Literal Battle Zones Are Erupting All Over America (WARNING: VIOLENT CONTENT)

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of Prepper’s Canning Guide and Build a Better Pantry on a Budget online course

Part of the “new normal” in America seems to be battle zones erupting across the nation. I’m not just talking about protests, but full-on sieges that may last for days, weeks, or even months. Some of these began due to acts of police brutality, while others have taken on lives of their own with wholesale looting and violence.

The United States of America we see today is incredibly different from the one we saw at the beginning of the year. We’ve been wracked by a pandemic, a subsequent economic catastrophe, and massive, widespread civil unrest.

Let’s take a look at these pockets of violent behavior. (WARNING: This article contains videos with violent content.)

Kenosha, Wisconsin

Yesterday, police officers shot Jacob Blake, a Black man, in the back as he tried to enter the vehicle where his children were. Blake is in stable condition and expected to live, but the shocking video has spread virally across social media. You can see the cell phone footage below. (Violence Warning)

Kenosha, a city in Wisconsin of about one hundred thousand people, quickly erupted in protest of the shooting. (Never think these things only happen in large cities – here is an inside look at the Ferguson riots of 2014.)

Protests, riots, and looting are expected to continue in Kenosha.

Denver, Colorado

Not only is Colorado currently beset by wildfires, but it’s also plagued with violent civil unrest. Over the weekend, rioters set out to destroy property in downtown Denver.

One Twitter user reported that a group of protesters had gathered in front of a police department in Denver, and that a van pulled up to hand out shields.

The Denver “protesters” called for the abolition of police.

A group of about 40 people protested outside the Denver Police Department headquarters Saturday night and marched through streets in the area, blocking traffic. Some clashed with officers, set fires and broke windows…

…Chemical agents were deployed to control the crowd and eight people were taken into custody…

…Copter4 was over 13th and Delaware when people in the group were breaking windows.

People in the group set two small fires, which were quickly extinguished. (source)

Portland, Oregon

Riots have been ongoing in Portland for months, and this weekend, several notable events occurred.

On Saturday, rioters fought one another in the streets.

Protesters at Portland rallies to show support for police and President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign engaged in physical combat repeatedly with counterprotesters Saturday without police intervention. Members of the chaotic crowd used an array of weapons, including baseball bats and firearms to beat and threaten those they opposed…

…Pro-Trump demonstrators, people carrying shields with references to the QAnon conspiracy theory and members of the Proud Boys — a self-described chauvinist group that regularly engages in violence — all gathered around noon, some carrying rifles…

…Counterprotesters from anti-fascist groups like Popular Mobilization PDX also gathered Saturday, and the two groups quickly began shouting at each other and engaging in tense, face-to-face confrontations in front of the Multnomah County Justice Center.

Within an hour of meeting, protesters began to push each other and throw objects. Some demonstrators on the pro-police side fired paintball guns and deployed pepper spray on counterdemonstrators. Other protesters used baseball bats. Many people wore helmets and body armor as they punched, kicked and tore at each other. (source)

This isn’t just a few people yelling and chanting. This is outright fighting – physical violence.

Conservative rioters left the area in the afternoon, but the remaining rioters continued to become increasingly violent into the night until teargas was released to disperse crowds.

The police did not declare an event because they “didn’t have the resources to handle one.”

In a press release distributed Saturday afternoon, Portland police said its officers did not intervene to stop the fighting because those involved “willingly” engaged, its forces were stretched too thin from policing 80+ nights of protests, and the bureau didn’t feel the clashes would last that long.

“Each skirmish appeared to involve willing participants and the events were not enduring in time, so officers were not deployed to intervene,” the release states. (source)

On Sunday night, the NY Post reported that rioters set fire to a police precinct.

Black Lives Matter militants set fire to a police station in Portland Sunday night during yet another night of violence in the Oregon city.

The march on the Portland Police Bureau’s north precinct had already been declared an unlawful assembly as police say they were pelted with “rocks and bottles” and had “powerful green lasers” pointed at them.

But a mob of at least 300 continued to advance despite repeated warnings by police — and lit an awning on the precinct ablaze… (source)

The fire was extinguished without injuries.

A week ago, a man was seriously injured when  he was pulled from his vehicle and brutally attacked during an “otherwise peaceful demonstration.”

A crowd gathered around him and repeatedly punched and kicked him in the head until he was bloody.

