Things Are Hard Right Now, But You’re Going to Be Okay
Has the stress of current events begun to make you feel hopeless? Are you worried about the future? I know ...
Has the stress of current events begun to make you feel hopeless? Are you worried about the future? I know ...
The symptoms of Covid vary widely among patients. This article is intended to address the more common symptoms. Here's how ...
There are a lot of scary headlines about new strains of Covid and even "super-Covid." Mutations are normal viral behavior. ...
2021 isn't going to magically be better, but that doesn't mean you can't keep prepping! You just need to be ...
For 6 months, America devolved into violent riots like nothing most of us have ever experienced. Then, somehow, after November, ...
We will look back at 2020 in the same way we look back at Sept. 11, 2001, as a turning ...
Covid hits everyone differently. Your bout could be mild while someone else ends up with permanent organ damage. I had ...
How much will it cost to "prove" that you're healthy and Covid-free? Are we facing a future in which life ...
There's been a mass exodus from cities to rural locations this year and as winter sets in, a lot of ...
Bribery sounds like a horrible thing to do, but there are situations that call for behaviors in which you wouldn't ...
You know the US economy has gotten really bad when Americans who never would have contemplated shoplifting before are stealing ...
It isn't just the virus that has caused our financial woes - it's the response to the virus. Nearly every ...
Approximately half of Americans surveyed don't want to get a Covid vaccine yet. Will the government "encourage" cooperation in a ...
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