5 Million Without Power After Catastrophic Tornadoes Devastate Towns in Ohio and Indiana (PHOTOS)
5 million people are left without power after a series of catastrophic "rapid fire" tornadoes struck Ohio and Indiana last ...
5 million people are left without power after a series of catastrophic "rapid fire" tornadoes struck Ohio and Indiana last ...
Some situations are so extreme that you may have to evacuate, even if your plan is to hunker down at ...
Here's the incredible story of a hiker who spent 17 days in a Hawaiian jungle. What can we learn from ...
What would you do if you had 2 days to evacuate? What about 2 hours? 2 minutes? The Bug Out ...
What are the options for innocent bystanders during an event like the takeover of Terminal 2 in the Paris airport? ...
Regardless of what the package insert or your best friend Sally says, it is NOT safe to use countertop pressure ...
Hundreds of "Black Vest" migrants seize Terminal 2 in the Paris airport, demanding asylum and chanting "France does not belong ...
How you deal with the ups and downs of life while it's good can carry you through the darkness. Here ...
Is the Oroville Spillway about to fail just 2 years after a near-disastrous evacuation? Local officials say no, but let's ...
Does it feel like time is passing by faster than it used to? You're not alone and digital technology could ...
"Facing Violence" a must-read for preppers. Some of us have a blind spot for the possibility of violence and feel ...
Read the survival stories of these three mothers who risked their lives to protect their children from danger. Never get ...
Do you need a home detox? In an age of medical miracles, people are living sicker and dying younger because ...
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