Biden Sends $1 Billion to Africa While Americans in WNC Freeze

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Sometimes, the audacity of the Biden administration still stuns me. On December 3, President Biden stumbled through a speech about how we were sending a billion dollars to help people displaced by a natural disaster.



Meanwhile, here is a report from Western North Carolina a week ago.

The only mainstream news station still reporting anything about WNC is Fox. As far as CNN and the other outlets are concerned, folks are just being mean to FEMA and spreading misinformation.

FEMA is actively working on securing shelter for the flood victims who need it, which can be a complex endeavor that takes time. But, Haywood County leaders say misinformation can get in the way. (ABC)

The Raleigh News & Observer notes that members of Congress think that the misinformation may be coming from Russia and China. and they’re going to investigate it.

FEMA  promised to deliver 103 houses by Thanksgiving.

As of two days ago, FEMA has proudly announced that they’ve provided a whopping…33 temporary houses for residents of Western North Carolina.


They’ve also posted this infographic to let everyone know how much they’ve helped. Now it’s up to 44 houses, apparently.

But it’s worse than that. They’re actively trying to stop volunteers from bringing in donated trailers to people who are “in a flood zone now.”

FEMA blames locals for their woes.

“If people would come out of their tents,” says Jeremy Slinker, FEMA would be able to help them.

So, it’s better to just leave those stubborn folks in tents in the snow if they won’t cooperate.

On December 3, FEMA finally approved $114 million for debris removal. We’re more than two months after the disaster, and they’re just now pulling it together to gather up the rubble? It still looks like the area was destroyed by bombs after all this time.

James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas and CEO of O’Keefe Media Group, has gone undercover to learn the truth about what’s going on in Western North Carolina. His investigative report is very unsettling but is easily proven by the footage shown. Watch it below.

It’s not just FEMA, either.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has been paying regular lip service about his concern for the Western part of the state he “leads,” but when the state congress approved a funding bill with hurricane relief, he vetoed it.

Fortunately, the North Carolina Senate voted to override Cooper’s veto. However, the House has to also vote on the matter before the override is official. 

This is a senseless political ploy that is making it take even longer to release necessary funds as the snow falls on tents housing shivering families.

Operation Shelter has housed more people than FEMA.

Operation Shelter has been hard at work, with very limited funds, but they, along with other volunteers, have still managed to get more people into warm shelters than FEMA has. (You can go here to see some of the life-saving work that Shawn Hendrix has done.)

There are many different ways to help. Here are some of the people on the ground I’ve been following on X.

Emergency RV, as mentioned, has gotten donated trailers to families with no homes. If you have one that you’d like to donate, you can contact them, and they’ll even arrange for someone to drive it to its destination.

For information, you can follow Matt Van Swol and his wife, Erin Derham. They are posting daily from Asheville the things going on in the community. They’re extremely careful about checking their information.

Margo from NC has been posting first-hand information since the disaster began.

Shawn Hendrix, as I mentioned before, has worked tirelessly to help the community. He has brought a lot of attention to the situation and pulled off some miracles. If you want to make a monetary donation that you can be confident will be put to good use, here are some links for doing so.

If you have some donations you would like to mail in, I have an address. They are not taking most clothing right now but are looking for cold-weather outerwear for children and adults, blankets, sleeping bags, and camping gear. A particular need is for space heaters that can safely be used indoors or in a tent.

Crestview Baptist Church

3258 Pisgah Dr.

Canton NC 28716

  • You can also order supplies from Amazon and have it sent there. Here are a few recommendations.
  • These winter sleeping bags are reasonably priced.
  • Feminine hygiene supplies like pads and tampons are needed.
  • Things to keep hands and feet warm would be extremely welcome.
  • No-rinse body wipes would be helpful for hygiene.
  • Propane heaters that can safely be used indoors could potentially save someone’s life. My recommendations are the Little Buddy and the Mr. Heater. If you are feeling extra generous, this hose assembly allows the heaters to be connected to bigger, barbecue sized propane tanks.
  • Winter gear such as gloves, coats, heavy socks, and hats are also welcome.

Manpower would also be appreciated if you can. Contact Shawn Hendrix, above, to get more information.

Please share these stories far and wide. Don’t let Appalachia be forgotten.

What are your thoughts?

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about some of the reasons that the government seems to want folks to relocate instead of rebuild. This is enough outrage for one day.