Witnesses told police the man had been helping a transgender female who had an item of hers stolen, and he was dragged out of the car and beat by nine or 10 people. When police arrived the man was unconscious.

Portland police said their response to the assault was “complicated by a hostile group.” (source)

Shockingly, only one person has been charged in the attack, 25-year-old Marquise Love.

It’s important to note that Portland’s new district attorney, Mike Schmidt, has refused to prosecute protesters that commit criminal acts. The New York Times reports that since he took office on August 1 of this year, he has dismissed charges against half of the more than 600 people who have been arrested for crimes like interfering with the police, disorderly conduct and trespassing. Charges that involve assaulting officers will “require closer scrutiny, with prosecutors taking into account in filing charges whether the police fired tear gas into crowds.”

Unsurprisingly, local law enforcement believes that Schmidt’s policies are making matters worse.

Mr. Schmidt said Portland police leaders told him that they were concerned the directive would lead to more police injuries, though he said nothing prevented officers from making lawful arrests they deemed necessary. (The Portland police chief, Chuck Lovell, said the force “will continue to do the job the community expects of us.”)

The sheriff, Mike Reese, warned Mr. Schmidt in an email that some protesters were bent on “starting fires, damaging property and assaulting police, community members,” adding, “They may feel even more emboldened if there is a public statement that appears to minimize their activities.” In response to one of the sheriff’s concerns, Mr. Schmidt said he revised the policy to greenlight prosecutions for rioting in cases where a defendant was accused of serious offenses.

The Oregon State Police also took a parting shot at Mr. Schmidt as troopers pulled back after a two-week deployment at the protests this month, saying they preferred to put resources in “counties where prosecution of criminal conduct is still a priority.” (source)

The violence in Portland shows no sign of relenting.

Seattle, Washington

Seattle has been the site of some of the most destructive and violent riots in the country – and considering everything I’ve just written about – that’s saying a lot. Riots began back in May when George Floyd was killed by a police officer in Minneapolis.

A group of protestors took over a six-block area near the Capitol in Seattle, initially naming it the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) and then changing the name of the area to CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupy Protest) – a move that some have considered extremely meaningful. Riots have taken place on a regular basis and the hands of responders have been tied by the local government.

Initially, the local government in Seattle agreed to slash the police budget by 50% in response to the riots protests, but interestingly, most of the politicians have walked back their initial statements.

In the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May, and widespread police brutality and anti-racist protests, a veto-proof majority of council members voiced their support for defunding the police, slashing 50% of the department’s budget.

But since then, they’ve faced a series of logistical roadblocks and clashed with other city leaders, and ultimately all but one of them have walked back their statements.

The council instead voted for a much smaller round of cuts, including reducing the salaries of Carmen Best, who is Seattle’s chief of police, and members of her command staff as well as trimming about 100 of the department’s 1,400 police officers. (source)

Two days ago, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan vetoed the cuts, but this didn’t stop Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best from announcing her immediate retirement. It’s possible that part of the reason Mayor Durkan changed her tune is, hypocritically, that hundreds of angry protesters arrived to protest in her own neighborhood.

That march prompted the mayor to ask the City Council to investigate Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who took part in the June demonstration. Because Durkan’s address hasn’t been publicly disclosed due to her background as a former U.S. attorney, she said the march was organized with a “reckless disregard of the safety of (her) family and children.” (source)

At the time of publication, protests and riots have been ongoing in Seattle for 87 days.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago has long been the site of carnage and gang violence, but things have escalated to an entirely different level. On August 10th, an upscale shopping district was pillaged after this shooting occurred.

Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores and confronting police after officers shot a suspect in Englewood hours earlier.

The mayhem marked the second time since late May that the city’s upscale shopping district has been targeted by looters amid unrest, reigniting the debate over policing as city leaders continued to point fingers and downtown again was shut down overnight heading to Tuesday. (source)

The response sounds positively medieval – Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot locked down the city by raising drawbridges to prevent looters from accessing the area. The move has been deeply criticized.

Over the last week, for the second time in three months, Mayor Lori Lightfoot ordered most of the bridges up at night to limit access to the Loop, Gold Coast and surrounding areas after an outbreak of property destruction and unrest.

The move was among a number of measures the mayor announced to protect businesses and reassure residents. But it was the image of the bridges being raised that offered the clearest symbol of Chicago’s divisions.

