Fabian Ommar

Prepping & Survival

Here’s What Happens to Society When the System Fails

When the system fails, society pays the price. Here are two examples of how things went terribly wrong after governments began to crumble.

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Standard of Living vs. Quality of Life

If we search the roots of conflicts, social collapses, and many non-natural disasters, we’ll find economic distortion. Here’s a life hack for hard times.

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What Really Happened When Brazilian Election Protestors Stormed the Capitol

Fabian provides us with an inside report about “J8” – when Brazilian election protestors stormed Congress, the Supreme Court, and the presidential palace. Learn what led up to it and what has been the result.

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2023: Reasons to be Pessimistic, Reasons to be Optimistic

Every pillar of modern civilization is either being questioned, challenged, or outright demolished. Where does this leave us in the year ahead? Here’s Fabian’s assessment.

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Health & Mindset

How to Mentally Prepare Yourself for the EPIC Economic SHTF That’s Coming

An economic SHTF of epic magnitude is looming. Just stocking up is not enough. Here’s how to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the dramatic changes ahead.

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Questioning the Brazilian Election Results Is a “Coup Plot” with Criminal Consequences

What’s going on with regard to the Brazilian election? Why are people really protesting? A Brazilian shares the inside scoop and some of the parallels are uncanny.

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Will There Be a Civil War in the US? Here’s an Outside Perspective

Every war is a conflict, but not every conflict is a war. Will there be a civil war in America? Here are some observations of someone outside looking in.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Get Around During a Financial Crisis: Economic SHTF Transportation

Forget Mad Max-mobiles. What if you’re just plain broke? As the world faces an economic meltdown, here are the SHTF transportation options you’ll still be able to use when your wallet is empty.

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Here Are Some Big Stories Happening RIGHT NOW That Nobody is Talking About

There are a number of impactful issues happening right now that the world seems intent on ignoring. Here are a few of these big stories you may not have heard about.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Survive When Living in a Car: POVERTY Is the New Normal

The world is growing poorer by the day as inflation wrecks the economy. Living in a car will become much more commonplace. Here’s how to survive if it happens to you.

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Self-Reliance & Skills

15 Handyman Kits the Self-Sufficient Prepper Needs

The self-sufficient prepper not only needs to know how to perform common handyman tasks, but they need to have the tools to complete the job. Here’s Fabian’s list of 15 kits you should have on hand.

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Survival Stories

The Gritty Details of How Lebanon’s Civil War Unfolded: Interview 2

Are there some lessons that preppers of today can learn from Lebanon’s civil war? In Part 2 of Fabian’s interview, here’s what one survivor has to say about how everything unfolded.

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One Man’s Memories of the Civil War in Lebanon

Are there lessons the prepper can learn about collapsed states and a country divided by studying Lebanon’s civil war? Check out war survivor Salim’s firsthand account.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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