Federal Agency Wants to BAN Gas Kitchen Stoves for “the Children”

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

How about a side of government overreach with your dinner? That will be the case if a certain federal agency has its way, because they want to ban that gas stove in your kitchen ASAP.

Of course, it’s for the children.

The hullabaloo comes after a peer-reviewed study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health attributed more than 12% of current childhood asthma cases in the United States to the use of gas cookstove.

Here’s what the government has to say.

It all started with a report by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission that condemned the use of gas stoves in your kitchen and promoted the use of electric stoves as a safer alternative. Bloomberg reports:

Natural gas stoves, which are used in about 40% of homes in the US, emit air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter at levels the EPA and World Health Organization have said are unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions, according to reports by groups such as the Institute for Policy Integrity and the American Chemical Society. Consumer Reports, in October, urged consumers planning to buy a new range to consider going electric after tests conducted by the group found high levels of nitrogen oxide gases from gas stoves…

…The US Consumer Product Safety Commission plans to take action to address the pollution, which can cause health and respiratory problems.

And what would that action include? Welp, right from the horse’s mouth, banning the appliances.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Richard Trumka Jr., an agency commissioner, said in an interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

It isn’t clear whether the potential ban would apply to stoves already installed in homes or if you just wouldn’t be able to purchase a new one.

Natural gas is evil.

And, another clean energy group would really like to get rid of all gas appliances.

“There is about 50 years of health studies showing that gas stoves are bad for our health, and the strongest evidence is on children and children’s asthma,” said Brady Seals, a manager in the carbon-free buildings program  at the nonprofit clean energy group RMI and a co-author of the study. “By having a gas connection, we are polluting the insides of our homes.”

Nearly 100 cities in the United States have gotten on board with the move away from efficient and economical natural gas. Bloomberg summarizes:

The New York City Council voted in 2021 to ban natural gas hookups in new buildings smaller than seven stories by the end of this year. The California Air Resources Board unanimously voted in September to ban the sale of natural gas-fired furnaces and water heaters by 2030.

It’s ironic that we’re regularly being asked to reduce our use of electricity while the powers that be want to force us to switch to totally electric homes and electric cars. In the very likely event of rolling blackouts, people would not be able to cook, heat their homes, or charge a vehicle to go someplace with power. But hey, if you care about the planet, you’ll happily suffer for it, right?

Can you imagine the control that could be had over a fully electric home with a smart meter? Or an entire city or neighborhood of fully electric homes? For those who value our independence, this sounds concerning.

Also, gas stoves are racist.

Of course, Congress has gotten involved, deeming the problem of gas stove pollution to be not only a threat to the climate and the children but also racial in nature. A letter was written to Alexander Hoehn-Saric, the Chair of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:

These emissions can create a cumulative burden to households that are already more likely to face higher exposure to both indoor and outdoor air pollution. Statistics show that Black, Latino, and low-income households are more likely to experience disproportionate air pollution, either from being more likely to be located near a waste incinerator or coal ash site, or living in smaller homes with poor ventilation, malfunctioning appliances, mold, dust mites, secondhand smoke, lead dust, pests, and other maintenance deficiencies.

The letter was signed by Cory Booker, Donald S. Beyer Jr., Dianne Feinstein, Jared Huffman, Shontel M. Brown, Mark Takano, Ted W. Lieu, Alan W. Lowenthal, André Carson, Martin Heinrich, Barbara Lee, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Edward J. Markey, Gwen S. Morton, Jeffrey A. Merkley, Elizabeth Warren, Patty Murray, Bernie Sanders, Stephen F. Lynch, and Katie Porter.

The members of Congress recommended the following steps, which surprise, surprise, will result in costly regulations:

  • Require gas stoves to be sold with range hoods that meet mandatory performance standards, assessing their efficiency of removing the pollutants
  • Where feasible, issue mandatory performance standards for gas stoves that address steady-state-off leakage, including requiring automatic shut-off valves
  • Where feasible, issue mandatory performance standards for gas stoves that address the health impacts of hazardous emissions
  • Require labels on gas stoves that educate consumers about their exposure risks
  • Launch a public education campaign on the health risks of cooking with a gas stove, and steps that consumers can take to minimize their risk.

This isn’t the first time that environmental agencies have tried to intrude on day-to-day life.

