Fabian Ommar

Prepping & Survival

What Can We Learn From How the Super-Rich Prepare for SHTF?

Did you ever wonder how the super-rich prep for SHTF? The millionaires, billionaires, politicians, and aristocrats? They may be wealthy, but they’re also human and have many of the same fears as the rest of us. Here’s what we can learn from how they prepare.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

EXTREME VIOLENCE: All Hell Breaks Loose in South Africa

Violent protests have erupted in South Africa at a level not seen since the Apartheid Regime. Fabian shares the story of a friend caught in the middle of this SHTF and points out valuable lessons we can all learn from this type of situation.

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Prepping & Survival

Real Life Escape and Evasion: Lessons from 20 Days on the Run

If, for some reason, you had to go on the run for nearly three weeks, would you know how to survive and evade capture? Here are some real-life lessons to consider.

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Prepping & Survival


It may seem like another mundane, everyday crime occurrence, but there are 9 important survival lessons we can learn from an extensive manhunt.

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Prepping & Survival

I Took a Hardcore Wilderness Survival Course. Here’s What I Learned About the Personal Aspect of Survival

Fabian recently took part in an advanced wilderness survival course with ex-military members. He learned the personal aspect is as important as the actual skills in many cases.

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WATER EMERGENCY ALERT is Issued as Brazil is Facing Drought

It’s not just the US that is facing drought and famine. Dryer than normal weather and lack of rain has Brazil facing drought. Brazil’s energy matrix, food production and exports could all suffer.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

The SHTF Ripple Effect: How the Big Picture Affects Your Small Picture

It’s nice to think that collapses happening in other parts of the world – or the country – are confined to their area, but there is a ripple effect that could very well affect YOU.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelf-Reliance & SkillsSurvival Stories

SHTF Rehearsal: Applying Prepping Strategies in Urban Life

Area recon, applying prepping strategies, and constant neighborhood watch are good exercises – and not only in preparation for a big SHTF.

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Prepping & Survival

The Rich Drive Around in Fancy Armored Vehicles While the Poor Fight to Survive: A Different Kind of SHTF

Watch the crime rates escalate as the rich drive around in fancy armored vehicles while the poor fight to survive in a massive wealth discrepancy SHTF. So where does that leave the rest of us?

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

These Clues Suggest We’re Headed For a MASSIVE Global Energy Crisis

Energy is the basis of modern civilization and we’re about to run into problems with productions, delivery, and price. Here’s how preppers can combat these issues.

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MindsetPrepping & Survival

8 Ways to Practice ADVANCED Situational Awareness

Here are 8 techniques for the development of advanced situational awareness that can be practiced during everyday scenarios.

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Prepping & Survival

Situational Awareness: Without This Skill You May Not Survive

From the list of skills necessary to survive (and not just when the SHTF), situational awareness is perhaps the most important to stay alive in the first place.

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Prepping & Survival

These Small Yet Vital Things Can Help You Survive the SHTF With Your Sanity Intact

The importance of keeping spirits high and a sense of sanity under distress is a constant in survival chronicles and for a good reason. Mindset can change everything.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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