BIRD FLU: They Fooled Us Once. Looks Like They’ll Try to Fool Us Again.

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

The more we learn about the made-up rules enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the more outrageous the entire thing becomes. Anthony Fauci had the utter audacity to sit in Congress and admit they had no data, so they just creatively improvised things like social distancing measures. They fooled a lot of folks once, so shame on them. It looks like they’re about to try and fool us twice with the Bird Flu. If we fall for it again, then shame on us.

They did everything from withholding effective medications to depriving people of employment to shaming people publicly, discriminating against them, and wishing them dead.

Then as if 2020 and 2021 weren’t brutal enough, we find out from Congressional investigations and Anthony Fauci’s recent testimony it was all a bunch of baloney to make Big Pharma rich and Big Government powerful. People died who didn’t need to die, the elderly became isolated from their loved ones, medical personnel became burned out and traumatized, and children lost an entire year of educational experiences. Others were vaccinated, some eagerly and some grudgingly, and are suffering longterm disability and even death from the hastily created mRNA vaccine.

If we don’t take away some lessons from this, we don’t deserve to call ourselves preppers.

And it looks like we’re about to be tested on what we’ve learned.

The Bird Flu

Last week, Dr. Peter McCullough of The Wellness Company released an update on where we stand with the bird flu (H5N1), where this is heading, and what individuals can do to stay safe and informed. 

First, Dr. McCullough says the mass destruction of livestock to “eradicate” the virus is “futile” and will only work to harm our food supply – not end the spread of bird flu. 

Second, Dr. McCullough believes it is clear that the rapid spread of bird flu to migratory birds and mammals is the result of gain-of-function research and a lab leak. A set-up that looks eerily to COVID-19. 

Third, Dr. McCullough rightly points out that the fearmongering around the bird flu promoted by the mainstream media is to facilitate mass vaccination of animals and humans, which will line the pockets of Big Pharma and their NGO backers. 

The lessons we should have learned

First, it’s entirely possible that they can and will use this as another two-year power grab. It’s another election year, and it almost feels like deja vu, watching the MSM wax fearful over this virus. But if we are aware, we’re able to mitigate some of the damage.

Financial problems

Of course, we can’t do much about the overall damage to the economy. We can only prepare ourselves for it with supplies, savings, and other preps. By this, I mean general prepping and being ready for economic hard times.

“New” vaccines

We have seen how badly the last vaccine turned out for many people. Young, otherwise healthy athletes dropping dead on the playing field. People confined to wheelchairs. Others living through a disabling brain fog. Some people got through it fine, while for others it was completely devastating. We’d do well to remember this in case of another speedy-to-market vaccine.

Inability to get the medication that works

We learned that when Big Pharma has an agenda, we may lose access to the medications we need. They all but outlawed ivermectin during Covid, and even people who got prescriptions found that pharmacies were unwilling to fill them. The Wellness Company has a Contagion Emergency Kit that contains the necessary prescription meds to treat all types of viral illnesses. It contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak™), Oseltamivir (generic Tamiflu™) and Budesonide along with a nebulizer. Interestingly, these were the meds and treatments I was given in Mexico when I got Covid there.

I have these kits on hand for every member of my family, because I’m not going to risk being at the mercy of Big Pharma in the future.

Food prices going up

If you think food prices went crazy last time, just wait until this time around. We’re already seeing livestock being pre-emptively killed, which will make meat and poultry prices skyrocket. But will this work to help “stop the bird flu?”

Dr. McCullough says no. He believes that the mass destruction of livestock to “eradicate” the virus is “futile” and will only work to harm our food supply – not end the spread of bird flu. 

This is a place where preppers excel – stocking up on food and developing as much food independence as possible. This book is a physical copy of 12 years worth of OP articles on food storage, production, acquisition, and preservation.

Mental preparedness

Perhaps the most important thing in the upcoming bird flu scare is your mental preparedness. If you panic, you tend to lose your reasoning skills. If you can remain calm and centered, then you will get through the times ahead with much more clarity of thought. And that’s absolutely essential when trying to sift through the lies to get to the truth.

We’ve watched this before.

I don’t want to downplay the seriousness of these illnesses for some folks. I know that many question whether Covid even exists. I believe it does and I believe that the bird flu does too. I also believe that these things are being tampered with to make them even more deadly. Only if the populace sees dramatic images that fill them with fear will they be easily herded toward even more draconian regulations.

