This Is How Epstein Manipulated Vulnerable Young Girls (and How You Can Protect Your Children from Predators)
Jeffrey Epstein had a system for recruiting young girls that is similar to that of many other pedophiles who prey ...
Jeffrey Epstein had a system for recruiting young girls that is similar to that of many other pedophiles who prey ...
Maybe it's time to teach your child how to bug out from school.
The US has become a minefield of butthurt. It's nearly impossible to have a conversation without the politically correct pointing ...
School supply shopping can quickly become a budget-buster. Here are some tips to help you get the most bang for ...
Do you believe the official story about the "suicide" of Jeffrey Epstein? If not, here are five theories you may ...
Universal Studios announced today that they have canceled the release of their upcoming movie, "The Hunt," a "satirical" film about ...
What do you think happened to Jeffrey Epstein? Was he murdered? Did he commit suicide? Is he even dead? VOTE ...
Do you want to take one of Selco's courses but don't want to go all the way to Europe? Here's ...
Universal Studios is launching a shocking "satirical" movie about "elite liberals" hunting and brutally killing Trump supporters at a ...
In this article, Selco debunks the myth of stopping power and the debates about which is the best caliber. He ...
The CDC shut down a military lab because of its sloppy handling of Ebola, plague, and other nasty stuff - ...
Here's how to make Holy Jalapeno Relish, the condiment you didn't know you needed until you tried it. (Water bath ...
All these mass shootings and terror events are enough to make you wonder if you should just stay home. You ...
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