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by Aden Tate
Author of The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices
Nobody loves controlling others more than the government, so it’s no surprise that they’re desperate to ban 3-d printed guns. Right now, the US legislature has introduced two separate yet identical bills that would outright ban the creation of 3D-printed guns or the dissemination of the code for doing so.
HR 4225 was introduced to the House Committee on the Judiciary on June 29 of this year by Representative Ted Deutsch (D-FL). A few short days later, an identical bill, S.2319, was introduced by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) in the Senate. [Source]
Officially, S.2319 is referred to as the 3-D Printed Gun Safety Act of 2021.
They’re ready to take gun control to a whole new level with this.
But you may know it as its mainstream media coined term: The Ghost Gun Ban
According to the US government, the stated intention of S.2319 is “to amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the distribution of 3D printer plans for the printing of firearms, and for other purposes.” After the bill was introduced, 27 Senators throughout the US – all Democrat (with the exception of stated Independent, Bernie Sanders) – jumped on board to sign it. They are:
- Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]
- Sen. Reed, John [D-RI]
- Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI]
- Sen. Casey, Bob [D-PA]
- Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]
- Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]
- Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]
- Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR]
- Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]
- Sen. Duckworth, Tammy [D-IL]
- Sen. Durbin, Richard [D-IL]
- Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT]
- Sen. Padilla, Alex [D-CA]
- Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]
- Sen. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD]
- Sen. Smith, Tina [D-MN]
- Sen. Leahy, Patrick [D-VT]
- Sen. Kaine, Timothy [D-VA]
- Sen. Cardin, Ben [D-MD]
- Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]
- Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]
- Sen. Booker, Cory [D-NJ]
- Sen. Coons, Christopher [D-DE]
- Sen. Hirono, Mazie [D-HI]
- Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten [D-NY]
- Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH]
- Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]
All these folks can’t wait to ban 3-d printed guns.
What does this mean for aficionados if they ban 3-D printed guns ?
Should this bill be passed to ban 3-D printed guns, it likely means that tens of thousands (if not more) of Americans would instantly become criminals overnight. (This is nothing new for gun control aficionados in the government.) What was once legal for any free man would become criminal and likely result in the ATF being sent to the scene.
If you’ve purchased a 3D printer in the past, this bill could easily result in additional policies decreeing your need to register your printers, filaments, and other 3D printer-associated tools.
Furthermore, this bill would make even posting the schematics for 3D printed guns online illegal. This is something that’s never been done before in American history.
What do I mean by this?
One has always been able to find gun blueprints in America. The United States has a long history of “backyard gunsmiths,” if you will, and it’s never been illegal before. Firearm schematics are readily available for those with a metal lathe, machining equipment, and the desire to craft their own weapon.
But now that more people can engage in the act, it’s been decided it needs to be made illegal. Hence, it isn’t enough to ban 3D-printed guns alone. They must also ban all online 3D printed gun plans.
Here’s the problem, though:
3-D printed gun plans are free speech
The founder of 3D printed guns, Cody Wilson, actually settled a hefty court case with the US State Department after successfully arguing that code is free speech and thus, he’d done nothing wrong by disseminating his code to the world. [source]
If such were made illegal, what type of code would follow?
Would any form of encrypted messengers, such as Signal, soon be determined to be a ‘threat’ and thus made illegal? (Don’t think that can’t happen. It’s already been discussed.) If you discussed how to reload ammunition online in a forum with a reloading newcomer, could you later be the subject of legislative action?
What if you just taught a friend how to shoot at your farm? What if you teach your son how to hunt? In both cases, you’ve used words to instruct somebody else on how to use a firearm? Could that be subject to legislation down the road should this bill be passed? A similar bill about instructing others that was allegedly meant to discourage informal militias was brought up in Virginia back in 2020.
Couldn’t every firearm book in existence that teaches people how to reload, shoot, clean a gun, etc., fall under the jurisdiction of such a decision?
The Constitution has been forsaken
We’ve already seen that the American justice system has a long history of resorting to case law rather than Constitutional law. The passing of this bill would only make the arguing for further infringements of human freedom even easier for these people.