What are your thoughts on this? Is the government actively trying to get in the way? Why are they sending money to rebuild Africa while our own people are at risk of freezing to death?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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24 Responses

  1. From this extensive article I was emailed …

    I excerpted this highly likely explanation of the US government’s grossly criminal behavior before and after the horrible Helene disaster in Western North Carolina:


    Is it just a coincidence that Hurricane Helene decimated areas sitting atop rich reserves of lithium and quartz—minerals that the tech industry craves for electric cars and AI chips? Or was this “natural” disaster a calculated strike directed to serve a much darker agenda? For almost 50 years, we’ve had the technology to manipulate hurricanes, even boasting patents on devices designed for hurricane and tornado control (check it out for yourself: US Patent 20030085296A1). The evidence is out there, hiding in plain sight.

    What Helene’s path conveniently did was clear prime real estate for companies like BlackRock to swoop in and buy it at pennies on the dollar. Once devastated by disaster, owners often feel desperate, selling whatever’s left of their land just to get something for it. And you can bet the elites know this.

    Chimney Rock, once a thriving town, has been condemned, and it’s not just the land that’s being ignored—survivors are being left to die in the streets. The government’s not even bothering to collect the bodies. Instead, federal bulldozers roll in, wiping everything out—bodies included.

    Is this a disaster relief effort or a sinister land grab wrapped in the guise of a storm?

    A group of people standing in front of a large cloud of smoke

    This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen something fishy going on with governments and corporations trying to grab land from desperate citizens. Just look at what happened in Lahaina, where the aftermath of the wildfires has triggered a feeding frenzy among investors and developers looking to scoop up valuable properties for pennies on the dollar. Our personal friend, who owns a condo there, recently received an alarming letter notifying them of a massive spike in their insurance premium (due to the fires), a burden that many property owners may simply not be able to afford.

    What’s Next? An America Without Americans

    This is where we’re heading: a future where disasters are engineered or exploited to clear out “undesirables” and hand over our land and resources to global corporations. The government has made it clear they don’t care if we live or die—they just want us out of the way. If nothing is done, this will become the new normal. Helene was just the beginning.

    Looting is rampant in Asheville, with people pulling guns and knives just to scavenge for food. Society is breaking down, and the government is encouraging it. National Guard troops who could restore order have been told to stand down. Why? Because the more chaos there is, the easier it is for them to take control.



  2. Maybe someone can answer this for me…

    How does Biden get to send money anywhere he chooses, without first getting approval from Congress?

    1. Exactly!!!!! I’ve been wondering this myself. He just pops up now and again in this stolen “presidency ” to send our tax paying money. .. to foreign nations? I have no nice words.

    2. Anyone can do anything they wish unless someone or something stops them. Government, especially high positions in the federal government, have more power at their disposal, thus they are harder to stop.

      The first question is, should anyone be stopping Biden (actually his handlers, but you get the idea)? The second question is, if those who should be stopping him aren’t, why aren’t they?

      The last question is, if those who should act can’t or won’t, should anyone else step in and act? A question outside the scope of prepping, I fear.

    3. No kidding. But with a congress full of traitors, they approve MANY billions of dollars in foreign aid every year.

      Israel for instance, receives 10.5 MILLION dollars a DAY from the U.S. – plus billions more each time they come to D.C begging for more.

      It’s an UN-CONSTITUTIONAL transfer of American taxpayer money to foreign governments.

      1. all us troops should be brought home to patrol our border. All us bases on foreign soil also closed with equipment brought home.

  3. WTF!!!!! Russia and China spreading disinformation???? About NC nonassistance from fema? I have no words. Like none. If I saw that BS on TV I would have shot my TV up, or taken a hammer to it. I get my news from here and Twitter, that’s it, and my heart absolutely breaks for these people. I’m sharing this far and wide. Enough is enough. These evil elitists are DELIBERATELY destroying America and spreading propaganda. I’ll be sending supplies to where u mentioned.

  4. Hey Daisy, as for NC’s bill, many in WNC are outraged that it was hijacked with other provisions, and believe that the aid was merely moving money from one pot to another, rather than providing additional money. Bottom line is that there is a bipartisan consensus that the bill is an insult to those in need. It is an aid bill in name only. As we speak, citizens (repub and dem) are being kicked out of the general assembly, and not
    given normal rights to speak, to hear others, and protest. So please don’t think that bill is good for WNC.

  5. I watched one of the videos Daisy linked to one of the volunteers there on the ground. He made a good observation that the private sector, i.e. volunteers, were smaller, nimble, faster to provide help as they were not burdened by regulations. They had the “get the job done!” and help as many people as they could as fast as they could mentality. He did say that, yes, FEMA did show up. But it was nearly two weeks later and they had to follow all kinds of rules and regulations. So, someone could not use that tiny house that volunteers build as it was not built to code, but they could live in that tent.
    Giving to poor people in Africa money, that will likely get embezzled and very little actually going to people in need, just shows the kind of contempt the Biden admin has for their own citizens.
    I will say this is an opportunity for the local, state and federal level entities to really think things through, and rebuild the areas and regions better. Also, rebuild with flooding in mind.

