mention of geoengineering in the article. It’s amazing!

    2. Be cautious about using roof runoff for your garden or human consumption, particularly if you have an asphalt shingle roof. There are many toxins that leach out of them. With a metal roof, you are in much better shape to use for the listed demands. Awesome filters like the Berkey will remove many things, but not everything. I’ll be using my rain water runoff only for a few non-fruit bearing (and non-native) trees and minimal ornamental plants, which are on the opposite side of the house from the garden and about two hundred feet from the well.

  13. Could it be that deforestation of the planet is having change on rainfall and weather? I think we underestimate how much moisture is pumped into the air by trees. Will be interesting if the cost of water is unaffordable?

    1. Yes Spud, deforestation results in their being fewer trees to “convert” Carbon dioxide to Oxygen, so the relative Carbon dioxide level can rise, which, in turn, can affect weather patterns.

    2. There are three times as many trees in the United States as there were 200 years ago. Why? We use them.

  14. Mr. Wheeler is correct – the drought and famine are here. The state of California government is releasing water from it’s lakes and reservoirs as fast as it can to run into the ocean. Must save that snail darter fish over humans. Fruit and nut trees are being cut down and crops plowed under because farmers cannot get enough water. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of bugs for people to eat.

    Geoengineering is also to blame. The moving around of the jet stream to dump record rains on croplands to flood them out and keeping rain from falling altogether on other areas. Our military is doing that. The air is not fit to breath, nor the water to drink. Big Ag food is not fit to eat. The jab is to put everyone out of their misery. Most will be dead in 6-9 months. Your government loves you!

    1. Bravo Cathbad!
      Geoengineering is the main reason for these droughts. Sure, human activity plays a part. The elephant in the sky must stop or we face an extinction level event.

  15. A word of caution about using the small-size rain barrels that are marketed to consumers. At one time I had five and here is what I learned:

    1) A rain barrel filled with water is VERY heavy and must be on a stable, level platform. You don’t want a heavy, unstable thing in your yard that could turn over on your children! (I made a platform using one 24″ x 24″ concrete patio stone on the bottom, criss-crossed that with 2 levels of regular cement blocks and put another large patio stone on the top. This is tall enough that you can put a bucket under the spigot.

    2) Rain barrels fill up VERY FAST and will overflow right next to your house-in my case, backing up through the brick and “flooding” the vinyl linoleum–which required replacing all of the flooring due to mold–approx $1,000 mistake).

    3) The outlet overflow holes (at the top) that are built into most commercial rain barrels are too small and will not allow rain water to flow out quickly enough when the barrels fill up–so the water bubbles out of the top-and if the rain is heavy, having a second barrel hooked for the runoff will still fill up quickly and do the same thing. My husband tried to work with some large PVC pipe to channel the overflow farther away from the house, but it was still a problem. Rain barrels come with little hoses that are NOT LONG ENOUGH to really get the water away from your foundation.

    4) Rain barrels get dirty and you need to clean them out periodically. Cleaning out a rain barrel is not fun. I have read this is not as bad if you use some filtering devices on your gutters. I am not sure how well these work.

    4) The water from a rain barrel will just trickle out unless you use a pump hooked up to it. Yes, you can use a bucket, but it will take forever if you have a garden of any size). If you buy a pump, buy one that shuts off automatically when the barrel is empty. If not, you will burn up your pump.

    5) if you have a large roof and your barrels fill up too quickly, you can put in more downspouts in the middle of the gutters and add more barrels-looks odd, but this helps.)

    In my case, I found the small rain barrels were too much trouble. I took them down and stored them in the back—ready to get pressed back into service if a drought comes or if water becomes too expensive or unavailable.

    One way to avoid some of the problems above is to really do your research, spend the money and install a LARGE rain storage device. If I lived in a drought-prone area, that is what I would do. There are books on these types of systems as well, and you can often find workshops at your county extension agency, etc. Just remember that many people who tout how wonderful rain barrels are have obviously never used one! So if you are going to install rain barrels, I hope you can learn from my mistake and not flood your house!

  16. Drought isn’t the only thing that can cause a problem with crops. Too much rain can damage crops.

    We’ve had more rain days than sunshine days. No one can put up hay, which makes it difficult to feed our goats. No goat food, no milk and no meat. We are exploring alternatives, but the surplus rain is impacting our food supply.