Further examples would be how this bill could open the door for every conceivable firearm part or accessory out there now needing to be registered. Diagrams for any such part – say for something as simple as a pair of flip-up sights – could be rendered illegal overnight. Now, millions of Americans would be deemed criminals in need of punishment.
What would this mean for the gunsmith industry?
Would you be able to continue practicing your trade? Within the world of firearms, prices would reach such exorbitant levels that nobody would be able to afford guns or ammunition.
Why is this?
Well, if every firearm component has to be stamped and registered, you’re talking about forcing every manufacturer out there to invest money in stamping equipment. You’re talking about a considerable expense, extra employees, and extra training. The registration process would require additional time, likely include a tax of some sort, and would create a host of legal hoops to jump through. And nobody’s just going to eat that cost. They will send it directly to the consumer.
The adjustable AR-15 stock you once bought for $60 could now easily be $100. The AK-47 you’ve had your eyes on could now be selling for 4x higher than in prior years. This would effectively mean that only those with enough disposable income, along with the capability and wherewithal to jump through a circus ring of obstacles, would be able to defend themselves.
Single mothers, fresh college grads, and anybody running on hard times financially (such as those brought about by government-instituted lockdowns) would no longer be able to afford the weapons, ammunition, or training needed to defend themselves.
Do you think the government will succeed in its efforts to ban 3-D printed guns?
When the rights to free speech and self-defense are simultaneously attacked, the only thing coming down the road is slavery.
But hey, F-15 jets, Blackhawk helicopters, and 600,000 rifles given away in Afghanistan? [source]
No big deal.
Do you agree that these regulations would be an infringement on your Constitutional rights? What do you think about the government’s effort to ban 3-d printed guns? Sound off in the comments below!
About Aden
Aden Tate has a master’s in public health and is a regular contributor to PewPewTactical.com, SurvivalBlog.com, SHTFBlog.com, ApartmentPrepper.com, HomesteadAndPrepper.com, and PrepperPress.com. Along with being a freelance writer, Aden also works part-time as a locksmith. Aden has an LLC for his micro-farm where he raises dairy goats, a pig, honeybees, meat chickens, laying chickens, tomatoes, mushrooms, and greens. Aden has two published books, The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices. You can find his podcast The Last American on Preppers’ Broadcasting Network.
26 Responses
For interested parties, here’s a link to the text of the original bill. And may I suggest remembering what Selco says: the rules are what those in power say the rules are. And we’ve spent quite a lot of time electing the “lesser evil.” Oy.
So how would they know who has printed 3D guns?……Never ever give up your guns america…As a matter of fact get guns as many ways as possible including 3D guns otherwise they will turn America into an Australia
3D Printers are expensive–people who buy one fill out the warranty info either online or mail it in. What most people don’t know, is that the company receiving the warranty info is a third party working with the manufacturer–and numerous marketing and law enforcement agencies. Like Google, they sell your info. A friend once told me about the company–he was a skip tracer for a loan company–and that he frequently used their services to find people who had skipped out on large loans, as most everybody buys new computers, appliances etc and fill out the warranty info.
The good news is they can’t pass anything including their own finance bills they only need 50% vote for.
It’s nothing more than political theatrics.
What they are counting on is the remaining people not caring about anything beyond facelessbook and being able to slide something in so come election time they can say “I passed XYZ” or “I introduced legislation for XYZ” or “I supported XYZ” even though they’d knew it wouldn’t pass. All sides do it like a broken record.
This year one party is desperate so ghost guns carried by unvaccinated zombies stung by murder hornets supported by white supremacist machete carrying clowns will be what they save us all from.
Unless you have not been paying attention, this is just another part of the “gun grab”.
Brought to you be the Liberals and sold out Rino’s.
They are just paid puppets, the real problem is the powers that pay them to do this and other things.
They know that if they hit the right ” button” that America will react and the result will be a Civil war ( it will collapse the Global Economy in the end, affecting the whole world) and World wide Chaos.
Which I believe is the ultimate plan.
You bulldoze the existing structures on a piece of land, if you want to build something totally new. In order to create a new world wide system, it requires the same sequence of events.
