Now Is NOT the Time to Be Complacent About the Economy
We've watched several banks fail, countries ditching the dollar, and things are still relatively okay here. But now is not ...
We've watched several banks fail, countries ditching the dollar, and things are still relatively okay here. But now is not ...
Prices are going up everywhere, and Amazon is no different. Due to a rise in the costs for printing, as ...
We can't move forward by looking back. Racism now doesn't erase racism that took place previously. And yes, discriminating against ...
By understanding what information you, yourself, are giving away, you can learn to be more observant about other people. And ...
Here's what it's like when your own government admits to paying organizations to censor you and attempt to destroy your ...
If you’re in need of a mental reset, few options can compare to backpack hunting. It’s just you, your instincts ...
If you or someone you love has a required prescription, this article on how to stockpile medication offers various strategies ...
DHS's Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program aims to "prevent targeted violence and terrorism." But according to some of ...
We keep hearing about record-low unemployment and that there are job openings all over the place. But so-called "ghost jobs" ...
You'd think that the Bud Light fiasco would be a cautionary tale about what the average folks in America want. ...
Gaslighting is a form of narcissistic abuse that is undertaken for the purpose of manipulating or controlling the victim. Does ...
What a difference a word makes. Discriminating against one group of people doesn't make up for discrimination against another group. ...
Every once in a while, it's nice to read that somebody in Hollywood gets it when it comes to prepping. ...
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