Biden’s Bizarre “Big Boy” Press Conference

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Well, President Joe Biden checked another catastrophe off his campaign bucket list – a solo press conference. This came after a full day of whoopsies at the NATO Summit.

First,  can we please address the fact that President Biden’s own camp referred to last night’s debacle as his “big boy” press conference? Does anyone else have visions of potty training or moving from a crib to a toddler bed when they hear that moniker? Why in the world would his own people call it that? He’s allegedly the leader of the free world but there they are, gushing about big boy press conferences. I hope he was treated to some ice cream and maybe even a cookie before he was hustled off to bed.

A late start

It didn’t do him any favors that the conference, originally scheduled for 5:30, got pushed back to 7:30. Perhaps he needed time to recover after introducing Ukrainian President Zelensky as Russian President Putin. You know, the dude bombing the snot out of Zelensky’s country.  (Biden explained during his press conference. “I had like five names…anyway….) Perhaps they needed to sort out the medications they used to make him appear more awake and alert. Who knows?

The press conference started off reasonably strong but soon careened off the rails. His preplanned speech wasn’t the worst he’s ever delivered but if you weren’t screaming Hatch Act at the television like one of my friends, you weren’t paying attention. The topic was supposed to be the NATO Summit, but it quickly turned into a campaign speech during a presidential event. That’s a no-no, if anyone cares.

The Q&A disaster

The real trouble began when he took questions. First let’s note that he had pre-approved reporters with pre-approved questions, so it isn’t like they were hostiles. (Although a couple of rogue reporters did manage to yell over the others and get more thought-provoking questions addressed.) It seemed to me and some of the folks I was watching with that Biden was pausing to listen to someone yapping at him in an earpiece before answering. There’s no evidence, just some weird pauses and averted eyes.

Despite his preparations for this, his answers were rambling and littered with errors. For crying out loud, he even called President Trump his vice presidential running mate!  He included his trademark creepy whispers and even a moment of outright shouting about guns.

Even the MSM that covered for the man for years is calling out this epic disaster. The Atlantic called it “Biden’s Heartbreaking Press Conference.” CNN talked about his “false and misleading claims.”

He adamantly expressed his refusal to step aside even though all the pre-arranged questions were about his capability to govern over the next four years. He isn’t going unless they cart him out, was the message I received.

Biden doesn’t seem to be aware of any of the calls for him to step down. It really seemed as though he was blithely oblivious to the growing symphony of calls for him to drop out of the race. Perhaps he’s being protected from that, sort of like you wouldn’t want to show a child something that would hurt his feelings?

It’s positively bizarre how the President has been infantilized during his very public demise. The people propping him up should be ashamed of themselves.

Who could legally replace Biden on the ballot?

Of course, the Democrats have gotten themselves between a rock and a hard place now. By waiting as long as they have, they can’t just go pick a new candidate from their pool of eager politicians. Biden is already the official candidate on the ballots in enough states that it would be virtually impossible for him to make up those electoral votes. As well, the $91 million campaign coffer would have to be refunded to donors who may or may not re-donate to a new candidate.

The only choice they have left legally is Kamala Harris, who polls even worse against Trump than an increasingly decrepit Biden. Unless they rapidly – and I mean fast – rewrite the election laws of this country, the candidate will be Biden or Harris.

Where to watch

If you missed it and want to see an hour-long train wreck, you can view the entire press conference below.

What were your thoughts?

If you watched, what did you think of Biden’s performance? Was it better or worse than expected?

Let’s discuss this ongoing disaster in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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  • Well, it was lots better than the debate but thats a very low bar to achieve. I honestly see it all as elder abuse, especially concerning Dr. JILL, with her its straight up betrayal. Biden is the same corrupt fool he has been for his entire tenure in the Senate. Crazy or not, he has never even remotely been presidential. Without Trump, he wouldnt even be that, he would be eating jello cups in a memory care facility somewhere.

    • Jill Biden is guilty of elder abuse. Full stop. And she IS NOT a doctor. She supposedly as a PhD in children’s education, that does not make her a doctor, no matter how much she attaches “Dr.” to her name as she tries to desperately gaslight people into believing it.

  • No doubt it is Elder Abuse, but Brandon gets no sympathy from me. He signed on to the Party of Whatever It Takes, he knew the people he was associating with, and were it someone else that needed to be dragged around and put on display, he’d be right there helping to drag the poor schmuck, too. He’s signed on and they’re giving him the Full Monty.