Renovating our existing political and economic systems would only allow a limited amount of change.
Not enough to allow the fulfillment of their plans.
So this means:
1) We can not stop these events, as they will eventually succeed.
2) If you are not expecting a Civil war/ Utter Chaos where you are at (or that you plan to bug out to), Think again.
This is why they have Bunkers set up to retreat into and private security forces to protect themselves there.
3) We are Preppers for a reason (and this (#2), should be the main reason).
4) Though in the long run their plans will fail, it will be a long hard road before that day comes.
5) Prep for the long run and any short term problems that occur, will be covered.
I also believe they seek a civil war they’d much rather kill each other that have a revolution. All the more reason to see America armed. U.s. citizens will unwittingly do their bidding. and it’s not that I don’t expect there could be trouble from time to time where I live. But they have to get by many ranches first. And we all know each other for the most part. and yes plan for the long-term. I set a family up decades ago. Despite what the rest of the world is going through its life as usual for us.
Mic, 100% agree with y’all. The goal is to tear down the Republic and replace it with a China-like one party rule. They are going at it in several ways. Wreck the economy/currency, flood the country with illegals (Cloward and Piven) , destroy the military, increase violence/crime by letting Felons out of prisons, rig the Elections, pack the Courts with Commie Judges.
None of this will work if Patriots keep their firearms. As Chairman Mao said, ” Political Power comes from the barrel of a gun”.
This is only the camel’s nose under the tent.
The actual idea of a 3-D printed gun is silly. They might be good for one shot and then KAFLOOEY. It is far easier for the average backyard gunsmith to fashion his own weapon.
As I said, camel’s nose. So, what would be next? Yes, there’s registering your 3-D printer, but look at the other side… what about the backyard gunsmith who got his designs over the internet. Is that next?
Just remember that everything Democrats do they at least do incrementally. One day it is 3-D printed guns. They won’t stop there. Never do. Remember when gays only wanted “equal rights?”
The days of it’ll blow up are pretty much over. 3D and polymers have come a long ways.
In many cases you just make the receiver and use other parts. It’s kinda like the 80% stuff you buy and build.
What was that Nerf gun, that turned a Glock into a carbine?
I mean how can you have an Australia when all the subjects are printing ghost guns?
????????♂️. Reality is they’d like to see Americans kill Americans in a civil war rather than a revolution. Every time they threatened to Outlaw, band, whatever they want to come up with, there’s a new Rush on guns and ammo. Despite how they appear they know what they’re doing. In countries a fraction the size of the US entities like the UN have been very unsuccessful in collecting arms. They know they can’t do it in the US and it’s unlikely they would intend to. We are living in a depopulation event after all. And they will achieve that to any and all means possible. They are working towards a new world order but it doesn’t include most of the people, they wish them gone permanently. The USA is standing in its way. I’ve said it before we will likely get a EMP. Most won’t know where it came from and frankly it won’t matter 25- 50% will be dead and the first couple months and 90% will be dead in a year. Of that remaining 10% some have the ticket to move on. Others will have willingly walked to a fusion Center. And for the rest they likely won’t worry about, it’s numbers will be small and insignificant. Their plan will be the Drone seeking you out one day you’ll be spotted out of your hidey-hole, scanned , then A I will see you’re not in the system and just eliminate. It’s just one scenario. As for myself it’s one that I have play over in my mind for a couple of decades. Once you have mostly prepared you have time to contemplate other scenarios and make adjustments for the adjustments that will inevitably have to be made. To be a true prepper you must be able to adapt which means having an open mind. May seem like I blew you off the subject of printed guns. But everything is tied together we are now living in the times of Sorrows that doesn’t last for very long we will then start to move into the trumps and the viles. Yes I am spiritually minded. But I don’t sit back and wait for God to save me. Instead I pay attention to the warnings given. Make adjustments and adapt. As a Christian I have work to do not just now but in the future. I used the Bible to prepare decades ago. I am grateful there was a letter that told me what to do how to act and adapt accordingly.
” Their plan will be the Drone seeking you out one day you’ll be spotted out of your hidey-hole, scanned , then A I will see you’re not in the system and just eliminate.”
