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by Colette K.
With winter well underway here in Canada, I had a cozy fire going in my little wood stove last night. It warmed the eco-cabin nicely, and I enjoyed sitting by it and relaxing in the late evening before going to bed. As I enjoyed its warmth, I thanked my lucky stars that I actually bought it (i.e., the correct wood stove for my cabin). Almost buying the wrong wood stove for this little eco-cabin was an error that could have cost this Frugalite thousands of dollars. I am writing this article today to hopefully help other thrifty shoppers who are thinking of buying a wood stove, especially those who are first-timers like I was.
One Response
I have a wood cookstove by Heartland. Has oven, water jacket that always gves warm water. Warms 1500 sq ft of house.