In a time of crisis, in one of the most racially and economically segregated places in the country, the bridges connecting north and south and linking east and west — sides of town that serve as proxies for wealth versus disinvestment — were made uncrossable, like drawbridges over a castle moat.

Longtime Chicagoans say they can’t remember any other time the bridges were raised in the name of crime prevention or public safety. “You’re basically saying you’re protecting one part of the city from another part,” veteran political strategist Delmarie Cobb said. (source)

The most enlightening thing about the loot-fest in Chicago, however, is the justification. According to a Black Lives Matter activist and organizer, Ariel Atkins, it was just “reparations.” Atkins believes that anything the looters wish to damage or steal is owed to them. She made the radical statement at a solidarity rally in front of a Chicago police station, where people were gathered to support those who had been arrested.

“I don’t care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci’s or a Macy’s or a Nike because that makes sure that that person eats. That makes sure that that person has clothes,” Ariel Atkins said at a rally outside the South Loop police station Monday, local outlets reported.

“That’s a reparation,” Atkins said. “Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance.” (source)

At a time when more people than ever in the United States were willing to get on board and protest police brutality and racial violence, entitled statements like the one made by Atkins have served to return us to a place of absolute division.

New York, New York

New York City has been labeled a “warzone” as violence escalates rapidly. The violence in the Big Apple isn’t directly tied to protests or riots, but instead, appears to be a deadly new way of life.

This brings NYC to more than 1,000 total shooting incidents across the city year to date, already double all of last year, and the summer is not even over — a summer which ironically has witnessed a supposed heightened consciousness and awareness of police shootings of black Americans given the ongoing George Floyd and Black Lives Matters protests.

But in the case of New York City’s explosion of gun violence, people are being killed with the police far away from the scene, though in one instance over a week ago, it was a black police officer shot in Queens while looking for a parking spot merely a mile from his home.

And this weekend, according to local PIX11 News:

Citywide, there were at least 25 shootings that injured 31 people on Friday and Saturday, police said. Officers responded to 16 shootings on Saturday and nine on Sunday.

At least three of those shootings happened within just blocks of each other in Coney Island, according to police.

Among these, there were seven deaths between Friday and Sunday morning, according the NYPD, including a 25-year-old mother of three children.

Priscilla Vasquez was described in local reports as shot in the back of the head by an unknown gunman in the early morning hours of Saturday while standing on a sidewalk in front of a public school, just around the corner from her Bronx home.

Underscoring the senseless and often random nature of much of the violence, her friends and family don’t think she was the intended targeted, also given the gunman appeared to fire wildly and haphazardly. (source)

Police released the following footage of a shooting in Brooklyn.

And it isn’t just shootings and assaults. So many windows have been smashed on NYC subways that the MTA can’t keep up with replacing the glass.

Things aren’t calming down.

If you aren’t already prepared for civil unrest in your own backyard, it’s high time you began to do so. To learn more about surviving riots and civil unrest, check out Selco’s course.

It is not an exaggeration to say that any act of violence by police officers, whether justified or not, is the potential spark for an explosion of unrest. While I certainly agree that the police should be held to very high standards of behavior, it’s unfortunate now that the first thought of most people isn’t, “Why did this shooting occur?”  It’s now, “Oh, crap, how close am I to this looming riot?”

I don’t foresee this situation calming down any time soon. In fact, as we draw closer to the election, I expect we’re going to see this type of violence and wholesale destruction reaching smaller and smaller population zones. There have been many rumors about protesters being bussed to smaller towns. It begs the question, are they just testing the waters to see what kind of response will occur when they’re out of urban population centers?

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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50 Responses

  1. Wow, once again you got all of the facts and how they effect Preppers. Pretty scary stuff.

    I have a buddy who is a Leo in Gainesville Florida. According to what he told me, the PD has been preparing for similar Antifa backed riots when the University of Florida opens up in a week or so.

    I know that I posted that it is getting too dangerous to post anymore, but one just can’t ignore a full blown Communist Revolution.

  2. I have read about and watched two videos of protesters moving from central, urban areas, and into residential suburban areas.
    The good news: The protests were peaceful.
    The bad news: They took place late night, early morning, 1am I believe was one.
    The protesters were banging pots and pans, chanting slogans, a few had bull-horns.
    Many were dressed in black. Some had helmets on. Others in what appeared to be black tactical gear.
    Being awoken at 1am to the sound of that, people dressed in all black, having seen what has transpired in places like Portland, Seattle, etc. I would be concerned.
    Unfortunately I have to agree with Daisy, I think things will get worse as the election gets closer.