Similar ideas have been floated in the past and then visibly abandoned due to public outcry. Remember when the EPA wanted to make most wood stoves illegal? Or when HUD wanted to disallow tiny home living?

I say “visibly abandoned” because while there isn’t a lot of movement on those two things on a federal level, smaller areas have moved incrementally toward enacting these plans. New York state has put all sorts of restrictions on heating with wood, and the Bay Area in California has disallowed wood stoves and wood-burning fireplaces in new homes.

There are cities all over the country with a habit of quashing tiny homes due to “zoning” implications. Each municipality has different rules on tiny houses and RV living, making it a minefield to be navigated for the hopeful resident.

This is just to say that a mandate doesn’t need to be federal to cause problems for us.

What are your thoughts?

Do you have a gas stove in your kitchen? Is it part of your preparedness plan? Do you feel that it is a risky addition to your home? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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59 Responses

  1. I live in a very rural community. Everyone here uses propane and has for decades.

    Tyranny comes in incremental steps.

    1. Same here– my 40+ yo propane stove has had components break a couple times and my repairman has told me he’s seen my kind of gas stoves last more than 60 years with no more than minimal repairs. Anything new is made to break within 10. Giant swathes of the country rely on propane. . . I don’t know how they’d enforce this.

  2. I like gas stoves because they are easy to adjust, and can be used for toasting arepas and grilling corn on the cob. I don’t like pollution. I’m thinking my next stove will be an induction unit. Gas backup for electrical outings and TEOTWAWKI is a good idea, but requires having canisters or tanks on hand. It should be noted that TPTB are talking about not allowing gas in new construction, not ripping out existing units. Can’t say whether there will be natural gas police going door to door. In the case of a civil collapse, people will do what they can. There’s methane from sewerage, biodiesel, and algae that produce fuel. I see that there are also induction water heaters. https://www.daobright.com/induction-water-heater/ If things really go to shit, the survivors will probably be using wood.

  3. We have a stove that connects to propane tanks. We also have a fireplace that we can use as an emergency backup as well as a camping/portable gas stove with Butane Fuel canisters. We live in an area that can get hurricanes and strong winds storms. During Hurricane Sandy, a family member had an electric stove and they couldn’t cook for almost a week before they got their power back.

  4. Gee, what if we no longer have children in the home? Or have a top of the line air to air recovery HVAC system that circulates fresh air as many times a day as I’d like?! But hey…continue to plug in your air fresheners, spray all your clothes & furniture with toxic chemicals & don’t forget to get to the Dr. for your 8 meds…but OMG, get rid of that stove!!!

    Nice try guys. If people can’t see through why they are trying this, they’re idiots.

    Thank God we are now waiting for our wood stove to be installed. But I do just think they are continually trying to disrupt otherwise peaceful, law abiding citizens because they are just clueless bullies.

  5. In the Ukraine Holodomer famine, the Soviets not only took or destroyed all the food, but even the pots and pans. Given what’s happened to our food supply, the attack on gas stoves seems like a “kinder gentler” version. Stay tuned for them to outlaw cast iron.

  6. NYS is also going to be banning natural gas hookups in new buildings, which is insane because just in the last 5 years our local utility has been upgrading gas utilities to provide more service. What I’m trying to figure out is how will this affect me, as a homeowner, on a budget, and is not ready/cannot to make the switch to all electric. I’m willing to if our electric infrastructure is robust enough to not have rolling blackouts in a time of need, AND if the state will kick in $ towards the upgrades. My parents have installed solar panels on their property so their electric production, covers what they consume but the electric produced still has to feed back into the grid. Finding good solid reliable information that is unbiased of how to proceed is nearly impossible.

    1. You do not have to feed your excess solar generated utility to the grid. I have installed a 750 Amp transfer switch to use the electrical power of my choice be it solar or utility. I have purposely avoided feed excessive electricity to the power brokers. Here in PG&E country in Central California I pay over 18 cents per KWH for power from the utility and they would reimburse me about 2 cents per KWH in return. Also I installed my solar panels on ground mounted platforms to avoid county inspectors coming on my property as would have been unavoidable if I had made structure changes to my house with roof-mounted panels.

    2. We recently installed solar with battery, the system went into production five days before Christmas. We have it set to use battery at night with 30% reserved for grid down at night. During the day it provides our power and recharges the battery. Any excess is fed to the utility to offset what little we use overnight. Even when it’s cloudy/raining it provides power. So far, so good. I’m in Southern California. The Fed tax credit helped with the cost.

