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Is your child prepared to bug out from school? Mine is.
Last year, I posed the question, “Should Your Kids Know How to Bug Out…from School?” and the answers to that question were incredibly varied. Some parents said that the kids shouldn’t be in public schools in the first place. Others said that they absolutely had a plan in place for their children. Still others said that the very idea was irresponsible and that kids should be under the supervision of a responsible adult, particularly in an emergency situation.
In a world where kids are being immersed in a culture of fear and school officials are becoming more authoritarian by the day, it is a very real concern that a lockdown could occur and you wouldn’t see your children again until they were released at the discretion of those in charge at the school.
There are all sorts of practice runs guaranteed to traumatize kids into submission, including live shooter drills and evacuation drills. In the latter, the children are unexpectedly and quickly herded onto buses and sent to an alternate location. (Michael Snyder gave numerous examples of situations in which schoolchildren were put on buses and sent to alternate locations without parental consent.).
During these drills kids are not allowed to phone their parents and parents are not even allowed to know where their children are in many cases. In some incidences during which the school forewarns parents about the drill, the parents are told that they cannot pick up their children “for any reason” during the drill. Many schools now boast of having supplies to keep children at the school for 48 hours in the event of an “emergency” during which time the children will not be released to their parents.
And it gets even worse. In the name of predictive programming, do you recall a “drill” during which the police took over a school and practiced fighting “angry parents”? I’ve been plenty annoyed at different schools my daughter has attended, but in no way have I been compelled to attack the school, requiring SWAT teams to defend it against me and my band of likewise irate moms. (source)
This stuff doesn’t just apply to kids in the public school system. Very rarely is a parent with a child 100% of the time, every day of the year. Home-schooled kids go on outings with other families, go to church functions, and enrichment activities. Whenever your children are not with you, a plan needs to be in place for their safety.
This is also not just about defying perceived authority. Another scenario could be a major disaster during which your children find themselves without a responsible adult to turn to. Would they have the skills, supplies, and ability to get home or to a safe meeting place?
Is your child mentally prepared to bug out?
Each parent knows their own child the best. Not all kids are mentally equipped for a bug-out situation. If you feel that your child would panic, or your children are very young, this may not be a viable plan for your family.
If your kid is the independent, competent sort, then it may be time for a discussion on determining a plan for when and how to bug out from school.
If, out of the blue, the teachers just tell students to get on a bus, and there is no compelling reason for them to be doing so, it might be time for your child to use his or her own judgement on whether boarding that conveyance is actually a good idea.
This decision has to be based on factors that will be different for every household. Ask yourself these questions when developing a school bug-out plan.
Does your child have good judgment? If your kid is the type that is prone to panic and poor decisions, this might not be the best plan. But if you have a level-headed youngster who has a grasp on the reasons why they would need to bug out, it’s definitely worth a discussion.
How does your child know when it’s time to leave? A degree of stealth is necessary to get away undetected. As well, not all situations require such drastic measures. You may feel, as a parent, that certain adults are more trustworthy and will be looking out for the best interests of your children.
What about younger siblings? If there are younger siblings at the school, your older children will need to plan how to connect with them.
Should older kids abort the bug-out if they can’t connect with the younger ones? A decision should be made ahead of time whether or not older children should stay with their younger siblings in the event that everyone can’t make their escape.
Where are your rally points? You need to set up a primary and secondary rally point where you’ll meet your kids. This should be within a couple of miles of the school, and it should be in a place where your children can stay hidden from the main road. The plan should always be to go to the primary rally point, but if for some reason that is unsafe or unaccessible, there should be a secondary rally point that is reached by a different route. Creating a specific route to rally points is vital so that you know where your child will be if you need to find them before they arrive at the meeting place.
How will your child get to the rally point? It’s time for your own drills. Practice getting there from the school. If possible, for reasons of safety and stealth, develop a route that does not use the main road to take them there. Hike or walk this route with your child until they are completely comfortable with it.
In what situations should kids abandon the bug out plan? There are some situations in which evacuation is very necessary. For example, some places are prone to forest fires and you wouldn’t want your child out on foot in such a scenario. If the school building were to collapse, it’s obvious the children would be relocated to a safe shelter. This is the point at which your child’s judgement comes into play. It is vital to discuss different scenarios in which evacuation is necessary.
How to build a bug out bag that won’t get your kid expelled
It is also important for your child to have the proper gear to take off on foot, as well as the ability to use all of it. It’s important to practice things like filtering water in order for a young person to feel confident doing so.
This can be tricky, however, since schools are prone to hysteria regarding anything that might be considered a weapon. “Zero tolerance” makes for a very restricted selection of items.
- A hiking pack (My daughter keeps a teeny tiny fold-up hiking pack in the bottom of her school bag – it’s lightweight and would allow her to keep her hands free on a long hike.)
- Comfortable weather-appropriate footwear (my daughter leaves a pair of winter boots, sneakers, etc., at school instead of carrying them back and forth every day)
- Water filtration bottle (This all-in-one is inexpensive and easy to use, and this personal filter
can be used with any water container )
- At least one full water bottle, but preferably two
- Snacks like granola bars or energy bars (I rarely advocate packaged foods, but Clif Bars are made with pretty good ingredients, taste yummy, and are very filling)
- Weather appropriate clothing (snow gear, light hoodie, gloves, hat for sun or warmth)
- A fire-starter that won’t get them in trouble – this FireSteel also has an emergency whistle
- Space blanket – This kind is better quality
and won’t rip as easily as the dollar store kind. It can be used for warmth or as a makeshift shelter should your child be caught outside overnight.
