A Venezuelan Collapse Survivor Warns You to be Mobile: “You May Have to Leave It All Behind”

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

I have mentioned in several opportunities what I could have done better, given the chance. Here some of my afterthoughts about it. As good as your plan may be, you may have to leave it all behind. You must plan to be mobile.

Some of these preparedness plans may not work as well as we would expect. No matter how wonderful your retreat is, there may come a time when you have to leave. And you must plan for that, too.

A walled retreat may not work in the long-term

Building a large fortress could seem a very attractive idea. Stocking and piling food and other goodies is, for sure, an even better idea. But, unless the kinds of event you are preparing for be something like a zombie attack, or a deadly, fast, pandemic…it is not going to work very good. Because you will find knocking at your door desperate people that, after the first weeks, will be desperate enough for trying whatever they could figure out to take over the compound.

And I say this because I saw it happen. I made one acquaintance, a nice fellow, judo practitioner, combat shooter (back in 2006-07 you could still buy a gun and ammunition for home defense and sport shooting), with a nice, large, wonderful cattle hacienda (larger than a farm indeed, about 1200 acres, maybe more). He was pro-guns, had studied in the States, and generally, his mindset was not that of the average Venezuelan regarding self-sufficiency. His house there was surrounded by a tall wall. Bullet holes all over the upper edge indicated how many times he had to shoot to warn trespassers.

Food in a large pantry and a small wind/solar arrangement to power some HAM / UHF equipment for the security team of the hacienda was as well in place. And of course, a small pool, and a large water tank with over 25.000 liters. There is a lot of rain there, so this was not exactly a concern. However, the huge drought in 2008 taught us a lot of lessons about this.

The judoka farmer, had this little problem: his cattle losses were so high (and this was way before Uncle Nicolas) that even before the collapse, he had to sell his land at a loss, his wonderful big house in the suburbia, leaving just a small flat in the city.

I know, he could just have shot the guys. But obviously, those who think like this have not the slightest idea about how things are there. Shooting someone, even if this person is obviously trespassing and with intentions to do harm, is seen as plain murder…even if you are defending your own life. The reasons? Easy. Authorities are so…deviated, so to speak, that unless you have enough financial means to pay some… “contributions”, the shooter won’t leave prison. Ever. The only shooters I have seen that are still in prison because of the right reasons are a couple of drug addicts (father and son) who shot dead a family father in the middle of a drunk fight for a parking space in front of a liquor store. Cold blood, in front of his small kids. They locked them up and threw the key. One of my friends was there.

He is now in some place in the States (or Italy, I truly don’t know), I lost his track, but I wish him the best. He is a nice, kind fellow.

He took care of his compound for many years, just to get ahead of many of us, and regardless, he had to migrate (or bugout?) before things got worse. He had to leave it all behind.

This is why I suggest an RV

Why do I suggest to prepare an RV, camper or some means of off-grid sheltering?

Fitting the RV with low consumption devices is now much easier. Good LEDs are available, warm and cozy, and investing in those wonderful Nickel Iron batteries seems to be a great deal to me. These are heavy, expensive, but they are low maintenance and will last for a lifetime. The consumables needed for keeping the batteries running, if I remember well, have a long life shelf under proper storage conditions, and that can be found in a shack built in the plot itself. This is something that, provided that you need more specific information I could write a much more technical article, so just ask for it, please.

There are a lot of interesting apparatuses for heating in the winter (I know now how harsh winter must feel)

Another interesting addition, especially for those who can weld, is a small, portable, welding machine and an air compressor. These are widely used by off-roaders when need to weld some chassis or some other part, and they don’t draw too much power. Air compressor will allow you to use a good variety of power tools, and they are much safer to use under the rain than electric tools. Those of us who have been in the open country to cut a fallen tree under the rain with a machete know what we talk about.

Solar panels? I will take two of those big ones, please. Hey, wait, make it three. Of course, a low tech filtering design for rainwater collection is a need. And I would add a high quality, compact, high capacity water filtering system. No pressure. Gravity will be enough. You can’t afford the risk of a leakage in the middle of nowhere, and losing your drinking water.

Being mobile would have made things easier.

