BLACK FRIDAY: Shop Small Businesses with These Gifts for Preppers

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

by Daisy Luther

2020 has been a rough year for everyone and the holiday season promises to be different from any in our memory. times are tough from both the sides of the consumer and the small business owner.

For the first time since I started my website, I won’t be writing a new post filled with Amazon Prime links for Christmas gifts. I won’t be recommending things from big box stores or giant corporations. There are a few exceptions where those purchases do support small business owners and authors, and I’ll discuss that in a moment.

The new round of lockdowns has business owners who were already on thin ice scrambling to survive. They must now change all their previous marketing strategies to try to take advantage of the busiest shopping time of the year – the fourth quarter.

Here’s how you can support small businesses, your favorite websites, authors, artisans, and local folks this year when you do your Christmas shopping.

The things I’m personally recommending this year

This year, there are a few products and companies I’m recommending for your holiday gift-giving. (Or buy this stuff for yourself – I’m not judging!)

  • Get Selco and Toby’s newest book: SHTF Survival Bootcamp is a paperback textbook from their popular online course of the same name. When you grab it, send your proof of purchase to [email protected] and you’ll receive an exclusive online course absolutely FREE and ONLY available to buyers of this book (Learn more here.)
  • Take a course: Check out all of our courses right here.
  • Become an herbalist: Check out Cat Ellis’s online Herbal Skills Intensive course. (Use the coupon code Daisy50 to save $50 on the price of the course.) If you aren’t familiar with her, Cat is the best-selling author of Prepper’s Natural Medicine, among other herbal preparedness books.
  • Grab some CBD products: Organica Naturals is a family run business owned by folks I know personally. Forget the giant facilities and machines – get your CBD directly from people who use the product and have been studying it exclusively for years. And through December 1, everything in the store is buy one get one free!
  • Get some seeds: Seeds for Generations is a family-run business out of southern Virginia. (I know this wonderful family, too.) Check out their products here. They’re having a MASSIVE sale this weekend so jump on it now. And remember, with the lockdowns, seeds are like solid gold right now, so be sure and stock up for yourself too.
  • Check out our PDF books. Check out some preparedness books you can only buy in our online store here. They’re very reasonably priced.
  • Find the latest offerings in prepper fiction. Check out this page to find out what some of my favorite authors have self-published recently.

Your purchases of any of these products help families pay their bills. They don’t help some CEO buy a villa in Italy as a fourth home. This year has been one in which we’ve all had to pivot our businesses to focus our efforts strictly online and your support means the world to us.

Shop locally.

Shopping where you live is a great way to keep money in your local economy. Consider the following:

  • Shop from local businesses that are struggling to stay afloat. See if they offer curbside pick-up if local ordinances don’t allow you to go in and browse.
  • Buy from local folks selling things on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. Be sure to meet up with them safely in a public place.
  • Look for local courses and instruction – buy shooting lessons, gardening classes, dance lessons – anything that may be re-opening in the new year.
  • Get gift certificates from local restaurants, salons, and other businesses

One thing to remember – if you are buying something for use in the future, it’s an unpleasant thought but you could lose your money. If the holiday season doesn’t go well, some of these businesses may not be around in the future for the use of gift certificates or lessons.

Shopping online

Online shopping is still alive and well. I’ll offer my own online recommendations below.

  • Online courses from real people – not giant corporations
  • Etsy or eBay sellers
  • Blogs and websites with custom items for sale

The goal here is to support small businesses, not giant corporations. So if you go to instead of, you’re not really helping the little guys as much.

Some notable exceptions

There are a few exceptions in which large corporations are actually helpful platforms for small businesses. Because of this, I am by no means suggesting a boycott of Amazon. Love them or hate them, they’ve allowed independent authors to find their audiences and small business owners to reach more buyers.

  • Authors: Amazon along with Kindle offers a way for independent authors to publish our books and reach a wide audience without thousands of dollars of outlay. They are the least expensive and easiest way for us to offer physical books without going through a traditional publishing company. Our percentages are far higher, too, than with a traditional publisher.
  • Artisans: Amazon Handmade and Etsy both offer platforms where artisans can offer the goods they create to a wider audience.
  • Subscription Boxes: Amazon offers a number of subscription boxes that are the creations of small business owners. You can find almost any monthly subscription box you could imagine here.
  • “Ships from Amazon”:  When shopping on Amazon, check to see who the retailers is. It’s listed near the buy button and will look different, depending on if you’re shopping on mobile or desktop. If it says “Sold by Amazon” then the product is Amazon’s. If it has a different name there, it’s sold by a small business and Amazon gets a commission for handling the transaction. Here’s an example – look for the red arrow.


So to be absolutely clear – I’m just suggesting you focus your spending on small businesses that truly benefit from your purchases.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for being a visitor to my website. Your support over the past 8 years has changed my life and the lives of my children. You’ve allowed me to bring in (and pay) writers from around the world to share their experiences. For some of those writers, the income they earn from OP has made an enormous difference.

Please know that even if you’ve never purchased anything, just the fact that you visit, read, comment, and share helps us immensely. Be sure you never miss a post by subscribing to our daily newsletter and get my 101 page PDF, The Prepper’s Workbook, absolutely free.  This website will never have a paywall and the information on it will always remain free to anyone with an internet connection. If you would prefer an ad-free experience, check out my Patreon account, where you can subscribe for only $5 per month.

Some of you have been with me since I started this website in that tiny cold cabin in the Algonquin Forest, where my blogging journey began. I never expected that one day, I’d be able to say that we’ve had more than 25 million visits to The Organic Prepper but here we are, and it’s all thanks to our readers.

Whether you’re an old friend or a new one, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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5 Responses

      1. Wow, TC – I’ve got nothing. They’re not in spam and not in the trash. I guess my server must have hiccupped

        1. In the tech industry, they call that (i.e. hiccup) a feature! 😉

          I posted something to the effect of support my local, small, hardware store as much as I can and not go to the big box stores.

          Replacing cheap china made goods with higher quality American made products.

          Buying high quality hand tools (non-powered), but most of them seem made in Japan.

  1. Regarding buying locally/buying online; it’s a nationwide site where people can by firearms and firearms related stuff locally or from across the nation. Yes, there are price gougers there, but you can also find what you need from people who won’t rip you off. Meet in a public place for the transaction. In many states the sale or purchase of a firearm will have to go through an FFL process.

    A gift card that will cover the cost of a hunting and or fishing license is the only thing I’m asking for this year. Should be around $40 for a small game hunting and fishing license, or $35 for a deer license for next fall, and it’s fine with me if it’s a joint gift from the 4 members of my family. BTW, in some states seniors get steep discounts on annual fishing licenses.

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