  7. We cook more on our outdoor natural gas grill than the indoor stove. Of course we can and do open our screen door/windows. Not as much in the winter as the other times of the year of course but we do get fresh air.
    Worse things for asthma and other breathing related maladies than gas stoves but little appetite for stopping them from being imported from China.

  8. Cloward Piven for the consumer-overload they system (finances) to precipitate collapse. Remember kids: They are stupid, yes, but first and foremost they are evil and purpose to harm as many as possible as they implement their totalitarian, Mass Death TM, technocracy.

  9. This is PURE INSANITY! It does not create fumes or affect ones breathing!!! This is just a way to control people and limit us on what we can do in emergencies. My kids were never affected by the gas stoves and I can smell anything that isn’t what it should be. I am an asthmatic and have had a gas stove for over 35 years! I have two stoves! When my primary kitchen stove gave out my husband bought an induction stove instead of the gas stove I wanted. It does not cook as efficiently as gas period. Thankfully I have another one I can use. Plus you have to get rid of most of your pans if you don’t have another stove like I do. So because I cook so much I had to buy $400 in new pans that will work on an induction stove! They know if they shut down our power that a gas stove can still be lit, where an electric stove is useless. Plus we have propane for backup on our grill (that is also hooked up to gas). This is all part of controlling Americans, starving us and making us fully dependent on a communist government. Just look at what is happening in other countries!

    So just think with the war on food and them stopping the use of gas stoves, wood stoves, etc., they will be able to kill people that much faster! It’s time for Americans to get off their butts and stop this tyranny! What happened to common sense! Too many people have lost their minds and think the communist government we now have knows best…..hardly! There is no logic to any of this, but leave it to the blind sheep to do whatever they say.

    God help us!

  10. This has NOTHING to do with children, and EVERYTHING to do with the “Great Reset”, and getting rid of ALL fossil fuels, and tyrants controlling everyone and everything in our daily lives.

  11. I have a child with Asthma. He is now grown. But we did make changes in our home based on his triggers and health- no carpet in our home, no perfume, enclosed mattress covers, etc. We made these changes as we learned about his illness and from recommendations from his doctor. Let the parents make these choices, educate them and help them if they need it. But don’t take away my right to cook or heat with what I choose.

  12. Never attribute to malevolence what can be explained by incompetence or stupidity.

    The difference between brilliance and stupidity is that brilliance has limits.

    I always remember these two things. It explains a lot, and helps o make sense of the world that we presently inhabit.

    1. I attribute everything to malevolence. I don’t care about incompetence or stupidity.

      I regard the quoted statement as a cover for intent.

      But that is just me.

  13. There are far too many jobs in the NatGas industry from drilling all the way to appliance manufacturing, installation and maintenance. I perceive this to be an Overton Window psyop. By attacking widely used NatGas they set the stage for the real goal, banning wood & coal stoves.

  14. I have a gas stove with a pilot light. Can’t get them anymore. I have a wood burning cookstove for when you can’t get gas anymore.

  15. LOL. The particulates, if they exist, ain’t nearly as hazardous to your health as starvation. Just ask anybody who doesn’t have one.

  16. In my younger, less cynical years, I was often taken by the “it’s for the children” ploy. After seeing what they’ve done to children via GMOs, medicating as many as possible (they are now advising surgery/medication for overweight children??), enjoying making them depressed/anxious to hook them on medication for life…on and on…I do not believe for one second that this is about them caring for children. People that are concerned for children don’t push abortion, drugs, mental illness, processed foods.
    And here we had just bought/changed to gas because I cannot can/preserve well on the electric smooth-top range. I am guessing with so many purchasing induction, those can be used for canning meats, etc.?

  17. The criminals want to force to use more electricity so that they can maka more money for cancer treatment caused by EMFs. I used my guass meter to determine that even my gas (propane) range put out excessive emfs due to the electricity in the range to light the gas, control the oven, turn on the hood lamp and fan, etc. With future brownouts and blackouts, people will not be able to cook unless they go back to the practices of our ancestors, cook over a open flame outside the house. Rocket ovens might be a good alternative to a gas or electric range. TPTB are trying to make everything as difficult as possible for the teneral population and accelerate the decimation of the p;opulation.

  18. Also – anyone know if it’s correct that the “study” they did for this was only based on 50-something homes in California? Think I saw that in passing over on The Post Millenial or a similar journalism site.