This said, if we could have afforded the RV I had my eye on, we could have sold the city house, and bought some plot in a much larger city, as an investment for the future. Confiscation of an empty plot is much harder: people are lazy and wants an already built house. (wink). And this is the main reason for the need of an RV as the main home. It is much more practical and will provide shelter while building a stone and masonry main house.

By parking in my folks plot, our cats would have been able to feed themselves, too (a part of whatever money I can get around here is for them, twice monthly). Our expenses would have been much less, as well. The best part is that we could have been together, as a family. My friends could have known our children, and their small lads and ours could have been best friends in those years, so important for the good memories that will be a necessity later in life.

Put aside some money

Another necessity, now that we mention that, is going to be some financial resources, enough for renting a plot, perhaps even buying it later. With our main home sold, enough money in the bank would have been available, just in case. It would have been much less hard with that, and those 8 months we were separated as a family would not exist as a sad memory.

A good home, in our instance, is now a large investment standing still, unproductive and under the jeopardy of seizure. We are not living in it, and it is consuming money. We can’t sell it. This is what happens in a collapse.

A much wiser investment would have been the RV, a good condition one. With one-third of the money we could have arrived safely to our destiny, and so we would have some reserves, for some things like a dentist for the kid, some medicines I need, and other stuff.

This would have made migrating easier, too.

By traveling in an RV, we could have convinced to some local authorities that we are not the negative kind of migrants, but instead, the kind of those who are not dangerous, nor a burden or a heavy load to anyone. With it, you could rent a plot, buy a truckload of blocks, build (or contract some to do so) a good, tall wall, make a steel gate installed, and you will be set in a blink. A place to cook, shower, and rest, all of it within the reach of a poor migrant’s pocket.

After that, you will have time to look for a decent way to make some cash. As I write this, renting prices are increasing in this part of the city, because of the huge amount of new migrants arriving. Flat owners deny the properties to some people that get 6 persons in an apartment designed for 2 or 3 at the most (although some of them are smart, and get coordinated with people who works at night shifts). I have heard about 10 persons living in a 2 bedroom apartment.

I am thinking seriously in exchanging my busted SUV for an RV in Venezuela, and coming back, but it seems there is not even one able to resist such travel. Perhaps I could sell it in cash and make it sent here.  If we can make that deal and buy an RV here, I will let you know. It would be a great advance on our lifestyle, indeed. I would need the migration paperwork for driving, but it would not be too much of a problem. I would love to find some of the truck camper varieties, the kind you can detach off the truck platform and install on their own legs, and use the truck. Fitting the truck with an air suspension to increase lift, the truck would be a normal ride in the city and an off-road setup just in case. It would have been useful for me a couple of times in Venezuela, in some roadblocks generated by accidents or other causes.

In conclusion

I hope you find usefulness in our ideas (I usually ask my wife what we could have done in retrospective), and I truly hope you never have to use it.

Thanks for your comments, and your donations to keep this flowing.

You are a wonderful, and supportive community. I will see you soon again.

God bless you, people!


Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

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44 Responses

  1. Thank you Jose! I 100 % agree. In our recent fire evacuation we had our travel trailer and it was so nice to be a little self sufficient. Your thought of staying together has me thinking also. Wishing you the best in your new area.

    1. yes but it wasn’t the whole country collapsing,if you think the roads will be safe your nuts NEVER GIVE UP YOUR DEFENCEVE POSITION NO MATTER HOW BAD IT GETS

    2. Thanks Maria!…I like to see when someone uses their prepping plan and their hazardous situation is better managed with the proper tools and approach. Staying together gives peace of mind to everyone in the family. To know that we grown ups are the support of the kiddos and younger helps to make better decision, think.

  2. Good luck Jose. I can “smell” the discontent that is rising here in the US. We’re declining to the point of sporadic violence and attacks on conservative individuals by radical leftists. It’s not an epidemic yet, but it’s starting to make news, triggered by Hillary Clinton’s rhetoric of Democrats can’t be civil towards Republicans any more, and a Dem politician(can’t think of her name right away)call for leftist to confront Republican officials in public places (like the Sara Sanders incident), gather a crowd and make a scene, telling them they’re not welcome here, to leave. Kinda sucks. The second amendment is our only hope, right NOW, to protect life and limb in case of a drastic escalation, which I hope NEVER happens. God bless you and yours. ????????

