The Oroville Spillway Disaster: Why You Should NEVER Wait for the Official Evacuation Order
Officials in charge of the Oroville Spillway waited until they believed that the disaster was only 60 minutes away to ...
Officials in charge of the Oroville Spillway waited until they believed that the disaster was only 60 minutes away to ...
The way we are being divided has to be deliberate.
By Daisy Luther Survival Saturday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in ...
If you are cooking your healthy food in low-quality - even toxic - pots and pans, you might as well ...
The Brazilian Purge is a classic example of what can happen when society is Without Rule of Law (WROL). Here's ...
This week on Survival Saturday: the risks of convenience foods, the immigration "ban" hysteria, and more evidence of the pending ...
This month, you can add GMO apples to the gauntlet of things to avoid at the grocery store. Here's how ...
By Daisy Luther Just in case you needed another reason to avoid fast food, I’ve got one for you. The ...
By Daisy Luther Water contamination is a major issue in the United States, even if you aren’t in the midst ...
Oppressive laws are a bad thing no matter who makes them. Look at the issues and ignore the partisan ...
Welcome to the Inaugural Edition of Survival Saturday. We'll talk about Trump's first day in office, the wave of protests, ...
One day, you'll wish you had that time and money back so you could do the things to get prepared ...
This week, the Survival Saturday round-up points toward all hell breaking loose in America.The week ahead is sure to be ...
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