How to Build a Bug Out Bag FAST from Unlikely Places
What would you do if you were out, the SHTF, and you didn't have an emergency kit with you? Here's ...
What would you do if you were out, the SHTF, and you didn't have an emergency kit with you? Here's ...
The moral of the story, this and every Black Friday, is to never underestimate the capacity of people to lose ...
You can prep for years, but adding survival skills and a true understanding of SHTF scenarios will completely change your ...
Want to do your Black Friday shopping from home and avoid the chaos? We've got all the best deals Amazon ...
This year has been one of massive change. Because of it, I have less "stuff" and more love and ...
These stories from the Balkan War have never been published before in any format. They are a haunting read and ...
If you can't afford the fanciest of dinners this year, don't despair. Focus on purchasing only a few special items, ...
An added bonus to the Thanksgiving holiday feast is the boon that it can give to your pantry. Here's how ...
Are you looking for some new post-apocalyptic fiction authors? You should check out G. Michael Hopf, and be sure to ...
50 TONS of salad have been recalled across 22 states due to potential E. coli. Romaine lettuce is the suspected ...
Here's how our fantasy of a homegrown Thanksgiving feast went horribly wrong.
Millions of Americans across the country are living without the basic amenities that most of us take for granted: electrical ...
The ability to navigate through a new location quickly and easily is often overlooked. Here's how to get your bearings ...
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