  6. About half will come back as kickbacks, less 10% for the big guy. The rest will be used by the top critters in Angola: a couple more Rolls-Royces, private jets, additions to the harem. It’s all been done before, in much the same way.

    1. Amen, Cap’n! Money-laundering at its finest! Biden Cartel getting fatter n’ fatter on our bucks, and making the elitists in Angola the same deal!

  7. I’ve been following western NC private citizens, and private aid groups LIKE THE Cajun Navy and guys with helicopters delivering generators to rural places. I’m disgusted with our official response groups.
    I’ve been talking with one regular blogger about personal preps that will help her family and others. I have more in my head than in my wallet.
    But Lithium isn’t worth killing for! Or is it?
    FEMA built a big camp for its workers and little of anything for the people who are suffering. It it compassionate private citizens who have supplied tents, clothing, generators, food and now insulated sheds and camping trailers. Without them hundreds more would probably have perished.
    And Yes folks are stealing excess supplies and selling them elsewhere where and things that make me even more angry than I already am.
    When a local business and individual with a pickup and enclosed trailer was going that way with donations I sent every sleeping bag in the house plus new underwear and warm blankets. I live in western New Mexico. The business supplied gas money. I also sent things to flooded towns and burned out places here.
    I have enough for years at both my property and a fiancés property. We aren’t rich but I’ve been putting away extras for years. I’ve also been planting a wild food and medicine area on both properties and a mixed fruit orchard on his property that is about ready to bear now. I have a small 6×12 greenhouse ready for a 6×12 pit we are repairing his backhoe to dig. I used his downstairs imbedded into a hillside for my living quarters and the 10×50 unheated enclosed porch I use as a greenhouse for wintering plants too tender for outside in our winters. It stays around 55 degrees there year-around.
    The blogger I talk with has just recently been planting fruit trees between the driveway and a steep hillside. Otherwise unused space and she’s planting permenant food and wild medicinals there also. Glad to see she’s taking our talks to heart.
    My personal project is garden seeds and perennial seeds for long term plantings. I’ve saved a lot of seed and am looking for bulk sources hoping to get some help. I hope someone will help with hand gardening tools as well. I garden with a mattock, shovels, hoes, rakes, water hoses and connections and containers for storing water. I have never used power equipment. But I may as I build some raised beds for part of my garden. In the past I simply laid wooden pallets on the ground and planted in the openings or pulled a few boards to make wider openings. They shade the ground and hold in moisture here in the high mountain desert where I live. I use wild onions and desert verbena that multiply like crazy as ground cover on rocky hillsides. Pretty, and the pink and white blooming onions are edible and medicinal and grow where nothing else will in almost solid rocks. In areas where water is starting to wash away soil on steep hillsides I’m planting wild black cherries and wild red plums. The multiply from seed and runners from underground roots to make thickets. Soil conservation with wonderful fruit. The cherry trees don’t have real long lives but continually multiply and the wood is great for smoking meat. The plums are very long lived. The knarly old ones are also great for smoking meats.
    I also grow plants in containers to set out in late spring or to eat from all winter. I’m hoping to use the new greenhouse to extend the tomato season. Mountain nights are cool so no matter how early or big tomatoes are when set out , they are just beginning to ripen a good crop when it’s freeze time.