Don’t let your knowledge of how deceptive they were in the past allow you to become complacent. Don’t immediately brush off all fears to the point that you take no precautions. It’s important to figure out exactly what we’re dealing with first. If another pandemic conveniently comes along, you can bet it will have been made more deadly. It would have to be even scarier than Covid to convince people to go along with this stuff again.

What are your thoughts?

Do you think the bird flu will be the next pandemic? Do you think something is already in the works? Is it related to the election? How are you prepping for this possibility?

Share your thoughts in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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44 Responses

  1. Great article,
    The evil ones behind all of this won’t give up until they achieve their goals or they are removed, which appear to be doubtful that will happen.

  2. Daisy, the criminal globalists, such as Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Soros and the lot, are continuing with their Georgia Guide Stone DEPOPULATION agenda to cut the world population down to 500,000,000 people perpetually. These sons of bitches want control over the population and they will say and do anything and everything to get what they want. To everyone who reads my post, DON’T BUY INTO THEIR BULLSHIT LIES! Do NOT take any of big pharmas so-called vaccines which have NEVER been tested in long term studies. They are in reality their DEPOPULATION TOOLS! Remember these words at all cost. In the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America, MANDATES ARE NOT LAWS. THEY ARE ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and NO ONE should do as any of them say!

  3. I absolutely think there will be another plandemic/dem-panic. They think we are so stupid.

    I’ll say it again. Get yourself as healthy as you can by making healthier choices. Any amount of effort will help the body fend off things it comes in contact with.

    We all control hand to mouth. This last bioweapon was pretty genius. It was created to wreak havoc inside our cells creating more powerful mutations that are turned on (activated) with either food (garbage food) or environmental factors (cell signals/towers). We are more bugs & bacteria than DNA. Sugar feeds bacteria/viruses/pathogens. Genius. ‘They’ know that the majority of America is overweight, out of shape & have horribly compromised immune systems. Mostly because they have helped to destroy it.

    I will be looking into more of Dr. Mc Cullough’s stuff. I hope he doesn’t get Epsteined with this next plan.

    1. Others have already pointed this out. See “The People’s Chemist” Website Bird Flu article comments. He’s a bona fide Chemist who worked in labs on this stuff. This Avian flu virus is already active in the country but it’s not that dangerous to humans…
      Until they make it dangerous with their gain of function experiments.
      Then they just say “oh, it’s just a natural mutation from an existing virus” So it’s not as suspicious as Batshit theories.

  4. Hello Daisy! Great article! I also think, like Dr MacCullough, that we’re going to get another pandemic and that it will be bird flu. But there’s one thing that I suggest, instead of the Contagion Emergency Kit – get prepped up on three items instead: Macro-Particle Colloidal Silver (God’s natural antibiotic), and Liposomal Vitamin C (which your body cannot get too much of, PLUS it absolutely cures more diseases and toxins than you’ll ever read about in mainstream), and L-Lysine (the Amino Acid, also which your body cannot get too much of, PLUS which, when combined with the aforementioned Vitamin C will cure CardioVascular Disease, such as Atherosclerosis, and will absolutely dissolve the occlusions in coronary arteries, AND repair unruptured aneurysms, as proven by Linus Pauling’s therapy.
    I can certify all of the above is true. If you want me to, I can put the information here in comments.
    Blessings to you, Daisy,

    1. This is a PS to the OD comment: There are too many adverse side effects possible with the items in the Contagion Emergency Kit, and nil with Vitamin C and L-Lysine, and almost none with colloidal silver. And not one death from vitamins or supplements has ever been recorded; not one.
      Bless you,

      1. Interesting info Old duffer thank you. Any thoughts about Flubendazole? Great for chickens as de-wormer (and probably bird flu) and humans anti-malaria and latest studies in cancer cures sounds promising but big pharma/governments cant make money from it..

        1. Kurt, my sis-in-law takes a dose of that stuff every day. I’ve never tried it. I think it’s one of those meds that has to be taken on or about the onset of symptoms for it to work. I’d rather take natural supplements, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc…

      1. Studies behind which one? Colloidal silver can be made from a generator from They have tried for many years to squash this guy from selling his generator because they know it works. Medical drs have used silver for decades in burn wards with fantastic results.

        I’ve used silver for almost 8 years for dozens of things with great success don’t let the BS internet scare you. Read testimonials from real people.