    As for the embarrassing performance, it’s a serious national security issue that shows all of our enemies and frenemies that we’re leaderless. The back-question is, who is making the decisions and running the country?

  • I think his family should be ashamed of their power trip. Let the guy grow old and rest. He’s as corrupt and disgraceful as they come but it’s sad how the left and the media are using him.

    I hope it’s enough to turn even the stubborn of liberals to admit they were fooled 4 years ago.

  • How far we have declined in 4 years. When Biden was elected, he came out and said “the adults are back in charge.” Now we just want him to get through a “Big Boy” news conference without dirtying his diapers. Can you imagine what Trump would have done if one of his staff members told the press that he was having a “Big Boy” press conference. They would be fired immediately. When you are President, every press conference is a “Big Boy” press conference. A person with Biden’s cognitive capabilities should not be leading our country. I am not saying this because I disagree with his politics, I am saying this because I am afraid for our country with him at the helm

  • Who thought “Big Boy” was a good idea, needs to be fired. Thing is, it is a good indicator that not the best and brightest are among this White House admin.
    As I told my sister, looks like the Democrats painted themselves into a corner. They would have to change the election laws in several states to get a primary redo. Then there is all the campaign funds as Daisy pointed out that can only go to Harris legally.
    What I do find somewhat shocking is how so many people are surprised by Biden’s performance at the debate. Where have these people been? I thought it was obvious as far back as 2020. The question I have are Democrats going to really go to the polls and vote for Biden? Or just stay home?
    I do think this is a legit argument for upper age limits on the presidency. I know, there are plenty of people in their 80s even 90s still going strong. But this is the presidency we are talking about.
    Reports are coming out of how much the regular White House staff has been blocked off by a small, elite group of people close to Biden to include his wife and son, Hunter. Think about that one for a moment as to who might really be running the country.
    Unless something major happens, it looks like it is going to be Biden vs. Trump come November.

    • The people who had no idea about Biden’s condition have been around the whole time, but living in a bubble or echo chamber. My best friend talked to his sister and her husband after watching the debate (they are not kids but late 40s and strongly Democrat). They were shocked at Biden’s condition and had no idea he was declining. No idea at all.

      Presumably, if they watch a debate, they follow some news or social media. But the glimpses of news I’ve caught only showed a few seconds of Biden speaking. Showing more than a few seconds would reveal his age and cognitive decline.

      • This was probably the first time these people SAW the decline, the MSM dutifully “shielding” them from that reality.

        • Well it was all over social media, him falling off his bike, falling walking up the stairs on the plane, waving to no one in the distance, his mumbling and nonsense words etc etc.
          These lefties only watch the MSM or listen to NPR so they wouldn’t know. Too bad for them and their closed minds.

    • “Where have these people been?” Watching Rachael Madcow and CNN. We’ve been seeing this for almost four years. Watchers of the Left’s parrot cages most likely NEVER saw this, and the debate was the first time the parrots COULDN’T hide it.

    • It was all so obvious in 2020. And didnt Obama make a wise crack about JB f-cking things up way back when. ?! I knew it was all a charade when he didn’t campaign and stayed in his basement 🙁

    • You’re right 1stMarineJarHead. I would go further and say the entire Biden administration should be fired, starting with Biden. Here is my short list.

      Pete Buttigieg the first gay secretary of transportation who took a 2 months maternity leave in the middle of a shipping crisis. Who cares if he is not and will not do his job. Petey B has diversity immunity

      Sam Brinton the Department of Energy’s first non-binary top nuclear waste official who was accused and filmed committing numerous luggage thefts.

      Karine Jean-Pierre the first black gay White House press secretary who is also the worst White House press secretary. She is nicknamed The Binder, because that is what she has to read from so often just to answer simple questions.

      Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas the first first Latino and immigrant to lead the Department of Homeland Security. Who devoted 100% of his time doing the exact opposite of what he was suppose to do. He actively encouraged and brought in millions of unvetted illegals along with drugs like fentanyl which caused the deaths of tens of thousands of young Americans every year.

      And worst of all vp Kamala Harris who was chosen for her DEI points namely because she is a woman and black. Her job performance and polling is worse than Biden’s.

  • Biden performed better than I thought he would – not by all that much, though. As of right now, the Democrat party leaders are still balancing on a knife edge with regards to keeping him on. The next few weeks will be interesting.