    1. The politician you refer to is Maxine Waters. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told her supporters to harass members of the Trump administration. She said:

      “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up,” she said at a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday. “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

    2. Dear Danny,
      I am very sorry to hear that. Just let’s hope for the best, and prep for what could happen.

    3. I can feel there is a huge and perceptible aggressive attitude of the entire world left. This delinquent mafia and the islamic terrorism have banded together to overthrow the status quo in the American Continent. Take a closer look to Mexico these next few months. In the Mexican airports don’t allow entrance to people that has gone from other countries to WORK there, even for a short time, because “you come to stay”…just for being Venezuelans. But they let their territory free to be trespassed by over 7 thousand persons just to arrive to the US borders?…what do you think about this?…Mexican government is a VERY cynic ENEMY of the USA and the population that wants freedom. They are just part now of the World left mafia, a corporation of crime.

  3. I’m sure Jose wrote this to provide help to people who do not understand what needs to be done when things go south. It was a good article, but I found it hard to understand in some places.

  4. This is a ridiculous concept! You are assuming in a collapse that gas will be readily available. IT WON”T! You’re assuming that roadways will be as easy to travel as they are today. THEY WON”T! You’re assuming that you’ll have no trouble finding places to camp. YOU WILL! There are many ideas from numerous people as to what one must do to prepare for collapse. Still, the only sensible thing to do is have a place in the country where you’ve already prepped yourself for what is going to come. You want to be where everyone else is not. Every experienced “prepper” will tell you the very same thing. Do the research yourself and you’ll find this to be true.

    1. How very true Frank,I’m an ex rver and I got tired of overcrowded parks and the closeness they force you to park.Lately a lot of strange people have been showing showing up in the parks,a good place for criminals on the lamb to hide. I sold my trailer and will never buy another.

    2. Actually, I think you’re incorrect, Frank. The collapse of Venezuela has been slow motion, over many years. For the most part, fuel has been available, if you can afford it. And what Jose writes about is not a “concept.” It’s his actual experience.

      1. except for those banditoes on the road just waiting for a big ole non bullet proff land yhat full of food guns water

    3. I tend to agree with you. In Jose experience it might have been a good solution but I would not go from that to make it a general advise. A part from the problems you mentioned of procuring fuel (a towing a trailer sucks a lot of it) and road safety, there is the problem of the limited resources most people have to prepare. Campers, trailers, or motorhomes are not cheap to get and maintain. Do you really want to allocate resources to that? Sure, you can be in a situation you wish you had but I can think of way more situations that you wish you had not.

      1. Enough.

        Jose is a guest on MY website.

        He has provided a wealth of information. He has told personal stories and shared the worst periods of his life in order to help us, people he never even met.

        And you guys come in here – again – on MY website – and insult him like this?

        Not acceptable. Be grateful or be courteous in your disagreement. Otherwise, you need to find another place to post. This is not how we roll here.

        Jose is my friend and my colleague and I won’t tolerate this rudeness any further. I hope we can agree to be civil.

    4. Dear Frank,
      Yes, I agree with most of your observations. However please note that OUR collapse is slow and painful, because it is generated by the communist cancer. I would love to have an underground bunker, with a UV-LED lighting in my greenhouse, and perhaps some electric eels in a huge tank for charging the nickel iron batteries, where the Elodea for oxygen generation would grow up. But, in our experience, being in the open country means to be exposed to the predators, which are the NGs, and armed gangs that support the lazy people looking to seize your production and lands. See what I mean?. Perhaps having some means for defense would delay or make think twice the marauders…but once someone wearing an uniform decides it is enough, you are done.

      1. Jose,

        What a lot of Americans do not understand is that the worst SHTF situation is when everything collapses and the government stands. The government will use all its might to come down on dissenters. There are people here who think they will survive anything because they have a bunker and lots of ammo when the other side has missiles and it is ruthless enough to use them.

        They delude themselves thinking that the military will never go against them and they rely on Hollywood movies to learn what SHTF situations is. The problem is that despite the USA being a country that has been at war for most of its existence, no one knows what a war is, or heard what a war is by their parents or grandparents. They do not know what a rogue government can do and how living under one can change people. I am afraid we are at the sunset of that delusion and many people will perish because for too long they lived it.

        1. Dear Dark Future,
          I truly hope that anyone else in the world have to deal with such situation. It is the exact same problem that made us run away the home we achieve after years of hard work, study, and smart choices.