  3. “There have been many rumors about protesters being bussed to smaller towns. It begs the question, are they just testing the waters to see what kind of response will occur when they’re out of urban population centers?”

    Yes, that is my observation and this was recently discussed to agreement at a bbq with friends and some neighbors. We live in a rural area in southwestern NC mountains and we’ve already have had encounters with people who appear to driving up from the Atlanta areas of Georgia sporting an attitude of blm mentality. So, yes, they are v e r y slowly making inroads as I see it. We’ve already are locking, loading, prepping and range training just in case the crow flies south. I hope it doesn’t come to this…… however……

  4. The need for situational awareness is greater now than ever before. While peace loving people should be armed when legally possible, and well trained to use those tools, the best course of action is to not be there when violence occurs. Of course this implies that law enforcement will be empowered to restore and keep the peace; Lord help us if they are not willing or able, in the wake of complete lawlessness the carnage will be horrific.

  5. I am about an hour a way from Portland. You are correct on the “protesters” testing the waters in the smaller cities. So far our town and officers are holding firm with a no nonsense approach. Our representatives are stirring the pot and siding with the protesters at every turn. It is truly becoming a bloodbath.

    1. If your supposed “representatives” are stirring the pot and siding with the protesters at every turn, then they are not representing you, and need to be fired or voted out. Make a list of their names for their next election.

  6. yes, I too am getting concerned…we live in a tourist town, and you cant be sure whether these folks are truly tourists looking for a peaceful, fun vacation, or something else. we are in our 70s, somewhat prepared for things like hurricanes, etc. but this is a whole different kettle of fish! how do we prepared for something like this that could come our way at any time? any suggestions are quite appreciated! we moved from mtns of WV south, had I had any idea things would go this far, I wouldve made a point to stay in my mtn retreat….too late now. stay well and safe out there…

    1. How do you prepare? Fortify your home with better locks, movement-sensitive lights, burglar alarms and break-resistant glass on the doors at least. Buy some home-defense weapons and ammo, and train with them. And prepare mentally to defend yourself. I’m 70+, a retired Army officer, and anyone who enters my home with bad intent will meet a bad end. I’ve never been anything less than an expert shot with all of the weapons the Army taught me to use. I wish I could get my hands on a 40 mm grenade launcher, because it had a flechette (“beehive”) round for close defense that was truly awesome. But my .45 pistols, Winchester buffalo gun, three shotguns and an 8 mm K98 Mauser rifle work quite well. And since this Communist rioting and looting has started, all my weapons are fully loaded, all the time. They’re on safe, but they are ready, as am I.
      “Rangers Lead the Way!”

      1. Thank you for serving Sir, and may God look after you!

        ps: Let me know if you get that 40 mm grenade launcher or perhaps an extra one or .. two?

        1. Let me know if you want some company. I am in my 70’s and am NOT nearly prepared…I come to you and you can protect me too…I live alone, in my early 70’s, retired now from teaching and it’s just me and my dog…She’s good protection but she can be shot. Dogs bark but the bad guys will always just shoot the dog and attempt to come in anyway…It’s getting to scary for me.

    2. AHHHH, you moved from the peaceful mountains to a “tourist town”. OMG I can’t understand why anyone would do something like that. The farther away you are from cities, towns crowds of people in the future hopefully the better off you will be…I am in my early 70’s and just pray everyday for safety…GOD only knows how much longer all this will continue, but it certainly doesn’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon. And if either Biden or Trump wins in November then we’re possibly going to see more civil unrest and all of what we’ve been seeing and maybe even more. Blessings to you in that tourist town…As for me I want to be as far away as possible. Live out and drive in in my opinion is better…You can replace a house and belongings but NOT you lives…

  7. Note that these “revolutionary actions” are all occurring in cities under the control of the Democrat-Socialist “Welfare Empire”. So, take your pick, America. Do you want to live under a sometimes vulgar capitalist, or do you want to live under the threat of Communist/Socialist violence and have your life and property threatened? That is literally the choice – vote for President Trump or vote for Joe Biden, who is the doddering tool of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the anti-American Socialist movement headed by Bernie Sanders, George Soros and Occasionally Active Cortex.