  8. down here in north Florida first we were hit by Idalia in September 2023 then in May 2024 we were hit by a tornado we live 60 miles from Perry Florida. Then came Debby, Helene and Milton. I will just say it has been a very long, hard and stressful 14 months for us here. Debby flooded the whole town of Live Oak and most of our county. Idalia and Helene made landfall 60 miles from our home and Idalia was like no other hurricane I have ever been through, and I’ve lived in the south my whole life and been thru a lot of them Hugo in SC in 1989 and many others. We lost over 200 large oak trees on our 5 acres just in Idalia, our whole neighborhood was cut off no way in and no way out. I will give the praises to the young man that works for Duke Energy he was a life saver they were putting in a solar field near us and clearing land he came into our neighborhood with their equipment and cleaned every road in our neighborhood all dirt roads and he even stayed till after dark to clean our driveway so we could get to our home and praise the lord it was still there no damage. After all the hurricane’s that hit us, we have lost 400 oak trees. Fema was great after Idalia but the other 3 I’d like to know where they are now. We just got our snap to replace lost food the week before Thanksgiving after 2 months, if you are already on snap, they get there’s within a week but if not, they make you wait for months. People here have been living in homes with the windows blown out and boarded up and roofs gone all we see when we are out are the blue tarps on roofs everywhere for the last 15 months. When Helene came through it hit Perry Florida again trees are down everywhere limbs hanging over roads and they just keep falling. Parts of Perry Florida, neighborhoods just gone, but Fema is just worrying about south Florida. Our governor is really good and has worked really hard for all of us here and has been to every little town there is in Florida. Where Helene made landfill in the panhandle its only like 60 miles to the Georgia state line, we didn’t even get 1 inch of rain here at our house, but we got the wind as soon as it hit in Georgia the rain started Valdosta Georgia flooded, and the rain headed north and didn’t stop. FEMA has come up with a new rule 50/50 if your home or mobile has as Fema put it 50% damage no funding and has to demolished 900 seniors are being forced to leave their homes with nowhere to go the owners of the parks will give them $14.000 to be gone by Jan. and each month after it goes down and everyone has to be out by May and by then you only get $3.500 they want the land. It’s happening everywhere here, and it is most seniors. I’ll give shout out to Mery Chef and Operation Barbeque they are life saviors they feed our town. There was plenty of water, MRS, tarps, from the national guard and they set up large trailers with washer and driers, showers, and restrooms all over the 5 counties that were hit the hardest here in north Florida, pet and farm animal’s feed they gave away. We have a long way to go down here, but we are strong lot, and we will make it. If anyone is denied Fema keep challenging, their decision as many times as it takes call your senators, congressmen, and the governor it is their job to help you get what they owe you. We have a great little go getter of a congresswoman here in Florida that has stated that anyone denied to get in touch with her office and someone will help you get to the right people to help you. Anna Paulina Luna is her name. God bless everyone and especially all of us surviving and rebuilding our life’s due to all the natural disasters we are enduring at this time. Have a very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season. Daisy, I have been following you for very many years love your stuff has been very helpful to me thank you! I just got your book loved it! Great stocking stuffers everybody.

  9. Thanks for this. I knew things weren’t getting much better very quickly in western North Carolina. It makes me terribly sad. I just sent some money to Shawn Hendrix. Looks like he’s doing some good there.

  10. This is all rich men’s cruel tricks perpetrated by the cancerous malignancy that are our “leaders”. War has been inaugurated upon the citizens of the decayed corpse of our Republic. And war is a racket.

    Speaking of which, if any of you have 3.5hours to burn, watch this old video by a historian. It explained a lot of questions I just could never quite square; questions like, “how is this all a coincidence?” , and “who really calls the shots?”, and “How/why did 6 million Jews loose everything, even their very life without a fight?”

  11. Daisy,
    I cannot thank you enough for staying on the case. Please keep it up.
    There are still so many families in desperate need. I am aghast at how the Biden administration can continue to funnel obscene amounts of money out of the country while our citizens are trying to survive in flimsy tents night after night in sub-freezing temperatures and high wind. Tonight alone it’s going down to 17 degrees here in northeastern Henderson county and much lower in the higher elevations just north of here.
    Here are a couple of videos that will burn you up!
    That FEMA brag sheet is pure BS. 240 deaths had been reported 5 weeks ago when they STOPPED COUNTING. Bodies are stacked up in warehouses and children are taken from parents because “tents are unfit for children. But you can’t get a tiny house because they’re not up to code.” Three days ago a baby froze to death. People are told that they can’t rebuild because they are now in a floodplain… bureaucratic nonsense!
    Thank God for the men and women, local and those who have come from far and wide to aid the suffering and homeless. These people have worked sacrificially for over 2 months to rescue people who have lost everything. It’s these hard-working folks and those donating money and goods to keep them going that are doing the work while FEMA reps take notes and do nothing.
    Find Patria at Appalachia’s Homestead on YouTube. She’s an excellent source of information.
    Also, for those of you who are in the area, take a gift to a Toys for Tots drop-off site. Drop-off sites can be found on the Toys for Tots website. Just put in your zip code and you can recommend a needy child, donate and find a drop-off site. I’m happy to say that the barrels around here are overflowing. Keep it coming and sponsor an “Angel Tree” child if you can afford it.
    Pray, pray and pray some more. Pray with expectation that this land will be healed. Enough of the heartbreak and hopelessness. The wicked ones have tried to convince us that all is lost. That’s a lie and the volunteers are proving it.

  12. Just remember that flag you pledge allegiance to represents the US government and its agencies like FEMA, FBI, ATF, CIA, TSA, NSA etc. which we all despise. Instead take an oath to defend the US Constitution, like I did 42 years ago, and not to a government, political party or a piece of cloth which now represents tyranny instead of freedom.

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