Marie Hawthorne


Fake Meat Has Failed: People Want the Real Deal

Fake meat has once again failed, but they continue to try to force-feed us. Despite the constant attack on meat, it’s still what people want.

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The Chicken and the Egg: What to Do as Supply Chain Problems Keep Getting Worse

American chickens have quit laying, and eggs are sky-high if they’re available at all. Here’s what to do as the supply chain gets worse.

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Here’s What They’re Planning Now: The 2023 World Economic Forum

The 2023 World Economic Forum in Davos revealed the authoritarian plans that the “elite” have for the rest of us. Here’s what we’ll be facing if they have their way.

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There Have Been at Least 9 Attacks on the Energy Infrastructure Since November

Did you know that there have been at least nine separate attacks on the American energy infrastructure since November? Here’s a timeline.

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ARPA-H: The Nosy Love Child of DARPA and the NIH

ARPA-H is a highly funded medical federal agency that will focus on “dynamic, transformative health solutions” using technology…and, of course, data mining.

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EctoLife: Does This “Fiction” Foreshadow Artificial Wombs and Pod Babies?

A video promoting a fictional EctoLife facility featured pods in which babies could be grown from conception to birth. Is this a profoundly creepy vision of the future? Here’s why we think it might not be that outrageous.

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An Unholy Government-Corporate Alliance Implemented a Psy-Op on Americans

Government and corporate alliances have destroyed free speech in favor of creating narratives. We talk about propaganda in other countries, but really, we’re the targets of a psy-op ourselves.

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Are CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS Beginning? An English County Will Require Permits to Drive Through Other Neighborhoods

Are we watching the beginning of climate lockdowns? Drivers in one English county will face fines if they drive through other neighborhoods without permits.

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The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands

The Dutch government is gearing up to steal farms throughout the Netherlands. The goal, of course, is to “combat climate change.”

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An Update on That mRNA Lettuce Research

Do you remember that news story about research being done on mRNA lettuce? Whatever happened with that? Here’s what we were able to find out.

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As Famine Looms, Should You Hide Your Stored Food? Here’s What History Tells Us.

As America’s food sector continues to experience further hits, history suggests it could be time to begin concealing some of the food you store.

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Could the EARN IT Act Destroy Encrypted Messaging?

The EARN IT Act seems to be gaining speed. If it passes, could encrypted messaging apps like Signal be outlawed? You know, “for the children.”

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Against an Eerie Red Backdrop, Biden Grooms America into Mass Formation

Many Americans were just labeled as enemies of their own country by their own president. Here’s what we can learn from mass formation psychosis theory about this strategy.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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