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While everyone else was focusing on the spread of COVID-19 and the civil liberty/economic fallout of the crisis, many news stories went unnoticed in 2020. Ironically, many of them had to do with viruses and the possibility of scientists creating an unintentional pandemic.
Researchers retrieve dormant, prehistoric microorganisms…and revive them
One such story involves a team of scientists from the US and Japan, who have been able to “wake up” microbes that have been dormant for nearly 100 million years. The scientists state that these microorganisms began to grow and divide even though they had entered an energy-saving state as far back as the time dinosaurs were still walking the Earth.
The microbes belonged to ten different bacteria groups retrieved from sediments mined in 2010 at the bottom of the South Pacific Gyre, one of the most desolate places in the ocean in terms of nutrients.
“Our results suggest that microbial communities widely distributed in organic-poor abyssal sediment consist mainly of aerobes that retain their metabolic potential under extremely low-energy conditions for up to 101.5 million years,” the researchers wrote.
The research team, led by geomicrobiology’s Yuki Morono of the Japan Marine Science and Technology Agency, had to drill wells 100 meters into the seabed at 5,700 meters below the surface to retrieve the samples. The team of researchers incubated the sleeping microbes for 557 days in a laboratory. Then, researchers applied carbon and nitrogen sources like ammonia, amino acids, and acetate to the microbes to see if they could remove them from their lethargy.
“It is surprising and biologically challenging that a large fraction of the microbes revived after being buried and trapped for so long in conditions of extreme nutrient and energy deficiency,” says Morono.
This success was likely because microbes are aerobic (meaning they require oxygen to live), and oxygen was present in the sediment. The researchers say that if deposits gradually accumulate on the seafloor at a rate not exceeding a yard or two every million years, oxygen can remain present and allow these microorganisms to survive for almost unbelievable amounts of time.
“I was skeptical at first, but we found that up to 99.1% of microbes in sediments deposited 101.5 million years ago were still alive and able to grow,” says study co-author Steven D’Hondt of the University of Rhode Island.
“Maintaining a physiological capacity for 100 million years in starving confinement is an impressive feature. We want to understand how these ancient microbes evolved, if at all,” D’Hondt added.
The paper was published in the Journal Nature Communications. The study itself is an amazing achievement since microbial cells’ survival status in this extremely energy-poor environment is not well-documented. The study demonstrates that subsoil is an excellent place to explore the “limits of life on Earth.”
What if these sleeping microbes are viruses?
This scientific discovery is impressive, and no one can deny that. However, there are dangers to waking up dormant microorganisms, mainly if they are viruses or bacteria.
And that is just what has been happening over the last several years. One such discovery took place last year in Tibet, where, for 15,000 years, a glacier on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau of China has held a myriad of frozen viruses. Recently, scientists took two ice cores from that glacier and revealed 28 never-before-seen groups of viruses.
“We are very far from sampling the entire diversity of viruses on Earth,” Chantal Abergel, a researcher in environmental virology at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, who wasn’t involved with the study, told Vice.
As human-made climate change melts glaciers the world over, these viral archives could be lost, the researchers noted. Research into ancient viruses “provides a first window into viral genomes and their ecology from glacier ice,” the researchers wrote in the study, “and emphasizes their likely impact on abundant microbial groups [today].”
In 2015, scientists discovered an ancient virus buried in the Siberian permafrost. The virus, Mollivirus Sibericum, was actually part of a group of other viruses, collectively known as “giant viruses.” Since 2003, four other “giant viruses” have been found. Others have labeled it the “Frankenvirus” and have warned against “reawakening it.”
It should also be remembered that in the late 1990’s scientists began exhuming bodies in the Alaska permafrost in order to retrieve and “sequence” the 1918 Spanish Flu.
In a mass grave in a remote Inuit village near the town of Brevig Mission, a large Inuit woman lay buried under more than six feet of ice and dirt for more than 75 years. The permafrost plus the woman’s ample fat stores kept the virus in her lungs so well preserved that when a team of scientists exhumed her body in the late 1990s, they could recover enough viral RNA to sequence the 1918 strain in its entirety. This remarkable good fortune enabled these scientists to open a window onto a past pandemic–and perhaps gain a foothold for preventing a future one.
It’s difficult to read about this and think about how we’ve all spent the past year without shaking your head.
Science, at what cost to humankind?
Scientific discovery is vitally important to human progress and survival.
However, reawakening dormant historical and ancient viruses in a world filled with depopulation agendas is concerning. And, governments and their militaries are attempting to develop and perfect biological warfare programs. And let’s not even start on weather modification, artificial intelligence, and those little xenobots covered with living tissue.
Science can often be the gateway to survival, but it can also be the gateway to destruction. It just depends on who is standing guard.
What are your thoughts on this line of research? What possible benefits do you see? The potential detriments are pretty clear. Let’s discuss it in the comments.
About Robert
Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several ‘Revolutions’ they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.
25 Responses
Black-Footed Ferret Is U.S.’ First Duplicated Endangered Species
Yeah it’s hard to say what’s good or bad at times. The issue is our propensity to use it for bad or messing up and losing control.
Some general somewhere is looking for a herd of raptors for a no extraction S&D mission that are filled with anthrax spores and Austin Powers laser beams.
@Matt in OK,
Raptors? Anthrax spores? Laser beams?
