No Lunch for You: Cafeteria Nazis Take Lunches from Kids, Throw Food in the Trash
Because nothing says “nurturing children” like snatching their lunches out of their wee little hands and throwing the food in ...
Because nothing says “nurturing children” like snatching their lunches out of their wee little hands and throwing the food in ...
An unusual snowstorm in the Southeastern US left hundreds of motorists stranded overnight in their vehicles. Like a scene out ...
Amy Glass is clueless and apparently rather bitter. Amy Glass is a feminist blogger that I’d never heard of before ...
The water situation in West Virginia is going from bad to worse. Actually, it was worse from the get-go, but ...
Do you ever have one of those days when you’re reading the news, and you have an epiphany? This morning ...
Finally, after 3 years of the driest conditions in the state’s history, California Governor Jerry Brown has declared an emergency. ...
Officials in West Virginia claim that the water in parts of the state is now safe after a chemical spill left ...
The mainstream media reports that things are starting to look a little brighter after a chemical spill in West Virginia ...
The neighbors of Tyler Smith can breathe a little easier. He is in jail and, you know, it couldn’t have happened ...
by Lizzie Bennett Originally published at Underground Medic Canadian health officials have admitted they are confused over how a fit ...
H1N1, or “swine flu” is sweeping across the country, prompting the mainstream media to trumpet, “DOOM APPROACHES!!! GET YOUR FLU ...
Here is a reason to store water that even non-preppers will find pertinent: more than half a million people in ...
by Mac Slavo Originally published at SHTFplan This morning The Daily Sheeple reported that the biggest sun spot in recent ...
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