Dr. McCullough on Bird Flu: “A Perfect Storm is Brewing”

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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

After warning us for months that 2024 could see another deadly pandemic, the medical establishment and governmental health organizations are sounding the alarm bells on bird flu. 

Not only are they drawing comparisons to COVID-19, they are in fact claiming that bird flu has the potential to be 100 TIMES MORE DEADLY! 

But should we really be worried about the bird flu?

Dr. Peter McCullough has weighed in, 

With the fear-mongering campaign of ‘Disease X’ sponsored by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI), people are wondering what virus might infect the world next. A few days ago, the CDC issued a health advisory for the H5N1 bird flu as it was detected in a Texas dairy farm worker [1]. His only symptom was conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the eye. As of today, human-to-human transmission has not occurred and thus H5N1 poses limited risk to humans. However, this may change in the near future, especially if we consider the dark history of gain of function (GOF) research regarding H5N1. 

While Dr. McCullough feels H5N1 poses little threat to humans at this moment, he does caution that a mutated bird flu pandemic would serve several of the globalists’ goals. Remember how we talked about Disease X?

Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) believe we should reduce our reliance on animal food products  as part of their globalist views.. Thus, a food scare in westernized countries with market recalls and destruction of poultry and meat would further dystopian goals for the Davos club]. H5N1 has a historical fatality rate of 52.16% in humans and fear alone could drive considerable anxiety in large populations not only about exposure through food, but pets, and other humans. 

It’s difficult to determine if H5N1 is the next ‘Disease X’ at the moment. It’s possible due to the abundance of GOF research and biotech interests, ready-made vaccines, and powerful drivers of mass panic in the wings. If more cases occur in clusters or bona fide outbreaks with human-to-human transmission, we could be well on our way to a 2024 avian influenza pandemic crisis. 

Of course, there’s a vaccine waiting in the wings 

Dr. McCullough further cautions:

[in 20202] the FDA approved the first H5N1 vaccine.. funded by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) The first generation product comes from a cell-based, combination inactive antigen platform. The second generation is planned to be self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) technology. Perhaps there’s a reason the US government is already stockpiling an ‘approved’ vaccine for a virus that doesn’t spread in humans. The CDC alert does not mention the approved vaccine, saying that they will develop one if needed. Very strange. 

Do you remember back at the beginning of Covid when Selco wrote that it wasn’t the virus but the system and the response to the virus we should be concerned about?

Now is not the time to panic, nor is this the time to be complacent – now is the time to be prepared.  

How do we prepare?

Whether or not the bird flu is truly going to be a concern or not, we need to be prepared in multiple ways. We need to remember the things that happened during Covid: lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, bare shelves, supply chain issues…it was a disaster on multiple levels.

According to Dr. Kelly Victory, Chief of Emergency & Disaster Medicine for the TWC Chief Medical Board:

Bird flu is a red flag they run up the flag-pole every 12-18 months. At present, this appears to be like previous recent “outbreaks” that effect primarily poultry workers, with little evidence that there is appreciable human to human transmission. That being said, this is a good reminder that we always need to be prepared and to foster self-reliance for times of emergency. We have every reason to believe, for example, that ivermectin, hydroxychlorquine, azithromycin, budesonide, etc. will cover a large range of viral and bacterial illnesses, as they are certainly not “covid specific”. Keeping these medications on hand allows people to be free from the grip of BigPharma who would have them believe that every new pathogen or seasonal outbreak requires a new/novel treatment, as well as from the chaos and uncertainty that commonly accompany public health scares. 

Get the prescription drugs you need to keep your family safe from bird flu, COVID, or whatever gets thrown at us next. Remember how these vital drugs were simply not allowed to be prescribed during the last pandemic? I don’t want to risk that happening again, which is why I got The Wellness Company’s Contagion Kit.

Be prepared for some deja vu.

We know what happened in 2020, and we know those in charge loved the power. With an upcoming election, 2024 is potentially a very dangerous year for Americans. It’s concerning on every level. And I’ve shared my thoughts before that whatever comes next could be modified to be far more virulent and deadly.

We don’t have to be caught medically unprepared, and that’s where The Wellness Company comes in. The Wellness Company and their new prescription Contagion Kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy. We know for a fact we cannot depend upon the medical system at large to think independently.  I want to have things like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine on hand.

We also need to remember the other lessons learned. Think about where your preps may have run short or even been depleted. (Yeast? Toilet paper?) Make sure you are as stocked up as you can be, and if you can, set aside some rainy day money, just in case it starts pouring with another economy-decimating lockdown.

What do you think?

Will the bird flu be the next big scary bug, even though right now it’s transmission to humans is very questionable? Will the government take steps similar to what it did with Covid? What about the gain-of-function research done with this virus?

Remember, it’s not always the illness but the alleged cure that is the risk.