  17. It is not just the mega-drought.
    We had record numbers of people using food banks due to the COVID lockdowns. It may not be famine but food insecurity is a real thing, even here in America.
    In the past few/several months, we have seen food inflation on the rise. Read an article about “stealth” inflation as several companies quietly announced they were reducing the size of their products, but not the price.
    As the drought persists in the West/SW (from a geologic stand point one or two years of non-drought is a pause, not a end), expect food prices to increase. Be pro-active to mitigate the impacts on you and your family.

  18. I’m a small farmer in Nys. It’s incredibly hot and will be for a couple more days. Just extra work running irrigation but the nights are still coolish so all is managing ok except working in the heat sucks.

  19. There is a large aquifer that lies beneath both Nevada and Utah. Although both States draw water from the aquifer, Nevada wants to take most of the water to satisfy the needs of Las Vegas. Personally, I think Nevada needs to tell Las Vegas to get along with less water. Obviously, that will never happen

  20. I live in Southeast wisconsin, we have not had a significant rainfall here all spring. the rain we have had has been very light and usual under .1″. Last I checked we were 8″ below normal, I have never seen it this bad, the corn in the fields will need rain soon or it will all be lost.

  21. can you say geoengineered drought? watch the skies people, if they don’t look normal they aren’t! microwaves, scalar weaponry, metallic clouds, the sky is literally the limit. if you watch the satellite loops and not the fictional nightly news weather, you will see that moisture has been pouring into the west, only problem is that it shows up and all the moisture is gone, the clouds are totally obliterated and filled with broken lines of airplane “exhaust.” We rarely see real clouds anymore. Climate change is being created through weather modification programs for nefarious purposes. Been happening for years. Qui bono? Same old assholes.

    1. “Qui bono?”

      well if “qui” have that much control over weather then surely they will be preserving a little garden spot for themselves somewhere. if you have access to the satellite loops then maybe you can locate “qui”.

  22. Managing water resources is the biggest problem. The Gulf states are getting lots of rain and on average get around a foot per year. Most of that fresh water ends up draining in the ocean. If that water was harvested and sold even for a couple of cents per cubic foot the Gulf States would make billions and the Mid Western/Western States would have access to plenty of water.

  23. Stop deploying HAARP and Chemtrails and the rest of the worldwide military industrial complex crap. The real cause of the so called climate change, drought and “looming” food shortages. Perfect poison soup.

  24. I wondered why the veggies at the supermarket were looking so bad for June. Good thing I started my garden but the veggies won’t be ready until mid to late July. Here in MO we have had plenty of rain. So much rain and humidity that we have mushrooms growing in the mulch.

  25. I don’t even need to wade in to this apocalyptic argument….just want to point out, for those who have forgotten, that the USA is the worlds largest exporter of grain and meat. Also want to remind you that fully 1/3 of the USA’s enormous corn crop is used in the manufacture of ethanol as a fuel supplement, instead of as a foodstuff at all.

    so all the talk of “famine” is simply fearmongering. we get more than we need of that on both sides…..

  26. Upstate South Carolina here. Rain record in inches 5/25 – 0.40 5/28 – 0.80 6/3 – 0.10 6/7 – 2.0 6/9 – 0.90 Total – 4.1 inches. Garden looking good.

  27. I don’t know why they don’t start building factories that take salt out of water. The tech is already there. They build all these pipelines for oil, maybe it’s time they start building them for water.

    1. “The tech is already there”

      it is (that was going to be the single biggest use of nuclear power). but the at-the-tap cost of the water so produced, maybe $0.10 a gallon, means that no common citizens or farmers would be able to afford it.

  28. You forgot to mention the Marxists running California intentionally drained their water reservoirs into the Pacific ocean. Minor detail.

    1. Actually California sold their water to Nestle. They pumped Folsom Lake dry in the middle of the night when there weren’t as many people around to witness them draining it over the course of a month.

  29. Large parts of California and nearly ALL of Nevada ARE deserts. I’d worry about why so many people want to live in these conditions and why they’re so surprised when it doesn’t rain.

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