    Strategically, I hope he stays in office as long as possible as it gives Trump a better chance of winning; but I can’t deny that it’s not helping his mental state or overall health.

  • One thing I have seen in the news about how democracy worked for Biden to win in the primaries.
    While that may be true only to a degree, as some states did not allow for there to be any Democrat challengers, only Biden would appear on the ticket.
    Then there is how would of people voted in the Democrat primaries if they had actually known the degree of Biden’s mental decline? That is kind of important information to keep from the voting public.
    There are some who are claiming it is un-democratic to force, demand or try to remove Biden as the Democrat candidate. I think there is some degree of truth to that, but at the same time, voters have the right to be provided all the facts prior to the election.
    Biden will have good days. He will have bad as well. But he will likely continue on his decline as time progresses. Do we really think he will improve between now and election day? By this time next year if he were to win?
    Personally I would like to see much younger candidates on both sides. Either of them could fall over dead tomorrow.

  • If the press and the media has the entire world fixated on this..imagine just how bad somethings elsewhere truly are they’re not reporting to you on.

    Joe’s not going anywhere. This bait and switch to cover up something to go severely sideways that the press and media will also plead plausible deniability on. Never trust a lawyer, politician, reporter, or weatherman.

    I just don’t see us getting to November 5 without catastrophe (real or assisted) preventing it.

    • When you hear the ringmaster say “NOOOWWW, in the CENTER RINNNG!” keep your eyes on rings one and three. This is all a distraction…

    • Bingo! I absolutely agree!

      The only way the libtards can have an alternate candidate in all 50 states WITHOUT Brandon on the ticket is 1) IF he dies or two 2) he has been eliminated by the 25th Amendment.

      However, I believe Brandon knows there will be something that precludes having the presidential election in November.

      Bets anyone?

      • John_T count me in. As I mentioned in another comment. “Just declare an emergency and anything goes.”

        There is no honor among thieves and the Biden thief is no longer an asset. He is a liability. So out he goes. Sorry Biden your fellow crooks would like you to stand still so they can all stab you in the back at the same time. After he is removed another puppet takes his place. Legal or illegal it doesn’t matter these people will ignore the law and their followers will approve, after all it is an emergency. Can the Biden 2.0 puppet beat Trump? Will there be an election in November? What if Trump is out of the picture and Biden 2.0 is running against somebody else? I think that last scenario is their best case scenario. Too many people know what is going on for them to just call off the “the presidential election in November” under some pretext and how long can they keep that farce up?

        The COVID pandemic worked once. But even though it worked the last time COVID 2.0/Bird shit 1.0 to me seems unlikely. I am sure some of their operatives want to try it again. The next few months are critical for the puppet masters to stay in power. A wounded animal is very dangerous. Will these people stop at nothing to stay in power? Donald Trump like him or hate him, he is literally risking his life to save this country. How many people are there who are willing to risk their life and their fortune to save their country?

          • Praying for this man. Lord watch over Donald Trump. I said they’re going to do this. We had all better be getting ready.

              • That was the livestream I was watching when it happened. What was weird, my dad was in his old man chair and I was cruising Jessica’s diary. I heard a snap (everyone knows that sound), my head jerked up from Jessica to the tv over dads chair and I said “that was a shot. He’s been fucking shot!”

                So, I don’t do social media. I posted to your blog.

        • Daisy, Jim this assassination attempt on Trump was a direct result of the msm 24/7 demonizing of Donald Trump. Labeling him a Hitler, a racist, misogynist, extremist. a danger to democracy. This inspires nut cases to want to be heroes by killing the supposed Hitler to save democracy. The msm will of course deny any involvement when in fact that is what their propagandizing is intended to do. You probably saw people on the internet openly calling for the assassination of Donald Trump.

          I just said in my previous comment “Will these people stop at nothing to stay in power?” Well now we have the answer. The lawfare, the lies, the fake crimes Trump was charged with weren’t working, Trump’s polls kept improving instead of going down. So the order went out to kill Trump, Biden’s number one political opponent. I said it before and I will say it again. The people controlling the democrat party are just plain evil. This election is probably the most important election in our lifetimes. Will we become a banana republic dictatorship or will we be able to take back our country?