Share your thoughts in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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25 Responses

  1. As a youth livestock leader and a quail breeder, I do try to keep tabs on the various avian flu “sightings “ in my state. Anytime it’s found in the state, the fairs and shows ban or quarantine any show poultry which deeply impacts my livestock kids. My quail business is susceptible to seizure /quarantine actions decided on by the various wildlife and health departments should they suspect avian flu. After seeing quarantine actions taken on a friends farm when their home raised rabbits contracted a hemorrhagic fever, I keep quiet and practice bio security measures. I have seen “the government “ shut down homesteaders and know they wouldn’t hesitate to cull my entire small rural business if they deem it necessary.
    Where this flu has jumped to humans is in the large factory farming operations, but small folk will be just as affected should a scare arise. And we small folk won’t receive any subsidies or disaster relief like big ag get.

    I do think there is a real risk of our country going through another covid scenario especially if a “distraction” is needed. I think the financial devastation would be unprecedented.
    Personally, I’ve struggled hugely ever since covid measures ravaged our economy. The cost of living is beyond my grasp, though I do choose to spend more money on raising livestock for meat, milk, and eggs rather than pay less to buy such things from the store. You might say my savings account is on four and two legs.
    I’ve had to dip into my preps severely to weather the economic impact and my biggest concern is replacing what I’ve had to use.
    I have no doubt that a precedent has been set and we will face another pandemic panic at some time, sooner rather than later. It’s worth watching things closely. I was prepared before covid restrictions hit our country simply by watching what was happening in China when the first outbreak happened and using common sense. We still have common sense on our side.

    1. With it being an avian flu that seems to next on the docket, and with the “mysterious” poultry farm fires, I am concerned that a crack down on small scale poultry raising is in the offing?

      I think it possible that poultry feed sold through farm stores and online may be restricted to “registered” flock owners. Suppose you could only get poultry feed if you register your flock and consent to inspections?

      I think it wiser (and cheaper and more reliable) to have the necessary components for creating chicken feed at home. Another advantage is being able to keep an unregistered flock off the radar of bureaucrats.

      Lots of how-to videos on YouTube teaching how to make your own feed.

      It will likely continue to be possible to obtain various grains and mix them at home for your flock even if there will be restrictions on commercial feed.

      The Powers That Be seem intent on eliminating small scale food production, especially protein sources.

      I wonder if that might have been one reason why the easy availability of livestock antibiotics was eliminated?

      And if the avian flu has been weaponized, it could be wise to pay attention to any cases reported in your locality.

      Might be possible to infect wild birds with a weaponized,enhanced, strain of the flu with the idea that they could infect local flocks of domestic poultry.

      Not free ranging your flocks and using chicken wire to keep wild birds out of chicken runs could help protect your flock.

    2. You didn’t use “common sense” when observing Chinese hysteria in January and February 2020. You used skepticism to see that the actual disease was almost a nothing burger, and you did not trust your spoiled fellow Americans to display any sense, so you prepared, just as I did, and many of us here.
      In 2020, 3% of Americans had any preps; now it’s about 23%. This country is dangerously lethargic (processed “cheap” food does that to ya) and babyish–but millions of us have caught on and the awakening ones will not put up with as much crap as last time.
      Our rights come from God, in one sense, but in practice, they can be dishonored if others cannot respect those with different opinions. So we need to observe what wakes people up, join CSPOA, support useful info sites like this one, meet our neighbors, stock up, stash some precious metals, etc. Support freedom of speech for those on the “wrong” side of Ukraine, Gaza, the elections, etc.

  2. I have a package of meds from both The Wellness Company and Jase. It’s easy to add meds to the original order. Expensive later. I’ve also been stockpiling other meds. If you go to the FLCCC alliance website, there are a number of places to legally order things like ivermectin at very reasonable prices. It takes longer to get them. Buy the insurance and tracking policies. I had one go astray in USPS and that company sent me another order as promised.
    I do not self medicate on antibiotics (yet!) as I believe that there will be doctors available, but not the drugs. So, I’ll have them. We used to sail to the out islands of the Bahamas where there was nothing available. My doctor, a sailor, kindly gave me prescriptions for things I might need. So, long before there was a “prepper” movement, I was stocking a boat for 4+ months of everything we might need. Always had stuff left, which became my pantry at home.
    If you have someone in the pet supply industry or a pet store, fish antibiotics are a good deal. Perfect? Maybe not, but if you have nothing….

    Getting these drugs and supplies in is not cheap. But, what would you pay to get them when you truly need them and they are not available? In the meantime, if you get an Rx for something you have, it is a good way to rotate your stock.