  5. There IS nothing for Venezuelans to “leave behind” except for the skeletons of the zoo animals they’ve had to eat. They’ll be lucky if they have can still get out with a hand-woven poncho and a pan flute…

  6. Venezuela can be saved, and it shoulodn’t take that long. Last I checked crude was selling around $74.20 per barrel.
    That country has great reserves of the black gold.
    What they must do is convince someone, who knows that business to get it humming again.
    Then, when money is flowing in, it must be spent wisely.
    The fellow in the whole world who knows as much about oil is our former Secy of State, Rex Tillerson, and a genius money men are Micheal Millken, or Art Laffer.
    And I believe they’re all available.
    There you have it, the basis for getting back on their feet.
    Of course Socialist Authoritarians will never take advice, and there’s the central problem.

  7. Yeah, be mobile, and run away from your problems [redacted because Daisy doesn’t like pointless insults and namecalling when people are trying to help me]

    And what the hell In a country where everything grows superfast, they can’t grow their own food? They can’t till the wildlands, like the old pioneers did? They can’t get natural herbs and roots? THey have plenty of material to build Green and make earth bricks. These people have become soft!

    ANd they HAVE to run away to neighboring countries where they are NOT wanted.
    Colombia won’t take them. Brazilians literally, kick them out.

    The country left is Panama, that’s been taking in these [redacted – again with the namecalling], who take jobs from the locals. And to top it off, right there in the country giving them refuge, the Venezuelans become arrogant, talking crap about Panama. Get out of here!
    If you don’t like the country, you’re invited to go where your heart take wings!!!!

    1. Enough.

      Jose is a guest on MY website.

      He has provided a wealth of information. He has told personal stories and shared the worst periods of his life in order to help us, people he never even met.

      And you guys come in here – again – on MY website – and insult him like this? Bugging out is a viable option and something many of us have discussed here.

      Not acceptable. Be grateful, be silent, or be courteous in your disagreement. Otherwise, you need to find another place to post. This is not how we roll here.

      Jose is my friend and my colleague and I won’t tolerate this rudeness any further. I hope we can agree to be civil.

      1. Thanks Daisy!
        I believe that many fellows have some means to deal with experience that can go against what they think it should be done.

        Every situation is different. Fellow with military experience know this, as much as we engineers, and appreciate such experience, giving value to it just like the technical and theoretical knowledge.

        This said, I would like to make clear that we DO prepared initially for civil turmoil, with a calculated duration of two months, and planned accordingly. Water tank, genset, defense, even dry food for our pets. 3 bags of 20 kgs of dog food, and 2 bags of 20 kgs of cat food. 1 hp pump, hoses, 3 empty 200 liters barrels for rain water collection. Two refrigerators and one horizontal freezer with 2 months worth of proteins, poultry, fish, beef and pork. SUV and bike in top condition: tires, gas canisters in case stations were closed, and lots of other stuff.
        Even some home-made “deterrents” devices, just in case.

        But the nature of what hit us was entirely different, as Daisy has told. But want to know something? Our psyche WAS prepared. I could have some means to get out, settle down for a while, and get my family out because I had made some previous “financial prepping”. It was not easy. Years of having two works (day to day, regular work was for bills, the other one was for some extras, like my stagnant home business and some prep items) were invested in our migration.

        I believe that there is a lot of people who is unable to open their minds and try to imagine how different our situation is. No one to be blamed, though.

        If someone wants to express him or herself with rudeness, it will not be harmful to me, but for your own self, and your ego. It is likely that I will laugh at the lack of creativity, and sharpen my pencil to provide an accurate response, comprende?.

        Because my intention is to tell what really happens, and to try to explain what I could have done to improve our situation. Insulting or name calling is not going to have any effect on me. Save your time, and think twice before writing.

        And I stand by my thought: the most important survival tool is your brain, and its content.

    2. I would like to ask…have you read the part where I SPECIFICALLY say that THE NATIONAL GUARD IS SEIZING THE FOOD PRODUCTION TO GIVE IT TO THE “COMMUNITY COUNCILS” TO “DISTRIBUTE” (which means, if you are an opposition member your family will starve to death)??…

      A lot of people I know have tried to cultivate vegetables and fruits, raise pork, goats and poultry.