  8. This will not end with the election that is if we even have an election. No matter who wins approximately half the country will not accept the results. I live in the northeastern mountains of NC at the end of a gravel mountain road. My nearest neighbor is one and a half miles back down the road and there are only two more residents in the next 2 miles. 6 miles of gravel and 6 miles of asphalt to get down out of the mountains to a main road. There is a locked steel gate at the entrance to our property and it is another half mile winding along a creek to get to the house.

    We are fairly remote and insulated from the world but that will matter little. What we have seen so far is just the prelude to what may well become some of the worst bloodshed seen on American soil. There will be a collapse and when that happens there are plenty of enemies both foreign and domestic that will try to leverage the chaos to their advantage. There will be no winning in this situation, only surviving. We have one large freezer stocked with beef from a half beef and another full with pork from a whole pig with a third filled with chicken vegetables and berries. We have finished harvesting our summer garden but two fall gardens are getting ready to produce. The water bath and pressure will be running 2-3 days a week for awhile. As it has been said you may not be interested in the coming civil war, but that war is interested in you.

    Keep on prepping, keep on learning and be careful out there. The best place to be when bad things happen is somewhere else. Stay away from crowds and heavily populated urban areas.

  9. Do better research. Your story about riots in Wisconsin is incomplete and adding fuel to the fire. There is so much more to that story than “black guy shot in the back getting into his vehicle with kids inside.”

    -has a warrant for his arrest on multiple counts
    -was maybe fighting one or both of the women. Nothing makes it clear he was trying to break up a fight.
    -looks to have had a knife in hand
    -fought with the police
    -made threatening statements
    -was teaching into his car after all of this for an unknown object.

    Do better.

    1. In fact, reaching into his car with a cop pointing a gun at him and directing him to stop! I watched the video. Adam is right. I can read the lame-stream media reports for myself. I come here for something more.

    2. Daisy wrote at the time when that was what was known.
      Additional details have come up, and even another video, after this was first posted.
      If she has updated or will update as more information becomes available is to her discretion or if she has the time.
      Otherwise she will be playing catch up on a 24/7 basis.

      1. Maybe so, in which case it is worse – report only that a black man was shot by police after a 911 call was made summoning police.

    3. Witness (black) stated the last thing he heard before the shooting was the officer yelling “drop the knife”.
      Tasers on scene had already been deployed to break up the fight so LTL was used first.

  10. All over? nah
    In the meantime in FREE AMERICA:
    I ate ice cream in my recliner in the AC, looked at my AR hanging on the wall, and watched Yellowstone with surround sound last night while petting my dog after a good dinner with my wife after driving home in my nice truck from my good career thats coming to an end into retirement this spring. Oh and I read my mail that was delivered and looked at my stuff on the nice otter cased phone, of mine, then went and soaked in the hot tub for 1/2hr, with the thermacell running to keep the skeeters down, before taking a real nice hot shower before bed cause I was a little sore form the nice gym that my job provides. There was some talk on my big screen HD service provided TV bout how we charged them peaceful (NOT) protesters (NOT) when they burned the police car, pointed guns and stuff with terrorism charges so we won’t see them again till they are real old. Then I went to bed in my decent mattress with the fan on while my dog slept in his new bed beside me.
    Nah it ain’t all over.
    It’s just idiots in places that allow it.
    When folks realize that there are just some folks that need killin or dealt with properly they will live in peace again.

      1. I am actually not even shocked or surprised this has happened.
        I think it was only a matter of when, not if.
        Too much confusion to say what is what, who did what first etc.
        Waiting for more word, evidence to come forth before making a snap judgement.

        However, others will not be so patient, and make leaps to conclusions.
        Then the really dumb stuff will start.

        Remember this moment. Might be the one that started the real violence in major cities.

        1. I’ve watched enough of the multiple videos to come to a conclusion.
          Some hard lessons by all were learned last night. Folks are sick of one side and gloves are going to come off. This is just the first of many to come.
          The other side learned you don’t bluff and buster when your armed because you will be put in a position to kill. All those who’ve been posturing and posing for years have a hand in this.
          A few years ago I went to some folks to help cook a pig in the ground. They said they had experience with cleaning and cooking that way. I get there and they are waiting on me and said “the only thing we aint sure on is how to kill it”. I walked over drew my pistol and shot the pig in the head and switched mags and reholstered. They stated “we thought there would be a lesson or something”. I said “lessons over lets get busy”. It aint hard and it aint rocket science.
          There’s a time for talk and a time for killin.