- First aid kit (band-aids are a must for potential blisters) Check out these instructions for a mini-kit in an Altoids tin
- Extra socks – dry socks are vital if your child ends up having to walk a long distance or in bad weather
- Communications – I hate cell phones with a passion. I really do. However if your child is in school much more than a mile from home, this is a quick link between you assuming that systems are still working. If you have a rally point where you can hide a small cache, consider putting a two way radio there if it is within range of home. Check out this excellent piece on family communication plans.
Personal defense is frowned upon
If you think your child is mature enough to bug out from school, chances are you also believe he or she possesses the common sense to own personal defense items without accidentally shivving a classmate. However, schools tend to have a different opinion on this topic. Things like multi-tools, matches or lighters, or self-defense items are frowned upon and can result in enormous trouble from a “zero-tolerance” school system that seems unable to differentiate between a tool and a threat. These are things you must take into consideration when choosing items for the emergency kit, and you have to weigh the pros against the cons.
Only a few options exist that won’t get your child kicked out of school and served with felony charges by the overzealous “justice system.” The key is adaptability. If your child finds himself or herself in a survival situation, a little skill for improvisation can help.
In a pinch, everyday objects can be pressed into duty for self defense. To name of few items typically found in a classroom or a schoolbag:
A ballpoint pin
Heavy objects
Any type of aerosol spray (hair spray, spray deodorant, etc.)
While these are far from the best self defense items, they can be effective if wielded correctly. Some of these items can be kept in a locker or backpack and appear quite innocent until they are needed.
In the name of some Self-Defense Arts and Crafts, my friend Gray Wolf (check out Gray Wolf Survival) told me about the Millwall brick. A very effective bludgeon can be created from a newspaper. This video shows you how to make one from a magazine.
Talk to your kids
Whatever your feelings are about kids bugging out, these subjects can still bring up discussion points. Talk to your children. Make up scenarios and say, “What would you do if…?” Brainstorm and discuss things to help them build a survival mindset.
What do you think? Have you taught your kids to bug out if they are away from home when emergency strikes? Have you developed a plan?
6 Responses
A good strategy for those who must utilize the public school system. We’ve already made the decision to steer clear of the public schools. Around here they are full of thugs, kids who don’t want to learn, teachers who don’t want to teach, parents that don’t care and an aversion to libertarian ideals.
In my view, sending children to a public school is child abuse at worst and child neglect at best. I attended public school. If they were similar to when I attended I would probably send my children but they are far removed from the schools of my youth.
When I went, kids who couldn’t master the content were held back until they could. There was no promotion to the next level of kids who failed. Teachers graded with red pens and if you got in trouble at school, you got it worse at home.
One need look no further than your nearest FaceBook comment section on an online article to see the abject failure of the public school system. People have no clue about proper usage of these words: there, their, they’re, your, you’re, sale and sell are used interchangeably, to, too and two, lose, losing, loose and loosing. Typos happen and I am sure I probably misused a comma or have a run-on sentence in this post. I would hold my judgement some if it seemed that were the case, but it’s not. These people coming out of school now seem to have a 3rd grade vocabulary. They also do not care. If I come across a word I do not know, I will look up the definition. They will not. They do not want to learn. They want to be spoon fed like little babies. A perfect example is on FaceBook yardsale sites. A person will post an item with their location and they will ask how far away is that from me instead of going to google maps and just typing it in. They are afraid to learn a little geography. It’s just pitiful. Idiocracy is going to be a self fulfilling prophecy.
I couldn’t agree more. Home schooling my three kids after a few years of private school
I agree many schools are pretty poor. We moved to a different state in order for our kids to go to a decent school. That is not an option for everyone. Our kids go to a country school in a small district by population, but large by land area. The school thus far has been fairly sane re: “zero tolerance”. I supplement my kids public schooling with semi homeschooling. When I bake I have them help and we talk about the chemistry and the math involved. When I do pantry inventory or make a shopping list I sit down and explain what I am doing and have them come help count items. This teaches my younger kids to count, and my older one how to do a spreadsheet. My oldest is also in charge of budgeting her school lunches. A budget is something most adults have problems with, but so far my 3rd grader is doing well. One of their daily chores (Gasp! Chores! How dare I take away their childhood with daily self maintenance and self improvement tasks!?) is doing a worksheet or other learning activity, in the winter homework counts, in the summer I print things or buy them workbooks.
I am constantly correcting their grammar. Once when my oldest was around 4 she was mad at me and started yelling threats. I don’t remember exactly what she said but instead of responding to the threat, I corrected the grammar. It was so funny that it diffused the situation.
But back to my original comment; I think that the problem with public schools in general is the lack of parent involvement in their kids lives. Not just big things, but little things like correcting grammar and encouraging outside of school learning.
I taught my daughter krav maga self defense and instructed her to NEVER get on any bus to be taken anywhere by the school for something wasn’t a scheduled event. I taught her how to walk home from school unseen should the need arise. Then, I took her out oh school altogether to have her home schooled with her brothers. Clearly that is the best option.
My children are grown but my grandchildren are just starting school. I agree that home schooling would be best, but sometimes it cannot be accomplished. My DIL is a wonderful person, but not very self sufficient. Hopefully I can teach my grandchildren the skills Daisy speaks of when they come to stay with me on vacations. They only get 1 hour of tv time at my house, the rest of the time we are having “fun” learning things and running around outside.
I know it sounds corny, but I really did walk 1.5 miles to elementary school, in all types of weather, for several years. I learned all the short cuts and how to escape from the bullies; and my mom did not have to teach me that!
The school children today are brain-washed by TV and video games and learn less in this day and age than I did 100 years ago!!!
What an excellent article! I never though of the “bugging out” for kids if they were in school. Sometimes we forget things can happen at anytime in any place.