15 Common Dynamics of SHTF Collapses
When it comes to how we prep for SHTF, thinking in terms of "real" and "probable" can make a big difference. ...
When it comes to how we prep for SHTF, thinking in terms of "real" and "probable" can make a big difference. ...
The Brazilian Truckers Strike of 2021 was short-lived but should serve as a reminder of the power of the industry ...
Cash will be king when the SHTF unless it's a full-on Mad Max scenario or an extinction-level event. Here's a ...
Suicide prevention isn't talked about much by preppers. We plan for disasters and hardship. But do we know how to ...
This is a brilliant article by Fabian. Preppers love to talk about trade and barter, but the more likely case, ...
Governments are definitely taking a bad situation and making it far worse. But are we, the people, actually the ones ...
Crashes in less influential countries than the US have caused major SHTF in the past. Imagine the devastation if the ...
Did you ever wonder how the super-rich prep for SHTF? The millionaires, billionaires, politicians, and aristocrats? They may be wealthy, ...
Violent protests have erupted in South Africa at a level not seen since the Apartheid Regime. Fabian shares the story ...
If, for some reason, you had to go on the run for nearly three weeks, would you know how to ...
It may seem like another mundane, everyday crime occurrence, but there are 9 important survival lessons we can learn from ...
Fabian recently took part in an advanced wilderness survival course with ex-military members. He learned the personal aspect is as ...
It's not just the US that is facing drought and famine. Dryer than normal weather and lack of rain has ...
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