      2. Esmith, I have written proof, from my wife’s cardiologist. It dissolved her blocked carotids and healed an abdominal aneurysm.
        IF you want to see the studies, you’ll have to spring for the book titled Practicing Medicine Without a License, written by Owen Fonorow, PhD. That book tells about the studies that Linus Pauling did on CVD (cardiovascular disease), and itemizes the protocol (5000mg L-Lysine and 8,000 to 18,000mg Liposomal Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Daily in divided doses. It also tells about the additional supplements that a person is advised to take.
        Practicing Medicine Without a License, written by Owen Fonorow, $19.23 on Amazon.

    2. Can you give a link or other info about recommended dosage?

      I’m currently reading “Curing the Incurable” by Thomas E. Levy, a book about Vitamin C.

      1. Vitamin C is water soluble. Meaning= you eliminate any excess out & the body does not store it unlike fat soluble which can build up over time & be toxic.

        I swear by high volume C. I put a powder in my morning smoothies daily (like +1000% USRDA-which is probably total BS & way too low to even be good for us knowing it’s a captured agency too).

        Functional medical doctors have used intravenous C for decades curing multiple diseases. No secret. The internet will scare you with supplementation because they want you taking drugs & don’t credit nature to heal.

        To test YOUR acceptable level of need of vitamin C- take it (preferably powdered or chewable to not overtax your liver) 1000 mg at a time until it makes you have a runny stool then back off 1000 mg & that should be your daily amount. The body will tell you YOUR amount.

        1. There has no RDA ever been set for any vitamin that is enough for the human body. They are influenced by big pharma.
          My minimum dose daily of Vitamin C Powder 1heaping tsp = 5000mg: I take two heaping teaspoons in a morning smoothie, made with 5-6 frozen strawberries, 1 large carrot cut up in pieces, handful of mixed greens, 2 Marjool Dates for sweetening, and beet juice or pomegranate juice. I try to buy organic when I can.
          If you take Vitamin C in capsules, you need to get Liposomal Vitamin C, and take a minimum of 4,000mg daily in divided doses. 10,000mg is better. 20,000mg is better than that.
          Andrew W. Saul, PhD, raised his children thusly: All doses are given in divided doses during waking hours. From infant thru one year – 1,000mg Vitamin C daily. 2 years, 2000mg daily. 3 years, 3,000mg daily. At every year of age increase, add another 1,000mg to their vitamin C dosage. Up to age 10. and from there up thru adult, they got 10,000mg daily in divided doses during daylight hours. He recommended that all adults in America should get a minimum of 10,000mg daily. When you’re under stress, add another 4 or 5,000mg daily. That’s stress caused by an illness, or a spousal argument, or an auto accident, or an injury. Stress eats vitamin C. Feed it. I’ll shut up now.
          Blessing to you,

      1. Amen!! I have two of their generators, Jennifo. (One in the travel trailer.) I usually try to keep about 2 gallons of 8-11ppm Colloidal Silver in Amber Quart jars on hand at all times. And a couple of quart boston round amber bottles of 30ppm on hand for topical uses. When I find 4 empty jars on the counter, I make fresh silver. It will last at least a year in an Amber glass container. I think it would probably last longer than that. I have a jar in the closet just to see if it will last longer.
        I mix 30ppm Colloidal Silver 50/50 with pure Aloe Vera Gell to make a topical gell for use on scrapes, burns, cuts, etc. Using the gell with gauze bandages over an injury will help it to heal much faster, and keep it from getting infected, too.
        We give a lot of it away by the quart to friends and relatives, and if they’ll bring back the amber jars and bottles, they’ll get a free refill. 🙂

  5. To this day, I still see people with masks on, driving in their cars, by themselves.
    Seems like every other year, there is a bird flu panic.
    Did not buy into it then, not going to now.
    When there is a 5% or more mortality rate across all age groups, then I might get concerned.
    Not for something that has a 99.998% survival rate.

    1. 1stMarineJarHead I never stopped wearing my mask until a few weeks ago when I came back from the beach and saw the weird tan lines on my face 🙂

  6. The biggest problem I see with stocking meds is that they have an expiration date – they have adverse effects on your body when they get too old. So, having antibiotics, ivermectin, hydrochloroquin, etc., on hand may cause a false sense of security – when it comes time to use them, they may be too old to be effective. Just a thought…

    1. Teresa
      Want to inform you that the medications which are no longer sold here in the states go overseas. Why you may ask, because they are still viable.
      You have to do deep research on such medications.
      There is one medication that I am aware of when it expires you send it to the dump that is [Tetracycline]. It is not stable to use after the expiration date comes to pass.
      If the medications one has on hand for their fishes which is packaged and kept in a stable room temperature it will last for years. This knowledge comes from a person who should know these facts, and no it is not myself.

