Fabian Ommar

Prepping & Survival

Fantasy vs. Reality: Building a Shelter

If you can’t build a shelter, you have a minimal chance of survival in an emergency that causes you to be away from home. Some folks have unrealistic ideas of shelter-building. Fabian discusses fantasy vs. reality.

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TRAINING Preparedness Is What Makes You Better

TRAINING preparedness rather than LEARNING preparedness helps to make for a better-prepped prepper once the SHTF.

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GearPrepping & Survival

Are You Prepped for Long-Distance Travel?

Family vacations, holidays, sporting events – how do you stay well-prepared when engaged in long-distance travel? Here’s what works and what doesn’t.

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Self-Reliance & Skills

Survival Skills vs. Subsistence Skills

There is a difference between survival skills and subsistence skills. And the average prepper is MUCH better served by understanding subsistence.

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How Governments Are Using Democracy to TAKE AWAY Freedom

When most people hear the word “democracy” they think of freedom. But is it possible for democracy to be used to take freedom and liberty away from people? Here’s how it’s happening right now.

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What Does “Lowering Expectations” Really Mean, and What Does It Have to do with Prepping?

Being able to adjust and even lower expectations to meet the twists and changes that are part of life means being flexible and resilient. If the concept inspires anger, perhaps you’ll find this article food for thought.

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Prepping & Survival

15 Common Dynamics of SHTF Collapses

When it comes to how we prep for SHTF, thinking in terms of “real” and “probable” can make a big difference. Here are 15 dynamics common to collapses.

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The Brazilian Truckers Strike of 2021 Reminds Us of the Power of the Industry

The Brazilian Truckers Strike of 2021 was short-lived but should serve as a reminder of the power of the industry to cause rapid, widespread chaos across an entire nation, particularly one already facing shortages and upheaval.

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Cash Will Be King When the SHTF (Unless It’s Totally Mad Max)

Cash will be king when the SHTF unless it’s a full-on Mad Max scenario or an extinction-level event. Here’s a cash strategy for preppers.

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What Preppers Need to Know About Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention isn’t talked about much by preppers. We plan for disasters and hardship. But do we know how to help others handle the despair that often comes along with those events?

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Prepping & Survival

The Rules of Surviving a Black Market Economy

This is a brilliant article by Fabian. Preppers love to talk about trade and barter, but the more likely case, especially in a slow-burning economic disaster like what we’re seeing across America now, a black market economy is far more likely – and is in fact already here.

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GOVERNMENTS: There’s No Problem So Bad It Can’t Be Made Worse

Governments are definitely taking a bad situation and making it far worse. But are we, the people, actually the ones to blame for our circumstances? Here are some ways we can all take back control.

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The Looming Economic Collapse in the US Could Spark Historic SHTF

Crashes in less influential countries than the US have caused major SHTF in the past. Imagine the devastation if the world’s largest economy crashes. Fabian talks about the looming economic collapse and how it could spark the biggest SHTF of our era. 

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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