  19. There isn’t enough electric generating capacity to install new electric stoves in all new homes being built. How does the gvmnt think they can regulate electric stoves as replacements for gas stoves? Is the gvmnt going to pay for an electrician to come to a house and install the necessary wiring? What if the house has an electric panel that is already too small to add an extra circuit for a stove. Is the gvmnt going to allow the homeowner/renter to starve because they cannot cook their food? Too many negatives in this proposal to make it a “good idea”.

  20. After Ian hit we lost power for about 4 days. We have a gas range and could ignite the burners using either a match or grill lighter. I was very thankful to have the option to still cook inside. In communities close to us they needed to boil water. Our power wasn’t out for very long, but even during that short duration I would have gone through quite a bit of fuel cooking and heating water for washing dishes.
    I also prefer cooking on my gas range to an electric stove; it is way more responsive. This is just more Government overreach and micromanaging.

  21. Daisy quoted Bloomberg as writing that:

    “Natural gas stoves … are used in about 40% of homes in the US…”

    What would you bet that the July 2021 globalist simulation of a major power grid shutdown called “Cyber Polygon” resulted in their observation that natural gas stoves would be a logical survival strategy whenever there might be a long term electric power outage? Could it be that those eugenics-obsessed tyrant crackpots figure that running a part of a totalitarian tiptoe scam (of slowing removing natural gas from civilian access) would make long term nationwide power grid shutdowns far more effective in the damage that might cause?

    One of the things that always happens when a society collapses from things like hyperinflation, currency destruction, mass starvation, etc (such as happened to Germany’s Weimar republic in the early 1920s) was that big bucks investors from other countries swoop in to scarf up valuable assets (land, real estate, assets of all kinds, etc) for dirt cheap money. One of the largest such private investors in the Weimar case was our own Franklin Delano Roosevelt … a fact not mentioned when he helped destroy the US economy in the 1930s.

    In the Weimar example, their currency was destroyed by ghastly over-printing partly in an effort to pay off over-burdening WWI reparations. Today in the US some 40% of brand new dollars have been created in just the last couple of years. You can bet that beneficiaries of the US Fed’s gross money over-printing (like Blackrock, Vanguard, etc) will get access to that freshly and grossly counterfeited US money to scarf up assets as always happens. The greater the damage to the economy … the greater will be the cheap deal pickings for such pirates.


  22. I just found out another reason for all the hysteria about fossil fuels and the campaigns to switch to electric. It’s because electric can be switched off at the flick of a switch. Just like Central Bank Digital Currency, it is to destroy your free will.
    But we sheeple and lions are waking up.
    A major group working to wake folks up is Downsize DC. They are supported by Dems and Republicans alike who are tired of Federal corruption. They publish some of the most thoughtful civics articles I have seen anywhere. And today’s video about the Speaker battle is a humdinger!
    Join Downsize DC. They are very powerful on our side.

    1. “…It’s because electric can be switched off at the flick of a switch….”

      It’s a lot bigger than that. With SMART METERS if your social credit score is bad, you can be changed more per KWH or have limits on the amount you can use every day.

      All devices in your home can spy on you and send out information using the smart meter.

      You could be singled out to have a heating limit of 45 degrees!

      Eventually water limits and temps could be monitored and controlled.

      Your fridge could rat you out if you have “unauthorized” food in it.

      There is a LOT more, this is their long term plan, but you get the idea.

      1. I’ve worked hard in the last few years to remediate some EMFs in my home due to my sensitivities of it & in my success my electric bill has been reduced to almost half! Granted all my kids are now gone so that helped some but I’m expecting a new (dumb) meter installed unbeknownst to me because ‘they’ feel it’s faulty!

        God forbid I save any money & stop paying for the backflow from my neighbors usage & the grid and be in control of my own usage.