          For those who remember the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the controversy about whether it was just a lone gunman that shot Kennedy or multiple gunmen. Was the CIA or FBI or some other agency of our government involved? Why are so many documents about the John F. Kennedy assassination secret?

          Well here’s your answer for those who are asking the same questions about this assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

          The answer is yes, our government was involved in this attempted assassination on Donald Trump. Consider the fact that the shooter in broad daylight was on the roof of a manufacturing plant, a distance of “a football field — from the stage.”. People clearly saw the shooter climbing in to position with a rifle and tried to alert the cops who just ignored them. Why was this ideal location for an assassination attempt completely missed by the secret service? Are we actually suppose to believe this is the result of incompetence? Let’s be real and call it what it really is, treason.

          Whoever is in charge of Donald Trump’s secret service should be fired immediately and his pension and healthcare benefits eliminated. If I were Donald Trump I would fire all of them and hire actual patriots to protect him. The secret service has failed to do their job and the entire team should be replaced.

          And they need to get rid of that secret service woman diversity hire who is only five feet tall, Her shielding of Donald Trump wasn’t worth a crap.. She is just too short. This DEI policy just gets people killed.

          And finally what if their assassination attempt was successful? Would the government investigation conclude that this was a lone gunman, and that there no government involvement at all. More than likely.

          We almost lost a great man today and I expect they will make another attempt on his life. And yet Donald Trump will continue the fight to make our country great again.

          See it: Snipert shot former President Donald Trump from 130 yards away on roof of manufacturing plant
          By Chris Nesi Published July 13, 2024 Updated July 13, 2024, 10:01 p.m. ET

          The gunman who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally Saturday had positioned himself on the roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away — a bit longer than a football field — from the stage.

          Gunman behind attempted assassination on Trump had head blown off by Secret Service, sources say; rally-goer killed
          Joe Marino and Chris Nesi Published July 13, 2024 Updated July 13, 2024, 8:51 p.m. ET
          Published July 13, 2024 Updated July 13, 2024, 8:51 p.m. ET

          “BBC News interviewed several Trump supporters outside the event who described seeing a suspicious person “bear crawling” up the roof of a nearby building ahead of the shooting.

          “He had a rifle — you could clearly see him with a rifle, absolutely,” said one man, describing the suspect getting into position.

          He claimed his group, who was about 50 feet away from the structure, frantically tried to point out the man to nearby cops but said it “didn’t seem like they knew what was going on.”

          The witness said the armed man was positioned on the roof “3-4 minutes” before he started firing.”

          Everything we know about apparent Trump assassination attempt

          Former President Donald Trump was targeted by a shooter during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania
          Trump’s face was grazed by a bullet during the shooting
          The gunman and one bystander have been killed
          President Biden addressed the nation and referred to the shooting as sick, saying he “tried to get ahold of Donald”

          Assassination attempt on Trump at Pennsylvania rally leaves 2 hurt, 2 dead, including shooter
          Former President Trump was quickly surrounded and escorted off stage by Secret Service personnel
          Sarah Rumpf-Whitten By Sarah Rumpf-Whitten , Brooke Singman , Lucas Y. Tomlinson Fox News
          Published July 13, 2024 6:23pm EDT | Updated July 13, 2024 9:33pm EDT

          Trump shot on side of the head in apparent assassination attempt
          July 13, 2024

  • Daisy, what you witnessed, (Big Boy) press conference, was a crap show unfold before your eyes. Everyone in the cesspool that is Washington DC KNEW Joe Biden was mentally unfit and had been for several years. I saw/heard Joe start physically/mentally changing back in 2020. The confusion, the blank stare and blank look on the face, looking lost, not moving his arms while walking, odd gate while walking and hand tremors. Now most recently, within a year or so, slurred speech and nonsensical words and sentences. Parkinson’s? Dementia? Alzheimer’s? I am no doctor, but I have personally seen a loved one go through dementia and another who ended up with Parkinson’s and know what both look like. I see both Parkinson’s and dementia in Joe Biden. I am waiting to hear if I am correct.

  • Something bads coming. I don’t think we’re going to make it November election. Pray and prepare. I don’t feel sorry for Ole Joey big boy Biden. He made his bed 50 years ago. I do think Dr taco his wife aught to be Ashamed.

    • Agree. I think they are preparing for a bird flu plandemic and we will be locked down again 🙁
      They have a summit in October where they will be addressing how to prepare for this plandemic.

