Setting the Stage for Tyranny: Public Schools Deliberately Create a Culture of Fear
Make no mistake, this is deliberate. These kids will be begging the government to take away all of the guns ...
Make no mistake, this is deliberate. These kids will be begging the government to take away all of the guns ...
Originally Published at Nutritional Anarchy Our friends and protectors at the Environmental Deception Protection Agency are so adamant about protecting ...
What if you were forced to “register” in order to buy groceries? And what if, through that registration, the food ...
How important is light? Well, in the Bible, on the first day, the very first thing God created was light. ...
Does this sound familiar? You’re talking to a friend or family member who isn’t on board with preparedness. (And it’s ...
Do you believe in “medical conspiracy theories”? If so you are in good company. According to a survey undertaken by ...
Do you have an emergency kit in your vehicle? Disaster never lets you know ahead of time when it’s going ...
The bells are tolling on the American economy. Every day, another expert is warning us of the imminent demise of ...
Water is second only to oxygen in the hierarchy of survival. Without it, in 3 days, you’ll die. But it ...
(Warning: Spoiler Alert!) I don’t watch much TV, but my guilty pleasure is AMC’s The Walking Dead. Lots of the preppers ...
Well, thank goodness we have First Lady Michelle Obama looking after our school-age children. Even though her last round of ...
According to some experts, wheat is more like the staff of death than the staff of life these days. ...
If you shop in the health food section of the grocery store or read the foodie blogs, you may have ...
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