Are you planning on changing your handle name to “Matt in Arizona?” 😉
Bhahaha I guess I shoulda said “roving gangs of….”
What they did was preserve the active plague in the Arctic ice, whether in dead plague victims or otherwise. This was deliberate and so they have activated the very same plagues now with deliberate purpose to infect and depop the entire earth.
That, sir, is what they did.
Horse puckey. Virus is not alive. Reawaken? Virus is a solvent. Man creates virus inside of our bodies as a normal function.
John Charles Reeves: Exactly, and thank you. We have been lied to (yet again) by the globalist dark occultists, this time about “germs” and germ theory, successfully propagandized by the Rockefellers & Co in the 20th century to enslave and slowly kill all organic life, maximizing both their profit and human/animal suffering.
We are living in Oz: When you pull back the curtain, you see how perverted and psychopathic these Satanic/Luciferian “wizards” are. People need to see the truth, or things are going to go from really, really, really, really bad to extremely worse in the next 2-5 years, in line with the globalist agenda. Come on, Dorothy, you’ve always had the power to go home (to the truth of our sovereignty). The “wizards” have only ONE power: The power to use their black magic to deceive people by manipulating their traumatized, infantilized consciousness into giving up their Creator-given rights.
Time to grow up, accept that we’ve been lied to about everything, and reject any and all social constructs that do not honor 1) humans as Divine Creator-Beings and 2) all organic/terrestrial life including Mother Earth as sacred. Send the dark occultists and exotic-technology worshiping space races back to entropy!
What could possibly go wrong? Anyone see a guy on a green horse?
I thought it was a Pale Horse? ( Behold a Pale Horse
by Milton William Cooper)
It is a two edged sword.
Most common viruses and such, would have “evolved” or mutated from these older forms. So if one could fight or destroy them in a lab, it might hold important clues for fighting the newer versions.
Of Course there is also the possibility for misuse or inadvertent release of such a thing upon a population that is unprepared for it.
I’m not thinking this is a good idea.
They always have “reasons” or valid sounding excuses.
If you remember after digging those people up that died of the 1918 flu it was claimed.. “science” and all, It’s beneficial and all.. it won’t get out.
But they found it, resurrected it and they (gov)still have it.
Nothing was said for quite a while.
A couple years later there was a variant infecting and killing some people that was said to be similar or linked to the 1918 flu, then this news just abruptly ended, not a word more.
Oh surprise.
I do wonder what the next killer will be.
Covid? it’s really not that bad with a 99%+survival rate.
Unless your in cumo or witless land.
Why? To weaponize it, of course. Why dig up the 1918 Spanish flu from the permafrost in Alaska. To weaponize it. There’s far worse things going on in labs around the world. Ebola has been weaponized and will arrive in the US some time in April. This is no fake virus like Covid. It’s the real deal. It will kill 200 million people in North America.
In the Venezuelan Llanos (flatlands) the equine encephalitis was harvested by several foreign intelligence agencies back in the day. I have evidence of this in a book. Just imagine how many other diseases are ready to be deployed.
So apparently messing around with bats wasn’t enough,we have to mess around with 100 million year old microbes? What the hell is wrong with these people?
“Yes or No: Israel has a right to defend itself from dangerous terrorists.”
heh. who and what are the “terrorists”? when you realize the answer to that question, it all comes clear.
Hubris. A fatal flaw so old it plays a starring role in Greek Tragedies.
Western Culture, and it’s priesthood of scientists, deludes itself. ‘Man’s Conquest of Nature’ isn’t going well as this pandemic so ably demonstrates. Yet true believers still cling to the god-like image of ‘MAN’. Scientists are the most faithful to the creed of anyone. In their minds nothing can go wrong. They are IN CONTROL; the world is as unresponsive as a machine; and it is their role to tease, cajole, or force nature’s secrets into the light of rational understanding.
The Ancient Greeks knew better.
It’s not nice to fool mother nature.
I have always been looking at what the Bible says that something is coming that would END ALL FLESH on earth.
I thought that word “flesh” was curious to use. Is this what I have been looking for this prophecy to come true or is it the gene therapy or all-out Nuclear, bio, chem warfare?
Or is it a combo of all of them? So many ways to cook your goose.
Right, what could possibly go wrong, huh???
I let my 16 yo daughter go on a cross country car trip with her high school pal, despite my misgivings about her safety. “Don’t worry dad I won’t wreck the car.”! Of course she wrecked the car in a t-bone collision that could have easily killed her and her friend. But they lucked out, that time. Beware unwarranted optimism.
Dude– this is not the year. Let that shit sleep.
It is impossible to reawaken microbes that are “100 million years old”, when the earth is less than 10,000 years old! God help us…
You may want to recheck your science. The earth is more than 4.5 billion years old. This has been proven by radiometric dating. You know…science…
Please don’t reawaken my mother-in-law.
Nor mine.
can you explain “Scientific discovery is vitally important to human progress and survival””””’
some years ago s small French arts group wrote “When consciousness rots ideology oozes out”…….
i’m sure we didnt have ‘scientific discoveries’ until recent centuries, yet we survived…….as for
“progress” whatever that is…….what better, bigger bombs, better, bigger vaccines…….a world in
thrall to technology…….technological fetish…….