Ultra-Wealthy Preppers Ponder Shock Collars to Keep SHTF Security Personnel In Line
Imagine a world in which people think fitting shock collars on their security teams is a reasonable course of action. ...
Imagine a world in which people think fitting shock collars on their security teams is a reasonable course of action. ...
Here are some of Daisy's favorite websites and YouTube channels to check out if you're into preparedness. Are some of ...
The biggest "domestic threat" to our country right now is the politicians and public figures telling us how much we ...
If you find yourself in a survival situation with minimal gear, could you cook your food with a thermos? You ...
As of 2023, Illinois is throwing its hands in the air - um, focusing on criminal justice reform - and ...
Think a ten thousand dollar utility bill caused by the energy crisis couldn't ever happen to you? It's already happening ...
Want to save some money by dehydrating food for your preps? Here's what you need to know about how to ...
Looking for cheap places to get quality preps because of inflation playing havoc with your monthly budget? We've got you ...
The SHTF is happening already. Maybe it doesn't look like the apocalypse you had thought of, but financial devastation is ...
Emergency food buckets can be an essential part of a prepper's pantry. Here are some of the pros and cons ...
Prepping kits dedicated to specific emergencies help you to respond quickly and they also help you plug any holes you ...
This article is a classic all-time favorite because we don't just like to prep - we like to laugh, too. ...
If you're feeling a sense of urgency to get your preparedness ducks in a row, here are three tools that ...
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