      The result? everything is fun and games until the marauder bands eyeball your place, and come in groups of 25 or 30 to steal everything they can. We were taken our right to possess weaponry in 2012.

      You should made a thorough research on the problems we face, before exposing yourself in a global, widespread website.


      And Panama is one of the less affected countries. Other countries are welcoming Venezuelans with open arms and hearts, and that is much appreciated.

      No one is looking there any more after all with all the hatred people is facing, so you can rest in peace.

  8. What I take away from this article is the need for a flexible plan. You can’t plan for every contingency, but having an RV available does allow for mobile living–although it is not as easy as it sounds. We have a small A-frame (stored in our garage) that we use for camping, and living in that sure beats a tent. However, it takes a ton of gas to pull it (even a small one) and it is not cheap to stay in campgrounds–even state parks or Army Corps of Engineers. If you buy a larger one, you may have steep storage fees and they must be registered as vehicles in some states. However, some people are living in them and traveling about the country to work–sometimes due to an economic downturn in their own life. The book called Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century (by Jessica Bruder) tells the rather sad story of mostly older Americans who have turned to seasonal work to survive. There are also numerous books on Amazon about RVs–from buying used ones to living cheaply in one. It is not an easy solution, but if you are thinking of buying an RV, be sure and do your homework. The manufacturers are not building in quality now, so you don’t get much for your money– unless you buy used, and then you have to know what you are doing. Having an RV provides you with another option for moving if you have to, but you have to have a plan about where you would park it (maybe a relative’s house?) and how you would live once you got there (food storage and water, job, etc?) However, I have known people who have lived in one for six months in their driveway while they were rebuilding a flooded house, so it was definitely better than nothing.

  9. Venezuela, used its oil revenue to import almost everything they needed, the state owned oil company oil production has gone down. the state never supported agriculture. In addition to a lack of food production the socialist gvernment confiscated almost every private owned business. With not enough food producction and without a private sector to collect taxes from, the system was doomed. Politically dictatorship supported by the military. But what happen before will happen again, I think the military will take Maduro out, and hopefully a new government could emerge.

    1. Dear Franklin,
      yes you are right in some aspects. However, we DID produced food enough for domestic consumption. But some time before uncle Hugo, some corrupt importers and functionaries noticed that they could get huge, untraceable benefits from the imports, and this was the beginning of the end. We used to build even electric fans and refrigerators. Peanut production was abundant, and very profitable back there in the 80s. In the Caribbean Islands, most of their fruit, meat, dairy, vegetables, came from Venezuela…and the USA. Some corrupted politicians decided that we should dedicate our time to produce oil, instead of food. The present situation is derivative of that.

  10. Jose, you said, “Fitting the RV with low consumption devices is now much easier. Good LEDs are available, warm and cozy, and investing in those wonderful Nickel Iron batteries seems to be a great deal to me. These are heavy, expensive, but they are low maintenance and will last for a lifetime. The consumables needed for keeping the batteries running, if I remember well, have a long life shelf under proper storage conditions, and that can be found in a shack built in the plot itself. This is something that, provided that you need more specific information I could write a much more technical article, so just ask for it, please.”

    Please write and post this article. The more detailed, the better.


  11. Seriously, we need to keep all options open. We don’t know what’s coming.

    I, for one, am considering moving into a van or something else with wheels as my full-time dwelling as soon as I am finished with this present situation. But forget about parking in a campground, that would be about the first place others would go.

    But what if you’re in a situation that Selco mentions? In that case, there’s no time for an orderly escape. I strongly expect that that’s what will happen here. You’ll go only as far as the gas that you have, then will have to hoof it. There may be no choice except shelter in place.

    Looking at the world situation, the Soviets (Russia) don’t believe in MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), they think they can win a nuclear war. Especially with help from their allies the Chicoms (don’t confuse them with the Chinese people). If they think they can win it, they just might start one. If they start one, it will be sudden, without warning, tens of millions of people living in the cities will lose their lives. Don’t let your belief in MAD blind you to what they think and may do. How do you prep for something like that?

    We don’t know what’s coming. Therefore we need to stay flexible. The advice we’re getting from José and Selco may be useful, may not, we won’t know until the situation arrives. For one person may be useful, for another not. I’m thankful both are writing about their experiences.