          1. On one of the news sites (dont recall which one, read so many today), someone made the observation about how some of these protests after a shooting, seem to be just that: A protest.
            No looting.
            No arson.
            No vandalism.
            But some that do in fact erupt into violence, just so happen to be close to major cities where there have been the looting, arson, and vandalism.
            Some wonder if those who promote the violence are not coming out of the major cities and into near by areas, like Kenosha (not far from both Chicago and Milwaukee).

            1. You gotta hire where there’s a job base so a metropolis has more people and more people easily swayed who don’t have anything of their own.
              Protesters have jobs and a stake in the community but want change.
              These scum, “not protesters”, have nothing and don’t even care about themselves.

  11. I moved home to the WV mountains from Denver at the end of 2017 after receiving that request from my inner voice while showering one morning: “time to go home and circle the wagons…” It was good timing. A sister flew out and drove me home. I entered the ER with an intestinal perforation the day after I arrived. So health and family care was the first blessing of my move. Now, my small town 75 miles from the largest cities in the state seems like a wonderful haven. To start with, there have been no Covid deaths in my county. The population isn’t diverse and we’re so secluded that you have to give visitors detailed driving directions, so I feel safe from riots as well.

    Regarding the future, I believe the country is completely polarized with a 50-50 split. No matter who wins the election, and it will be very close, the other side will protest that it was stolen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see shooting skirmishes at red-blue borders.

    1. I so agree. Crazy times. This is literally ideological warfare. My father was a transplant from West (By God) Virginia during WWII; his family emigrated from Europe in colonial times. I’m happy you have found peace back at home. I’m an independent conservative female living in California, and I dream of finding a retreat in the forested mountains in West Virginia. I think there will be skirmishes in the streets in liberal cities, and they are occurring as we speak.

    2. NO! It is NOT 50/50, a small percentage, maybe 10% is the loudest and most destructive – most others are surprised and have attempted to accommodate in order to appease these miscreants but that has not worked. Likely because they are a. troubled individuals b. being paid to reek havoc c. have nothing lose.

  12. On two different occasions the Demoncrats have stated that they will not concede when Trump wins. One was a ” War Game” they set up around a month ago and was reported in the papers. The other was Mrs. Clinton herself. Add that to all of the nutball crazy stories about how ” Trump plans to make himself King” or ” Will not leave the Oval Office should Creepy Joe win and WATCH OUT, A CIVIL WAR!!!

    A storm is coming, prepare for ugly!

  13. The most aggravating part of all this is if you protect yourself or family from the “protesters”, guess who will probably end up being arrested.

  14. I just happened to write a synthesis on that same subject today (, not on specific events but about what is behind. What is happening in the USA is not related to the elections and will not cease with them, it is not aiming at the current president and no party will be able to calm all that down and govern after. It’s not protests it’s anarchy, not looking to reach power but to bring chaos. Tracking the money up you can find the biggest fortunes in your country, and biggest supports of the establishment of the “global governance” (they avoid the word government) which will be announced by Guterres at the UN general assembly (September 15 or 16) and implemented through the WEF (Davos summit in January). A few countries are powerful enough to be able to oppose the move, the USA are one of them (no matter whoever is in power) and I believe there is a plan to neutralise them, which is what unfolds currently. Brace yourself.

  15. The growing Idiocracy doesnt have the intelligence to understand the concept of DE-escalate so they dont understand that the cops are going to become more paranoid and not less.

    There will be more stupidity down the line that will get people killed. Bank on it.

  16. I love the saying, “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” This is a nod to the natural wisdom of these two critters. A snake will stay alert but hidden from danger until personally confronted. It then fights like hell for its life. The dove does no wrong and flies from danger.

    Being 5 miles from some racial demonstrations about three years ago tells me that the potential for trouble to fan out into local neighborhoods is great here: sub/rural. I’ve seen carloads of out-of-place folks cruisin’ the neighborhood like they were doing reconnaissance. They have the freedom to drive the streets anywhere. But. We need to notice being noticed by them.

    I think being gray as much as possible is the better part of survival. Yes, I am “proud to be an American” but I don’t need to advertise who I’m voting for in any way shape or form on my person, vehicle or home or any organized rally-type meetings. None of our neighbors have any signs out. It’s just plain trouble to advertise any political allegiance in this of all years.