  23. It should be pointed out that natural gas and propane are not the same thing. Cities in California are banning new natural gas installations in homes, and part of that shift stems from the natural gas pipeline explosions that have killed people in cities, not just green energy. But the shift to ‘all electric’ appliances is a real problem that isn’t going away. At the moment I haven’t been able to get my propane wall oven replaced because I can’t find anyone in our county willing to install one. In the next year or two, we’ll have to plan to have an electrician check out our home electrical system to see if our fuel oil and propane appliances (oil furnace, propane stovetop, fireplace, water heater) can be replaced with electrical appliances without further upgrades to the house electrical system. At least the pellet stove is fine, so far, which provides a less expensive heating source. California is legislating the shift to ‘all electric’ with a failing electric grid without a care in the world. Meanwhile, it is becoming difficult to find people who can service oil-fired furnaces/water heaters and the same will occur for propane if that gets phased out as well. If propane doesn’t get phased out, it will (and is) increasingly expensive and less available. I am unsure what we’d use next for a back-up fuel for our whole house propane generator that kicks on for power outages. I don’t like being forced into electric ‘everything’ as it is foolish to have only one type of energy available. We do have prep back-ups, but it’s just crazy to have the entire population of 400 million people limited to using one type of energy source. Just my opinion.

    1. “…I can’t find anyone in our county willing to install one….”

      Just ask any 14 year old rural boy and your problem would be solved.
      There is no reason to be so dumbed down.

      While not a furnace expert, I can get the manual out and get on the phone when I have any furnace issues.

  24. Dear fellows,
    This is why I´m working HARD in my Biogas generator. Energy self-sufficiency. With enough biomass, lots of biol (very needed in my rocky hill) and enough biogas to put my genset to work every other day to charge a battery rack should be enough at least for keeping the lights on and my machinery and electronics running.
    Stay safe. J.

  25. Propane gas isn’t the same as natural gas, which uses fracking to access it. Fracking is horribly destructive to the environment, leaving very toxic chemicals behind.

  26. We have had a propane gas range and a propane heater for at least 3 years, while I begged for it for 13 years before we finally got around to getting things set up. Before we put in the gas stove, I was trying to can on a glass top (which I absolutely hated!), fearful of it breaking. On extremely cold days, we have a cosy warm home with very little cost. Raise a fuss people, don’t let them take our gas stoves!

  27. I think we should be more concerned about all the EMF in our homes, from microwaves, TV’s, phones, computers, etc. That’s what is extremely harmful to people!

    1. “…we should …”

      Correct! and the Satanic, Criminal, illegitimate, Government needs to stay the hell away from our Unalienable God given rights.

      Things like this are our personal choices.. they are NOT permissions.

  28. If these people really thought that gas ranges caused that much illness, we would be REQUIRED to have one in our homes. Have we so soon forgotten the death jabs?

  29. Is it part of your preparedness plan? Yes, I have a Chef Master 15,000 BTU gas burner for hurricanes and other disasters.

  30. I checked but haven’t found direct correlation between gas stove use and asthma. Could you kindly show a reference (evidence based research results) of the sentence quoted in the article? Thank you.
    Note: we use grid gas for decades. No issue at all. Personally, I would prefer electric stoves (less danger) but its use is way more expensive than gas.

  31. This is the same federal government that is recommending a killer vax to kids as young as 6 months old. And this push to end gas stoves is just another way for them to take control of our lives. If they cared so much about our health, they would have long ago halted the Covid-19 vax and boosters. This whole gas deal is just another way for them to gain greater control over our day-to-day lives. It has absolutely zip to do with health.

  32. I’m turning into a triggered snowflake (okay, not really)…
    Here are my triggers:
    – the phrases just two weeks, we’re all in this together and flatten the curve
    – it’s for your safety
    – it’s for X’s safety
    – robots, AI and self-service checkouts
    – the words equity/inclusion/diversity in just about any context
    – the words environmental protection
    – the words climate change or the outdated term global warming
    – mandates of any kind
    – HOAs (their mere existence)
    – renaming illegal immigrants to migrants
    ….I’m sure there is much more! Feel free to add to my trigger list!

  33. Hey wasn’t Richard (Little Dick) Trumka Jr. the Head Union Thug at the Communist AFL-CIO back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s???
    Update: The next day after this news broke and started a nationwide Cat 5 Crapstorm….the head of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said, “Little Dick Trumka, misspoke and we are NOT going to ban Natural Gas stoves, heating, etc.).

  34. The come and take it memes are off the charts and they’ve backed down since this article was written. It’s called probing. Military tactic. Look it up.

  35. Fear mongering for a buck. I’ve waited to see if anyone actually read the scientific report. Next up on faux news – “they’re coming for your bibles”.

  36. I laughed when seeing that Senator Feinstein signed it. She’s not qualified to sign anything with her dementia. They just bring her out to vote and help her push the right button.

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