Seems like this has already happened.
????????♂️. Reality is they’d likelike to see Americans kill Americans in a civil war rather than a revolution. Every time they threatened to Outlaw, band, whatever they want to come up with, there’s a new Rush on guns and ammo. Despite how they appear they know what they’re doing. In countries a fraction the size of the US entities like the UN have been very unsuccessful in collecting arms. They know they can’t do it in the US and it’s unlikely they would intend to. We are living in a depopulation event after all. And they will achieve that to any and all means possible. They are working towards a new world order but it doesn’t include most of the people, they wish them gone permanently. The USA is standing in its way. I’ve said it before we will likely get a EMP. Most won’t know where it came from and frankly it won’t matter 25- 50% will be dead and the first couple months and 90% will be dead in a year. Of that remaining 10% some have the ticket to move on. Others will have willingly walked to a fusion Center. And for the rest they likely won’t worry about, it’s numbers will be small and insignificant. Their plan will be the Drone seeking you out one day you’ll be spotted out of your hidey-hole, scanned , then A I will see you’re not in the system and just eliminate. It’s just one scenario. As for myself it’s one that I have play over in my mind for a couple of decades. Once you have mostly prepared you have time to contemplate other scenarios and make adjustments for the adjustments that will inevitably have to be made. To be a true prepper you must be able to adapt which means having an open mind. May seem like I blew you off the subject of printed guns. But everything is tied together we are now living in the times of Sorrows that doesn’t last for very long we will then start to move into the trumps and the viles. Yes I am spiritually minded. But I don’t sit back and wait for God to save me. Instead I pay attention to the warnings given. Make adjustments and adapt. As a Christian I have work to do not just now but in the future. I used the Bible to prepare decades ago. I am grateful there was a letter that told me what to do how to act and adapt accordingly.
Isn’t that funny? They have nothing to say about arming the Taliban with billions in weapons but are worried we may print a few guns which are OUR RIGHT to in our Constitution per the 2nd Amendment.
We should tell that to their faces! WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY.
No, because they have concluded that with their actions. They believe you are because they don’t want you to have weapons and unrelentingly go after them any political lawless way they can and yet your ENEMY the Taliban are allowed to have them in a free-for-all.
Buck Joe Fiden-!
to them, yes you are. you always were, and always will be. this is tribal warfare, and they’re seriousl
All douchebag proggys.
*******“Ghost Guns”: The Government Desperately Wants to Ban 3D Printed Guns*******
“The Government Desperately Wants To Ban Guns.”
There. I fixed it for you.
“Do you think the government will succeed in its efforts to ban 3-D printed guns?”
no. but they’ll get the internet providers to do it for them by proxy.
My reading of the bill talks about WWW or “Internet”. It doesn’t mention dial-up BBS service like we used in the 90’s before there was any Internet.
Geez, keeping firearms out the hands of those that shouldn’t have them. Oh the humanity . How about instead you have to have a license to buy a 3D printer, register it, and renew the license each year? Sounds like a great revenue stream to me. We can treat 3D printers like a Class One drug.
Every time reasonable gun laws come up, too many act like their manhood is being removed.
How about instead you mind your own business and leave law-abiding citizens alone? Looks like my 3D printers could become “from my cold dead hands” items, like my guns.
Red states should become 2A sanctuary states no ID required no name taken down,That would be shall not be infringed as written
It’s good to see quality news aggregators like ZeroHedge.com reprinting articles such as this:
“Ghost Guns”: Why The Government Desperately Wants To Ban 3D-Printed Weapons, by Aden Tate, via The Organic Prepper
Reprinted here on Thursday, 23 Sept 2021 at 7:40pm (not sure which time zone):
Plus 241 original comments!
Seems to me if you follow the money every time someone in politics mentions taking guns the people that manufacture or sell anything related make millions. Starting to wonder if this is just a marketing strategy when their profits drop off. Imagine “they all pass the hat” give the money to someone like obama and just wait for sales to shoot through the roof. There’s even a benefit for the politicians on the other side because now they can show how much they care about our rights………