  7. As a retired pharmacist, I can guarantee you that there’s no problem with placing your antibiotics in the freezer. Just do that. It’s what I do.

  8. Unless they can do something to get people sick and dying I doubt this version is going to do much. They have been trying to scare people but the virus isn’t cooperating. It is responding to containment in the animals and those few people infected in America haven’t even needed hospitalization.

  9. It is my considered opinion that “covid” is but another name for the flue we have known for decades. The whole “cpvid” affair was nothing but an attempt to control all of us, by the deep state. I ignored it then and I will ignore the next one that is put forth.

  10. Also remember how the bogus PCR test was heavily promoted by the government to terrify as many people as possible into taking one of Big Pharma’s often deadly vaccines. The fraud was so bad that the NY Times was reporting that the PCR test was yielding up to 90% false positives. The other part of that story was that the test’s inventor had said he created it for manufacturing purposes only … and that it was not fit to diagnose any disease. Even the VA medical system (enslaved to government) was ordered to use the PCR test before any surgery could be approved. When I disclosed that NY Times reporting to one VA medical department head and asked what happens to a patient who gets a likely false positive from it … he said only then could they use some other test to confirm or deny the PCR results.

    The point is that government lying is rampant … and has been ever since the fraudulent 1918 “Spanish Flu” era which was in fact a Rockefeller-produced (and poorly tested) meningitis vaccine they first sold to the US Army in 1917 at Ft. Riley, Kansas … where the defenseless GIs immediately began to get sick. As it mutated a couple of times while it was being sold to several other countries during WW1 … estimates today are that it killed somewhere between 50 and 100 million people … including more German soldiers than combat. Because wartime censorship prohibited media discussion of this in war-involved countries … the first appearance of such discussion appeared in newspapers in Spain. That gave Woodrow Wilson (who was utterly terrified of the Rockefellers) the opportunity to falsely label the illness as the “mysterious Spanish Flu” of unknown origin …that lie being maintained by the US government even to this present day.

    The message is that government lies about bird flu or whatever unending variety of plandemic nasties that might likely follow … are consistent with their disgusting history of lies.


  11. Fooled who?

    There never was a test.

    There never was a cure.


    8.7 billion people 12.8 billion doses. Well done.

  12. They are not going to use crooked Fauci’s bird flu to shut down the economy and do COVID 2.0. That would hurt them politically in this election year. Seems to me they will just use it as an excuse to make a massive push for paper ballots so they can cheat like they did last time. Hey look at all the fake paper ballot votes for the Biden replacement. That’s the deja vu we need to worry about. Millions of fake ballots being cast for the next fake president.

    Did anyone find it strange that Joe Biden got COVID hardly a week after Donald Trump was shot and his polls went up and Biden’s polls went down. I think his doctor visit went something like this. The doctor said, “Mr. Biden you have got COVID and at your age it could take a major turn for the worse. There is a special drug that will help ensure that you will survive your COVUD. But it is hard to get and the president of the company that makes it is very adamant about you stepping down. What do you want me to tell him when I give him a call to see if he can provide this hard to get drug for you? ”

    And the bird flu virus was a back up for his COVID. Biden’s decision to not run for reelection to me was a forced health issue created by his puppet masters. Do as we say Mr. Puppet or die. All the official reasons given for his decision to not run again were for the bird brains.

  13. I think a problem that gets tossed around is that Dr. Fauci didn’t come up with social distancing. That was the CDC. Two different medical organizations. Fauci didn’t want us in masks, because there was a finite amount of them in storage. Also at the time they didn’t think it was airborne. I try not to second guess doctors. Mostly because they are the experts. But we in the survival community knew back in March that the gold standard was N95 masks. Some of us already had them in our gear. N95s would protect us 95%. So called surgical masks which are 2 ply masks protected us around 60% and one ply cloth masks protected us around 25%. There were many articles telling us this in March of 2020. Yet for some odd reason we ignored it. As the medical community learned about the brand new Coronavirus, they tried what worked in the past coronaviruses. Some worked and some didn’t. But people were freaking out because they assumed that doctors should know about a brand new coronavirus. Thats not how it works. They may know how past ones worked but new ones not so much.