  12. Chee. Thought this was gonna be about advising dweebs how they must be prepared to expeditiously exit the country when serious trouble starts to take form.

  13. first off where arte you going to get gas for a gas hog rv .second you say park it and build a wall around it just like the guy with the ranch WHO LOST IT.i was a soldiger for 13 years been to some real hell holes most of what you say is bs.buy some land with a house so far out in the country GODS angles cant find you become self sufficient and stay put

    1. One could have a good supply of gas ready to go in the RV and truck (SUV), but my concern is what happens at the first road block. The road block will have more guns than you do and take it all away from you.

  14. He brings up an interesting point about guns and protecting yourself. Even after the RESET and the system is in shambles, protecting your property against an attack of a few hungry neighbors and you end up killing one of them, can still end up with you going to prison (and prisons in the RESET are not going to be pretty), unless you have a lot of money to pay off the corrupt local police and judge. Your team and you better decide to leave no witnesses and quickly bury the evidence (use silencers), before the neighbors’ families start asking where their daddies and husbands went. Then act as dumb as can be when people start coming around asking questions. Not willing to do that to protect your preps? Maybe bugging out with a used RV filled with your preps and survival equipment might be worthwhile. Good article; I like these articles by people that have experienced a RESET.

  15. Good grief-the negativity on this article is unreal! If you buy a 43 ft RV with full washer/dryer and a fully furnished living room, then you deserve the hassle it will cause. That is not what Jose suggested. There are lightweight travel trailers, fifth wheels, Class B or C’s. What anyone should realize is that this is another opportunity to protect yourself and your family. Survival is about surviving, ANY situation. A well equipped RV allows you (and your family) to have a roof over your head, a place to shower and cook and use the bathroom. Your preps can go with you and your pets do too. If you are bright enough, you will make hiding holes for your firearms and ammo. Why would you need to travel main highways or well used roadways? You are supposed to be a survival minded person. Get in the RV while it is still somewhat civilized and drive some routes. Get your maps out and go places, all the while gauging your gas usage, your mileage, and your ability to store fuel. Venezuela in collapse is one situation: the present state of the US is another. Like your 3rd stored can opener: you may never need it-but it is so nice to know that “it” is an option. And what is with the stand-and-die-on-my-plot-of-land attitude? Every prepper should be willing to defend their house/farm/ranch but I would hate to think that this same prepper would also willingly sacrifice a 3 yro as a principle. We are preppers and we need a lot of tricks in our bag.

    1. Yes to that. There is no perfect solution, but towing your camp along to move from an area where it is no longer safe to live makes a lot of sense. For people along a shoreline, a sail boat or similar has the same options. If (and a big IF) you have to leave your home and can only carry everything you have in your vehicle (along with your family), how comfortable is that ? A trailer gives you an opportunity to camp at a distant relatives house or campground. Much better than HAVING to rent a hotel or small house long term.

      Well said Jose – thank you for giving us your 1st hand experience. And thank you Ms. Luthor for hosting this.

      1. You are welcome, dude. I dedicate plenty of my time to write the better I can, so my experience, and ideas that I have put to work, and some other that haven’t put yet, can be used by someone else to improve their chances to overcome a potentially harmful situation. My ideal RV? Perhaps a 6×6 Pinzgauer, with a good snorkel and a aluminum shell, layered with ballistic kevlar in the inside and chains hanging instead of mud flappers. But to everyone his own.
        In my case, most of our places to stay are within less than one day of driving, so perhaps my vision is restricted by that fact. Adventuring into the wilderness, with the FARC/ELN and all kinds of thugs roaming around there, is definitely not wise…
        Thanks for your comments!.
        Be safe.

  16. Thanks for all the info, I’m halfway through Jose’s posts. I find it valuable. Hearing from survivors through all theses types of collapse is a great insight. I appreciate Jose’s time to write this. I find the Spanish speaking as a flavor in the text, not being English myself. I use this information to tweak my preparedness. thanks!

    1. Dear Moss,

      Thanks a lot for your kind words. Whenever you feel the need for me to write about some particular aspect of our tragedy please don’t hesitate in asking. I am writing right now a technical article about the best technologies available (I am an engineer with some knowledge in that area) for setting up a power supply, because it is one of the most important things that will provide you with some life quality. The power grid of the country is being destroyed by the negligence of the communists.

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