10 New Year’s Resolutions That Every Prepper Should Make in 2014
Every year, people make a series of New Year’s Resolutions that are usually forgotten by the time you flip the ...
Every year, people make a series of New Year’s Resolutions that are usually forgotten by the time you flip the ...
Do you enjoy the information provided from this website? If so, please show your support by visiting this link to ...
Apparently the Brooklyn, NY shopping center that was put “on tilt” by a horde of teenagers the day after Christmas ...
by Dr. David Juan via Natural Blaze You wear your clothes every day and probably take great pains to keep a ...
It’s that time of year: your refrigerator is stuffed to the point that you have to lean against the door ...
May your Christmas be filled with all things bright and beautiful. We wish you peace and prosperity in the new ...
Do you need to whip up some last minute goodies for a holiday soiree? Are you desperate to avoid a ...
The Daily Sheeple Well, it’s that merry time of the year once again. Yes, Christmas…the time when families come together ...
by Lily Dane The Daily Sheeple A registered nurse in Pennsylvania was fired for refusing to get a flu shot. ...
While everyone is distracted with the holiday festivities, Congress has been hard at work, screwing us over in the name ...
Let’s face it: There is something very, very wrong with a lot of kids today. It seems as though there ...
When I first read the rant of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, I was offended by his crassly stated opinion on ...
Going to the mailbox near Christmas is lots of fun. You often find it stuffed with cards, gifts, and photos ...
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