    1. Fish antibiotics are now off the market unless you have a prescription. You can thank the most popular president in history for that…

    2. The fish antibiotics were fine for humans. In capsules at the same potencies most used for humans. Made by the same companies and production plants as for humans. It was very nice to buy them to keep for when they might be necessary. Especially Fish Flox, which was amoxicillin. I regret that that resource has been closedoff to us.

    3. Any antibiotics including ivermectin, cipro, ampicilin, pain killers, and injectable novacaine for dental work in a grid down emergency can be imported from Aspar Impex in India, phone – 91-96876-12075. They serve 73 countries with pharmacuticals and are open around the clock and ship the day you order and take paypal. All can be handled by text and cell phone or on line at [email protected]

  3. According to Worldometers Info, Cvd turned out to have a 99% survivability rate, (which may or may not have increased post jab rollout depending on which source you use) and it effectively became about treating symptoms which in the absence of certain comorbidities was relatively easy. Still not comfortable, but relatively easy and effective.
    Dr. Peter McCullough, The Wellness Company and others are excellent sources of both medical and natural/homeopathic remedies and I suspect we would be wise to treat DIS-ease X using the same methodology.
    Know your symptoms, know your treatments.

    1. Most viruses are more dangerous at their beginning, as was Covid. I looked at Worldometers every day in 2020 and 2021. In the US, mortalty was 8% in the first couple of months. It stayed at 9% in Mexico for a couple of years. In the US it went down to 2% mortality in recognized cases after the first two months, and stayed there until Omicron’s much lower mortality. Like the Spanish flu, which had very high mortality in symptomstic cases, as high as 40% at ceryain times. But then the virus evolves to be less dangerous so that it can propagate more widely, and people’s immune systems become familiar with it and develop ways to cope with it. In the case of the Spanish flu, after killing between 50 and 100 million people in the world in 1918 and early 1919, every person in the world had developed antibodies yo it and few died of it. It was the first H1N1 pandemic.

      Meaning that Covid WAS very dangerous for many millions in the first two years. Then much less dangerous.

  4. There was no new “virus” with Covid. The whole “pandemic” was rehearsed in Event 201 in 2019, specifically with a coronavirus! It was a global takeover, every country walking in lockstep. PCR is a process, it does not detect disease, as the inventor Kerry Mullis stated (years) prior to his untimely death in August of 2019. That is how they created a problem (so called pandemic) and then provided an already prepared solution – MRNA genetic code injections. These injections have killed millions and maimed many more. I have no trust in McCullough who is profiting off of the previous calamity. As for the government in covid and bird flu- “a lie cannot tolerate dissent”, let’s see how they shut down reliable doctors and scientists that disagree with the latest narrative about to be pushed! Prepare with food, water, necessities and alternative power. Know your neighbors. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Don’t fear what man can do to you! Don’t get “tested” and don’t get jabbed with anything!

  5. The way I see things this is an assault against the family farmers. For two years varied agencies have ran around, PCR tests kits in hand, testing any bird they could grab in a commercial poultry house for HPAI. Whether they actually found it or not is a question that’ll be hid until it no longer matters. The seeds of fear and distrust in poultry and dairy products nationwide have been sown and with a little help from GofF the population at large may soon be running over their elderly mothers to get to their stupid masks and don it so they can stand 10’ behind the person in front of them in line for a new “safe and effective” shot.

    Doubt me? It was all discussed @COP28 November 30-December 12, 2023 in Dubai. https://rangemagazine.com/features/summer-24/range-su24-in_the_crosshairs.pdf

    This isn’t about a disease. This is about food/population reduction and control. But, I’d still have a good supply of meds.

  6. I think most writers, even the excellent Daisy Luther, is missing the “purpose” of bird flu.

    A lot of people are going to start dying from the covid poisons. The Cabal needs a plausible explanation. Bird flu is it – very similar symptoms to cytokine storm. Since “proof” of bird flu will be from an entirely made up PCR test, its the perfect cover for the poison murders.

    The Cabal always needed, and therefore planned, for a plausible explanation for the upcoming deaths. Fortunately, a large minority of intelligent, freedom people refused to be poisoned.

    The Cabal is going to trot out the fake “bird flu pandemic” anyway because it will extend the timeframe for poison death discovery, especially with the media propaganda frenzy, but Daisy’s readers know better.

  7. Like wendy says, there was no novel (corona)virus. Throughout rigged inflation of predicted impact (Neil Ferguson!), PCR casedemic, and fatality counts, the only ‘science’ was that of social engineering via a propaganda system heaping heavy doses of panic porn upon people. After decades of deep state planning (‘pandemic preparedness’), the plandemic was one long magic trick of misdirection and illusion, a global military psyop to wage war on humanity for techno-totalitarian final solutions, the Big Lie.