  • Did everyone catch Biden at timestamp 8:46 say “Look I wouldn’t have picked vice president Trump to be vice president” ? LOL. Please move along people nothing to see here.

    This man is not qualified to be president of a one man taco stand. much less the president of the United States.

    Let me address some comments/questions here.

    There is no elder abuse by Jill or Hunter or his staff or anyone else. Biden is in it to win it and like it or not he is the best the crooks running the democrat party have got. Biden is not a quitter. Call him the mouse that roared or the rogue puppet. He has faithfully served the democrat party for decades while filling his pockets and his families pockets with his ill gotten loot, Bribery, corruption, hubris is his career and he is not bowing out gracefully to let the Kamala cackling clown show take over. He believes he is better qualified than her and his ego won’t let him choose her over himself and his family. It is that simple. I watched the entire video and everyone in that press conference would have agreed with me that Biden is not going to be leaving this sinking ship now or ever. At least not willingly. But the democrat party is run by people who are just plain evil. Who knows what dirty tricks they will pull on Biden to get him out of the way. If there is anything that we have learned in this election. It is that there is no limit to how far the puppet masters will go to stop Donald Trump from being reelected. And now they are going after Biden.

    This brings up the next question. After they get rid of Biden who will replace him. The democrats are the DEI party, so there only choice is Kamala. Michelle Obama has already said no. So it looks like Kamala is it. She is a faithful democrat and would make a good puppet unlike Robert F Kennedy Jr. At least that is what seems most likely now. But maybe there is someone else they can bring in they think could poll better that Kamala.

    Which brings me to the last question “Who could legally replace Biden on the ballot?” A good question Daisy. The answer is anyone they choose. When has following the law ever stopped them from doing whatever they want? Just declare an emergency and anything goes, Supreme Court be dammed. Breaking the law to save democracy will sound perfectly fine to the brainwashed democrat voters and the illegals who will vote democrat. Has anyone noticed how often the msm has used the words our democracy is at stake in this election. This brainwashing line “We must save democracy”, tells me they are trying to raise the anxiety levels of the gullible masses to such a level that their dirty tricks will be overlooked.

    • Regarding your first point, it would take mega donors to cancel their donations which many (as off earlier today) are initiating. If the money dries up the jig is up for Brandon.

    • Does anyone – on either side of the aisle – even know that we are NOT a DEMOCRACY? The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic. The only thing democratic in our government is supposedly the way we elect those who represent the nation’s people in governing.
      I wish people would learn the constitution and what it stands for.

      • Absolutely correct! My spouse and I frequently talk about this only we usually call it a Representative Republic. Either way, we are NOT a pure democracy. Much to the sadness of those who would prefer mob rule.

  • I can’t see how Kamala can legally become president. Both of her parents were foreign nationals. How is she eligible?

    • Lineage is not a factor in requirements to qualify for President. Remember, we have birthright citizenship – which should be outlawed btw – so as long as she was born in this country regardless of parentage, is 35 years of age minimally, and has resided in the U.S. for at least 14 years, she is qualified to be President. Sounds like we need to beef up the minimal requirements for qualifying (like IQ & cognitive tests and maximum age limitations … and perhaps, with the advances in technology, genetic testing to verify the person is actually human).

  • Biden is a traitor, and has been all his life. But that brings up the possibility that he is more in charge than he appears, to invite attack and invasion by our enemies? By appearing like no one is in charge, how does that not encourage our enemies to attack now, before someone who could work for our defense has a chance to be elected?

    Already our land-based missile force has been ordered to adsorb a first strike before shooting back, an order from Clinton (another traitor) that was never reversed by Trump. Bombers take minutes to take off, minutes that may not be available if hit by missiles from subs just off our coasts. Our navy ships in harbors take even longer to get out. Our land forces have been greatly weakened by woke policies that have driven away possible recruits so that recruitment targets haven’t been met. Factories to produce war materials have been shut down for years, are just now being reopened or new ones built but won’t have significant production for at least several months, so our munitions aren’t sufficient for more than a short time of fighting. With all these factors added together, how does that not sound like we have been set up to be attacked and defeated by our traitors in high places?

    • You are right R.O. Biden and the democrat party are traitors. And it is as clear as day.

      And yet the gullible masses keep voting for these people. Fools who are digging there own graves and then jumping into the hole and then waiting for the enemy to come by and bury them.

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