    1. I won’t ever trust a medical doctor unless he is knowledgeable about natural supplements and vitamins. There are too many iatrogenic diseases around that we cannot do anything about, nor can a person get any help from any of them for diseases they cause with medicines.
      Someone once said (attributed to Voltaire, I believe) “Doctors are men who give drugs of which they know little, into bodies of which they know less, for diseases of which they know nothing.”

  14. Tamiflu is effective against H5N1 (it’s a neuraminidase inhibitor, the “N” in H5N1). Ivermectin and HCQ are ineffective. No one ever mentions this, including the CDC

  15. Very good article. Bird Flu is already a “plandemic” among food growers. Poultry and beef cattle are tested by USDA (using the PCR test which is NOT a diagnostic tool) Too many animals have already been destroyed. It is an attack on our food supply. The globalists want us dead. Every human, animal, plant is now poisoned with graphene oxide that has been sprayed from above. Many detox methods are available. Find one, use it.
    No long term safety studies have ever been done on childhood immunizations.×335.png
    HHS was ordered by a Federal Judge to produce vaccine safety studies. They could not find any such studies in their data bases, either at HHS or in Federal Records. RFK JR (CHILDRENS HEALTH DEFENSE) DEL BIGTREE (ICAN, THE HIGHWIRE) joined forces. This could void the “exemption from liability for injuries caused by Big Pharma vaccines) Also, no long term safety studies…
    NO MANDATES! American Health Agencies are not to be trusted.

  16. >tl;dr
    it is contemporary history
    vol I – from 2013 until 2022 March
    vol II – from 2022 March until the end of 2022
    vol III & IV encompass 6 months each, consecutively.
    there are separate chapters on different topics, like Precious Metals, (((democracy))), gun rights, failure of morals, military conclusions from the Russo-Ukrainian war etc. in the latter volumes these chapters are usually one for each month.
    >is it pro[insert thing]
    it is pro truth, as much as it can be gleaned
    >schizo ramblings
    so is Historia Arcana by Procopius
    >how to download from libgen
    you click on the title and then on GET

    vol I:
    alt links for vol I:
    ht>tps://library.>frensch> (remove “>” from the link)

    vol II:
    alt links for vol II:
    ht>tps://library.frensc> (remove “>” from the link)

    vol III –
    alt links for vol III:

    and vol IV:
    alt link for vol IV:

    and vol V:
    alt link for vol V:

  17. I do think that at some point, there will be a bird or swine flu pandemic. The viruses have already shown they can jump to humans with devastating effects. It’s just a matter of time for them to either mutate on their own or with human help to a point that they spread and cause issues.
    My concerns are that, yes, there will be governmental overreach AND that people will “poo-poo” the possible devastation that can be caused by such a virus and compounding an issue that should be approached with careful thought and action.

    Common sense and open sharing of information or lack of information should have prevailed with the covid crisis.
    But it didn’t and the effects, I believe, will be even more pronounced with the next pandemic.
    When a new virus shows up or an older one mutates to humans, common sense says to distance the sick from the healthy until more is known or it continues its mutations to be less devastating. But people are either so afraid or so self centered that they come to a place quickly that they stop using common sense and enter into division and stupidity.

    If I’m sick with a common cold, I’m not going to isolate completely. But I’m also not going to flaunt it and go eat dinner with my health compromised father. Common sense. So if I’m infected with an unknown virus, I will be cautious because it’s common decency. But I’m not going to send healthy employees home from work they need if they aren’t sick. Common sense.
    I can’t control how other people will respond. I think we are a powder keg that increases pressure every year in this country. So instead of worrying about the what if’s, the power I have in the situation is to be prepared in any way I’m able. I have better direction in some areas after seeing how things were handled last time. So mental and physical preparations have been adjusted.

  18. Three new human cases of HPAI H5N1 avian influenza detected in poultry culling crew in Colorado on Friday. CDC says they are “monitoring closely” the situation as it develops. I’m sure they are. Trump is up by wide margin in all the bookie’s betting sites and there is less than 100 days until Federal elections.

    Incidentally, in this linked CDC situation update, 100+ of 300+ tested on the culling crew were positive for SARS CoV, the “virus that causes Covid19”. Hmm…

  19. All my people I talk to in the food industry are telling me GET STUFF.. that buyers are seeing shortages and have been just like? Covid….
    One of my sources fed me a bunch of info which was awesome! Same source and they are telling me the talk behind the curtains is “feel of covid”…PRE SHUTDOWN!

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