    That wendy added scarequotes to ‘virus’ may mean she, like myself, also gives no credence to the ‘science’ of virology. Here’s a longstanding institutionalized fraud of the medical-military industrial complex by which psywar makes lies true. Just look at the sordid history of vaxxination injecting people for life (‘better living through chemistry’), such that these traditional poisons easily serve as platforms for delivering novel kill shots.

    There’s simply no empirical, evidentiary validity to viruses as pathogens (Koch’s postulates, etc.). Instead, viruses serve as sleight of hand strategy to sustain germ warfare theory, or mythology, that has conditioned people over generations to live in fear of invisible enemies out to get us, leaving whole populations subject to protection (biosecurity) from the same organized crime running the scam (problem-reaction-solution). Accordingly, monopoly medicine, first corporatized by John D. Rockeseller, sells us snake oils just like his daddy did – only to have ‘health care’ (or sick care for permanent customers) lead official causes of injury and death among us.

    One last ‘like wendy’ is to point out fake alternative figures like McCullough, who still would have us subscribe to historical hoax of rule by experts like himself pretending to speak for anything but pseudoscience, keeping us bound to the same premises for psywar to lay siege to us again. This is why lab leak narrative remains loyal or controlled opposition, when its gain-of-function R&D is no more than gain-of-fiction for keeping plandemic preparedness and its police state power over us in place. As Kris reminds us, the real bioweapon is the vax, with the continuing saga of Disease X convenient cover for the continuing toll taken by this ticking time bomb (and don’t forget 5G and climate engineering among other bioweaponized operations).

    Seasonal ‘flu’, of course, permanently provides pretext for all sorts of insidious agenda of profit and power. Like jim notes, for one, it’s a very useful fiction for culling herds, as when monopoly interests of agriculture want to take more livestock and land from farmers who remain too autonomous of their ‘free’ market control. There’s a current enclosure of the commons that’s worldwide, as resistance from the Netherlands to Sri Lanka and beyond indicates, in line with Agenda 21/2030 ‘sustainability’ goals of stakeholder capitalism out to control all natural assets of earth. Food in fact may now serve as the principal weapon of war to depopulate the planet, as Malthusian malnutrition and starvation always have been by far the preferred means, more than war, by which the masters, monsters, of humankind mete out the death march of Progress and Civilization. In this respect, we should recall the lockdown of the global economy, as its democidal repercussions are likewise still with us.

    For further interest:
    Dr Sam Bailey | Substack
    The End of Germ Theory
    OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous

    1. This comment should be posted on the front page of this website as a must read for everyone. Too many people still believing in the fraud of virology. As long as people continue to believe the fraud will continue. Wake the f up people and do your freaking research please! The sources Niko gave are a great place to start! Peace and Love everyone, D.

  8. Read the article and i wondered, how does KFC keeps existing….

    I remember being in the army stationed in Germany in 1982 and in the Netherlands there was bird flu, all chickens were culled. Our menu was chicken wings, chicken legd, chicke filet and chicken kidneys in peanut sauce….i was in hospital that month, with food poisening….nothing to do with the chickens, everything with hygene from the cooks…

    I have seen many of these mass animal diseases and empty shelves in the supermakets, and most always the government creating the panic has economic reasons…the antrax epecemic in the 1920/30s in Europe todat still has the landmarkings of clusters of trees with a barbed wire fence to prevent animals grazing….

    The most dangerous disease in the world is greed and that comes from fear.

  9. Hindsight is always 20/20 but we are in much worse shape than before convid. Much worse. Some may be smarter & awake now & won’t bow down but most have come in contact with others that have either gotten the shot (& therefore have shed) or have gotten the shot themselves. Therefore their immunity has been compromised worse & most likely not restored to before the plandemic. And we’re aren’t talking about simple germ/virus warfare. This is a bioweapon that remains in the body until detoxed & maybe not even then completely.

    Given the state of obesity & horrific eating habits in our country, this next one (whatever they’re planning) may take down similar numbers of people. Having studied gut dysbiosis for 15 years of my journey, when our guts are overridden with bad bugs more than good bugs (we are more bugs than DNA), illness begins. Add a bioweapon in & it’s a very serious game changer.

    This was designed to wreak havoc in our bodies many years after any plandemic hits. That is why any next coordinated plan could be even more catastrophic.

  10. Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado announced in the last few days that mice and cats are being found with H1N1 – bird flu.

    1. Seems if they go looking everywhere they’ll ‘find’ what they want to find.

      Next it’ll be that they will say the chem trails they’ve sprayed more of in the last 4 years must continue to kill all the flying creatures ‘just in case’ to explain that lie. I already have less wild birds this year.

  11. I remember the H5N1 outbreak around 2010. The good thing was that the from-animal-to-human transmission was fairly low. The bad thing was, if a human became infected, the death rate was very high. Sorry but I don’t condemn Big Pharma if they are about to develop a vaccine. The mandatory vaccination – that’s a different question.

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