    My town is known for being the red-neck corner of the county, with rodeos, FFA, 4-H and all the good ol’ American feelings. Our local liberal school officials beg to differ with those feelings. They brought in Spanish and Mandarin immersion programs which has only succeeded in confusing many children. So, yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re “going to be taught a lesson” as a community. It might even be by La Raza embedded in our community. La Raza has yet to rear it’s head here in CA.

    But there are plenty of dead-end streets which may discourage “protesters”.

  17. That’s a reparation? Well, You come to my house looking for reparations and i will give you some non-precious metals. Copper clad Lead. Catch!

  18. I work in downtown Portland (and live in a small town an hour’s drive away). Don’t fall for any lies that you hear about the rioting damage being a “few blocks of downtown Portland” or “an area where there are only businesses & government buildings” — it’s several/many square blocks of damage, and there are many residential apartment & condo buildings from 5-20 stories tall in the downtown area immediately adjacent to where the riots are happening nightly.

    Also, please note that the news source OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting) is nowhere near to centrist or moderate; they are very left-leaning. I don’t know that there are any really centrist or non-biased news sources in the Portland area, as the city is notoriously leftist/socialist.

  19. The knuckleheads moving into the suburbs and smaller towns are in for a rude awakening. Thats when it will get “real” and I don’t believe reality is something these fools have any stomach for.

  20. Beyond rumor – Cave Junction, OR was visited by a small BLM group on Saturday, August 22nd., 2020. A good portion of the town turned out, along with many people from the outlying areas. About 30 bikers showed up. A small contingent of Militia showed up. The BLM group was mostly just teenagers and an older fellow with a megaphone who talked up the group with BLM rhetoric. JoCo County Sheriff Dave Daniel and his crew of deputies showed up, along with some Grants Pass PD officers. The BLM group chanted Black Lives Matter every so often. They broke up and began to leave town around 2:30PM. No arrests were made, although a couple people had to be calmed down some. All in all we did good, this is our town and they can’t have it.

  21. Which big city is missing from this list? Detroit. The police chief there isn’t putting up with this rioting crap and that’s awesome. it’s refreshing to see a chief with a spine. Especially against the politicians pushing back.

  22. There’s only one cure for a rabid animal and the same goes for these diseased communists. There is no longer a claim to “peaceful protest” and when the first bottle is thrown, first person assaulted or the first window broken the police should mow down every damn one in the street and let it be known if you stand along side of criminals you die with them.

    These are diseased animals and should be put down before they can spread more disease.

  23. The news release included in the beginning of this report makes Jacob Blake to be just a father longing to enter his car for his children. What a crock! Blake was wanted on a sexual assault charge when he was stopped by Kenosha police. He fought with those officers, pulling away and lunging for the interior of his vehicle where there was a knife on the floor. He had an extensive police record, including weapons charges. While not dead, Blake’s circumstances are of his own making.

    Personally, I am fed up with excuses made for and criminality explained away for those like Blake regardless of what “color” they are. The only reason the violence and destruction is occurring in numerous cities is not due to the thugs themselves. Its due to feckless public officials who do nothing while their citizens bear the brunt of this insanity. Odd that they are all Democrat.

    1. Les, when I wrote this, I used the information that was available. Obviously new information has come out since then – there’s been an investigation.

      1. It wasn’t your doing, Daisy. Its just the typical spin the biased media put on all incidents like this as happened in Kenosha… and everyplace else. Just watch what they try to do to that kid in Kenosha who defended his self against BLM thugs who chased him down. There was a Gofundme page set up for him, but ‘Gofundme’ removed it while allowing a page for BLM bail money. Its maddening!

    2. Every one of these BLM examples of police brutality and so-called racial injustice have been shown to be criminals, involved in criminal activity with previous criminal records. Yet the democrats and MSM make them out to be hard working, honest angels that were not bothering anyone and the POPO decided to just shoot them.

      How anyone with half a brain and an IQ bigger than their shoe size could support this BS is beyond me especially the white people who have been told by BLM that their lives don’t matter. That takes a special kind of stupid.

  24. You do realize that some, if not many, of those protestors and rioters are getting paid… and quite well. They are also getting bussed to different areas around the country. This is their “job” now… as long as the money keeps coming. Someone needs to find out who is organizing, paying for and sponsoring these people… they need to be stopped.

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